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Father Time
3/7/2016 2:09:22 PM
What are your side hobbies?
tell us about them.

Bryon Tosoff
3/7/2016 2:11:57 PM
Vegetable Gardening and keeping the landscaped area in shape , growing grapes, tending to a water garden. takes a lot of time maintaining

Steve White
3/7/2016 5:11:36 PM
I'm a HUGE gamer. PS3, PS4, X-Box 360 and the Wii U.
I also play Chess and some other cool games on the iPad like The Room one, two and three.

3/8/2016 7:10:24 PM
I make acoustic guitars...

Two Silo Complex
3/9/2016 2:42:26 PM
IHOR you make acoustic guitars as a hobby? I've heard of people making cigar box guitars but man that is a whole new level of hobby.
That is incredible.

3/9/2016 6:25:36 PM
I really enjoy experimenting with different shapes and sizes as well as exotic woods to create a variety of tonal colors....
Right now I'm working on a grand auditorium cutaway size..... made of cocobolo( back and sides) and a beautiful redwood top....I've got some experience with CNC (I've got a cnc router) so I'm able to experiment with different bridge designs by creating.. them in 3D software and then milling them in different hardwoods....I try to keep a good balance of handwork and computer design in my guitars....Takes a bit of time but is very rewarding....And then I can play them.....Yay!

Duane Flock
3/9/2016 8:51:31 PM
That's very cool!
I have a co-workers daughter that's a luthier, and she went to NAMM to sell some of her guitars. She did very well actually.
Oh yeah. My hobbie is golf. I tend to call it Whack Fuck.

3/10/2016 3:00:09 PM
Well this Music thang is my hobby----In real life I am a sheep farmer,breeding, shearing and selling lambs meat and wool.
Gardening is a big deal,we try to be self sufficient in organic veges, fruit and meat, on our ten acres--- plus I hand cure sheep skins.
also an Art Gallery operator, catering to tourists from all around the Pacific, Japan ,China, Australia and USA. and making sculptures from driftwood from large installations, to small creatures and fine art. plus wool and felt products, paintings and prints
At night I teach IT (computer skills) to Foreign students at the local polytechnic, 3 nights a week.
Plus we run 2 recording studios in two cities. I get grumpy when I see unemployable peeps, whining about being hard done by----the world is full of opportunities for anyone who gets excited about their own skills/creativity -----
A busy life is the most rewarding----no time to be bored !!
3/12/2016 10:16:25 AM
Cool new artist image, Father Time. Way cool.

zeman ruckus
3/13/2016 9:52:20 PM
Aside from geeking out on recording/engineering, I run a humble cycling cult, and an even more eclectic modeling R/C club.
As a family, we do a ton of shit and basically include our posse of kindreds.
I guess you could say making youtube videos is a little bit of a hobby too.
Cheers :)
Temporal Order of Velocipedes Cycling Club
Mini R/C Scale model Rock Crawling Club

zeman ruckus
3/13/2016 10:02:27 PM
---- Updated 3/13/2016 10:04:23 PM
I've been teching out/repairing, customizing and building guitars for years, IHOR. I build by hand with as many old world joinery tools I can get my hands on. I like to use reclaimed woods, myself.
I recently acquired a bunch of tight grained old growth cedar I want to make some archtops out of, due to it's thickness, (roughly 7/8") which I think has not seen a kiln - as well as some excellently cross grained oak I think I may use for some fretboards.
24 fret Jazz Acoustic cutaway is on my drawing board right now. Cheers!

zeman ruckus
3/13/2016 10:09:34 PM
@Silverwood - I am about to start geeking out in the garden. I have an itchy thumb. I would like to get back into Bonsai. I had a really cool Redwood Sequoia for almost 3 years, it died because I am an ass, and I haven't wanted to kill anything for a while, but I think it's time to try again, haha.
Cheers to staying busy! :)

3/14/2016 10:24:40 AM
Zeeman -
that sounds great....I haven't built any archtops yet but I'm thinking about it....I like cedar as a top...I built one a few years ago with a novax(fanned fret) fretboard...I really like that guitar....and I've got another one from Fred Carlson "the Pinwheel" He built that out of salvaged spalted Koa and a cedar top.....The guitar was built around the carved Walnut neck (on a solera)... and it sounds great quick attack....woody...
He only built one....here's the link...
Where do you live?

Hop On Pop
3/14/2016 11:34:01 AM
Music is basically my hobby. A very SERIOUS hobby, but a hobby nonetheless.
As far as other hobbies: probably cooking. I do pretty much all of the cooking for the family, as my wife isn't much of a cook. (She probably could be, but she hates doing it, and I like it .)
I enjoy it the most when I actually have some time and energy to play around with ingredients and create new dishes.
I never write anything down as I'm doing it. All my measurements are approximate, but I did try to save a few recipes here and there that I liked a lot.
A couple here. If you try either, let me know how they turned out for you.
Again... a caveat... all my measurements are approximate.
Toast curry powder, onion powder, garlic powder, and garam masala in a dry skillet over med-high heat.
Add 2 T of vegetable oil and sweat 1 medium onion and 4 cloves of garlic.
Add 1.25 lb. of chicken breast and season w/ salt and pepper while cooking.
Add one 8-oz. can of coconut milk once chicken is cooked about 3/4-through.
Reduce heat to low and add sugar, salt, more curry powder and garam masala to taste.
Add a couple of leaves of fresh Thai sweet basil.*
Simmer for about 30 min. over low heat. At the end, if desired (I desire), add a bunch of mostly-cooked broccoli, and toss to coat. Simmer for another 5 min. to finish the broccoli, to desired tenderness.
Serve over rice.
*Actually, I used dried basil, but I want to use fresh next time.
1 lb. bag of shredded broccoli and carrots
1 ripe, large-sized avocado
2 Tb. apple cider vinegar
1 Tb. dijon mustard
1 Tb. orange juice
1 tsp. sugar
1/4 cup crumbled gorgonzola
1/2 cup dried cherries
Salt and pepper to taste
Mash avocado in a large bowl.
Add vinegar, mustard, sugar, and orange juice and whisk all ingredients together until smooth.
Add shredded veggies to mixture and toss until coated.
Add crumbled gorgonzola and dried cherries and toss until well combined.
When plating, garnish with a few dried cherries, if desired.

3/14/2016 1:05:23 PM
Martial Arts
Canabis cultivation

Two Silo Complex
3/14/2016 2:35:41 PM
I like writing in general and have written some unpublished horror books Stephen King style with messed up twisted evil characters. My latest book " In plain sight' main character based on infamous jack the ripper except my character does not kill anyone. He plays evil mind games on them to the point at the end of the book you wonder what is real and what is just in his head. Its pretty dark territory.
I also enjoy learning features in pro-tools any other DAW and recording/production techniques. The more I learn the more I find out how much more there is to learn.

3/14/2016 2:41:33 PM
LOL---I left out the weed Stoneman!!! It's a big nono here!!!
Todd---I can smell that chicken cooking over here in New Zealand---gonna give it a try, like you I have been playing music all my life
Fantastic post from Zeeman---love those vids---yes I forgot the great outdoors where we tramp, climb, ski, fish and swim in crystal clear lakes---some of you guys should check out New Zealand b4 it is fracked and crapped on by big oil !!
Ihor and Zeeman---building gats is beyond my skillset but I sure love talking about woods---we have some incredible native species, Kauri Totara, Matai, Red beech, but our native forests are diminishing in favor of Pinus Radiata which is one step up from cardboard.

Father Time
3/14/2016 2:50:37 PM
Mine are NFL football, politics, reading, super heroes.

3/14/2016 2:55:08 PM

3/14/2016 4:46:57 PM
It is legal for me here as I have a growers permit and a Cannabis card. I grow my own meds and I donate large amounts to cancer patients who are going through Chemo. Been there and done that so it is an important to me that I help others get through it.
Also, I forgot to mention that my wife and I really love to travel. We do about 3 trips a year. New Zealand sounds like the kind of place I should start looking into traveling to. We own several time shares that have great trading power. We could do New Zealand for sure. I'll put in my request to the boss (my wife) :)

3/14/2016 6:46:48 PM
Wow---that would be something----we live at the top of the South Island in wine country, plenty of spare rooms to choose from since the kids left home, not going to twist your arm but check it out
Marlborough New Zealand----and of course there are other amazing places, Queenstown, Wanaka, Christchurch, Punakaiki(west Coast) and of course Auckland.
I'm recovering really well ---tramping, driving the tractor, cutting winter wood.
Spring or Summer is best---winter here is C O L D

3/14/2016 10:50:59 PM
my side hobbies are music, guitars, strings, tunes and books (about guitars)...really nothing in relation to music...all non-music stuff
I would like to emphasize that all of my hobbies have nothing to do with music.Even though I am turning 50 this year and I learned to play when I was 6...but my hobbies are ...music...
IAC forever

3/14/2016 10:52:04 PM
Drug research.

3/14/2016 11:22:39 PM
I forgive you Donald

3/14/2016 11:24:55 PM
Side hobbies: I like to listen to this gentleman..

3/14/2016 11:44:43 PM
This video is so f. cool
Larree cheer up!!
3/14/2016 11:47:09 PM
IMP forever.

3/15/2016 12:00:41 AM
IMP forever. I love you guys... ever will..EM

3/15/2016 11:57:02 AM
"always" will, sorry...I only had 22 years to learn this language.
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