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Father Time
4/26/2016 7:22:24 PM
Old music is outselling new music for the first time in history
Here's the article

Two Silo Complex
4/26/2016 7:37:22 PM
Umm because most new music being produced by the major labels sucks so eventually if enough sales decline they seek a new model. -->hello Indy music people -)
Two Silo Complex,

Father Time
4/26/2016 7:44:12 PM
Interesting that this is true even with Adele selling a trillion records this past year.

4/26/2016 7:58:28 PM
That is because most new music is total shit. And it has nothing to do with anything generational. It has to do with the death of the traditional rhythm section. Drum machines and programmed tracks on computers are basically shit. No feeling. No soul. Just pure crap and swill. No interdependence between groups of musicians creating truly organic grooves. Fuck the drum machine. Fuck today's shit music. I approve of this fucking true message.

Father Time
4/26/2016 8:04:04 PM
oh a lot of them have real drums. What they don't have is original melodies, soulful lyrics and any semblance of charisma.

4/26/2016 8:32:57 PM
They play with clicks instead of each other. Everything about today's music sucks donkey nuts.

Hop On Pop
4/27/2016 4:13:31 AM
I think it has just as much to do with the de-valuation of music in general, via the internet and free downloads as it does with how much new music sucks.
Think about it, when you're used to getting music for free, why the hell would you spend money on new music that you aren't quite as familiar with, when you can get it for free? The older stuff that you already know and love, however, that you might drop a little coin on.
And, also, it is generational insomuch as buyer behavior is concerned. The younger generation isn's as willing to spend their money on something that they're used to getting for free via downloads and (especially) streaming services. It's the old fuckers like us who want to actually OWN the music.

Lars Mars
4/27/2016 5:55:35 AM
There's also a lot more old music than new. Depending on your cutoff point for 'new.'
Could be as simple as numbers. But Todd's probably right - he's smarter than me.
4/27/2016 8:33:07 AM
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4/27/2016 8:36:44 AM
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4/27/2016 8:38:18 AM
Yeah, man.
I'm with Larree and that 'donkey nuts' thing. heheheheh..
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Indie Music People.com
4/27/2016 8:40:00 AM
The Old Music's outselling the new music, because it was just plain Better.
Creativity Was Exploding Once. It Needs To Again.
And It Will. And It'll All Happen Here. At IMP.
4/27/2016 8:41:47 AM
hey Lesley, if you ever run into issues editing from the board itself, go into your artist area and use the blog edit, that usually works when the other is glitching.
4/27/2016 8:42:20 AM
Indie Music People.com --Where The Next Big Thing Is YOU.
4/27/2016 8:43:03 AM
Thanks. Got it. heh.
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