2/7/2017 11:35:02 AM
A challenge they'd be wise not to take. Yeah this one is awful.
We did an awful one, back in the day, it was called "Mr Moonlight".
What the hell were we thinking? We'd done that one in Hamburg,
considerably more up-tempo. And it sucked that way too. But the record
was the bloody worst. Well okay not than this one, this one is beyond awful. JL
2/19/2017 2:05:39 PM
Oh I don't know, I rather liked that one....
Lennon did have alternate lyrics for it, not published,
I heard him singing it in an outtake studio bantering bit,
John sang, and I quote, "listen... do you want to hold a penis?"
Naturally I laughed me fuckin' head off. Still liked Secret though,
love singing it, I should bloody well do that one now,
just to make everyone like it again, damned thing has a bad rap I tell ya.