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Father Time
3/6/2017 5:12:33 AM
My new blog is fiction, in the bizarro world. In other words it's realer than your mom.
I sat down to have a beer and this came out of the cold dark sky
3/6/2017 9:06:52 AM
And you say I go on too much...
well I saw my name in it, even caught the reference
(complete with installed soundtrack) of She Said She Said
(I know what it's like to be dead...) and now,
I have to read all this! Already my head hurts. Oh go on,
you may as well enjoy the victory, I do have to read this now.
But I am Mom to all, and who knows how good at it I am, or how real, so maybe
your blog is realer, what the heck do I know. So, more coffee,
and then I have to read all this, that has me all over at least a paragraph... ugh...
3/6/2017 9:27:04 AM
---- Updated 3/6/2017 9:28:09 AM
Okay, well, Eloquently Nailed.
The enigmatic thing and the annoying thing are not actually connected,
it just seems that way.
And yeah, you Rock. Or I wouldn't wanna work with you.
I do try to be way less annoying than I used to be. We'll see, what transpires...
Beyond this, there's emails, that's all the commenting I'm doing here.
3/8/2017 12:16:04 PM
Your inclusion of "SHE SAID SHE SAID" in your blog
led me to look up the version we did, which was awful,
so we did another one. This one is not awful. It's the new Bsex release...
Recorded last night. With a break in the middle of the session for dinner.

3/11/2017 12:35:36 AM
hummmmmm We are what we believe we are. Its all good.
3/11/2017 8:53:58 AM
---- Updated 3/11/2017 8:53:58 AM
Yes we are, Dear Enigmatic Lady With Magic Stunning Eyes...
and when I'm not Mom to all, I'm Dad to all,
and when I'm neither, I guess it's Saturday, and I can veg out and
watch a movie or something....
You are very beautiful and have a very beautiful voice, shivers me timbers.
If you are ever in NYC I hope you shall give me a heads up ahead of time,
and will maybe visit and we can make a record together.
Smoke a bunch of pot. It'll be fun. x
Very melodic singable name, Zeeza....
Hey Zeeza....
oh wait, I'm thinking Frankie Avalon,
"Hey Venus..."
it works though.
Cool Blog by the way, Scott, did I mention that? Very cool blog.
I did read the whole thing. Not just the parts I'm in.

Father Time
3/11/2017 10:02:09 AM
You saying Zeeza has a singable name reminded me of a song I did called ZeezaZeeza back in the mp3.com days. I listened for the first time in over 10 years and man that thang rocked. I may rerelease it.
Something that doesn't get said that often about Zeeza is that she is one of the alltime innovaters in indie music. Her photoshopping and visual presentations influenced everybody, and she is the original music ranter too. Great star power. It was something to behold when she would show up in the mp3.com music community, it was like the waters parted and everybody was immediately focused on what this wild goddess did next.
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