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Father Time
5/17/2017 11:16:13 AM
Coming clean.
Secrets and Lies and the Future of Rock
5/17/2017 12:20:40 PM
It's true, it's all true. We're Them. They're us. Kinda, Sorta, Pretty much.

Bryon Tosoff
5/17/2017 1:17:33 PM
Nice article FT, got the idea of it ,didnt read all but most ,skimmed some , as for rock pretty much done, will never recover, the oldsters , they'll keep making records, drawing crowds.We only can keep doing what we love, so that is all you can do.
Blues had a baby, it was rock, rock had a bunch of babies, look at what we have now. a wonderful variety of styles genres and time marches on. who knows what there will be in another 40 - 50 years
Projects and Bands
Its a Synergy process
Worked with lots of musicians, in Bands IRL ( some who told me they will punch me out at practices , and in a recording session situation, i liked the vibe one way someone liked it another way. I have had my disagreements, of course but never here at IMP with my collaborators, free reign there. I send them something, let it flow. maybe perhaps a suggestion, but never ever pissed offness and or arrogance, and getting personal, thats not me now. Although some may beg to differ when I lay down what I know about the business and how it works, thats different.
Well we all will hear things differently, and therein lies the challenge, being open to ideas, not overbearing, not pushy, not being the one who is trying to control things, but listening ,now doing things on messaging is a challenge, Skyping or video chat is something to consider. I know people on facebook use that a lot, working musicians, collaborators , when writing lyrics, or laying down an idea or a scratch pad of a possible way of doing something.
I have not done that, but it is something to consider
I think when collaborating it reveals a lot about ourselves and the nature of the other person, in a one on one, or in a band IRL things can be worked out more effectively and efficiently , not so much if it is over the net, with emails, just tougher, because people can misinterpret things and I think it can get personal, and the time involved sending things back and forth is time consuming, so much more challenging especially if the ones involved like to have control, people can get offended, and that happens online when one is trying to express a point of view, I have found that out here and elsewhere LOL
For me, it is giving others some open endedness and free reign with the idea of the time they are investing. Although I do offer up a guideline or semblance of what I would like, and most times the people ,the wonderful musicians deliver, occasionally there are some requests to do something different, and sometimes we have to abandon a project and return to it down the road. Some songs are never meant to see the light of day, just think about that , if people would keep that in perspective it would help them a lot.
not sure if this fits here, but staying cool and respectful and avoiding disagreements that end up deep sixing projects and friendships and working partnerships, it is bending more then you would like sometimes. In the End, it is what you have learned while developing something special.
cheers y;all and happy songwritiing

5/17/2017 2:41:08 PM
---- Updated 5/17/2017 2:42:33 PM
So, we can all create a whole new band for every song we release? That's one way to make it look busy.
Come on, man! We gotta draw listeners. Not new anon characters.

5/17/2017 3:05:23 PM
That Mahavishnu guy, lolol

Bryon Tosoff
5/17/2017 4:29:28 PM

Father Time
5/17/2017 4:55:30 PM
I can always count on you to keep it simple, Larree.
Did you ever try to say his name? Try it.
Duzzametawa Age

5/17/2017 7:25:19 PM
"didn't read it all"
Well. Why do we even bother? I didn't read all of the post that statement appeared in after hitting that line either. hahaha
5/17/2017 7:48:10 PM
Okay. Recapped for the attention span impaired.
Yeah, call me crazy, many do.
I'm a handful, guess so, yet we still found a way to work together,
because we like to.
Being who we are for so long,
the idea was 'let's be other people, sort of',
both for people's ingrained perception of us,
and our own ingrained perception of us.
As for rock being dead,
well, tons of people who don't know how to do it, didn't help it any way I see it.
And it may not be the thing selling so much,
as hungry generations try to tread us down,
but, I still like it, so I still make it,
we like it, and we like what we're doing, because by and large,
it is rock n roll.
So whether we're Father Time and Lesley Jane,
or Ticket Edison Tock
(Ticket E. Tock)
and Buddy E. Puddle
(Buddy Einstein Puddle)
we get to do, what we love.
So that cat's out of the bag...
and yes Larree,
I agree, let's get more listeners in here,
because there are a ton of people our age out there,
who miss the music as we remember it,
and who would love this place,
if they only knew it exists.
We do what we can. We all do, or should.
So, that's the basic idea,
The Coming Of Age, is us.
And Old is the New New.
That's it. In a nutshell from the nut of nuts himself. Ha.
Call me crazy, many do.
Love & Respect For All.
God Watch Over Us All.
5/17/2017 7:53:34 PM

...as I said,
cat's out of the bag, at least one of us wears dentures...
but I can rock. We, can rock.
We are Cool Cats who Rock Till The End...
and thank you Lyin' Dan,
for providing us with this cool photo to quote,
"Cheshire Cat, Out Of Bag, Smiling, 'cause he knows how to Rock."
Rock isn't dead at all, the world may be though... we do what we can.
God Bless Us All Every One.
5/17/2017 7:54:00 PM
Yeah, that's me, I wear 'em, okay?

Father Time
5/17/2017 9:11:14 PM
Why do we even bother is a good question. LD. Actually that blog contained something really interesting later on in it, something that affects all of us. I'd have to say my efforts are treated with less regard here than anywhere else, I think it's just cause people by definition don't like the guy in charge. Despite that, I'm not going to stop doing music, or writing blogs, sorry..

Bryon Tosoff
5/17/2017 9:20:53 PM
I am returning back to read the rest, of course I was pressed for time and had an early appointment out of town, and making it back for teaching, and thought I leave my take before I left , but am going back for the balance. now to feel like you have people have no regard or unappreciated or under appreciated , well thats your problem FT, I never feel like that, ever, I have nothing to prove, I just do. and not worry about what others think. I dont feel sorry for you, should I or any of us, are you that special, well i guess, but understand it is what you think of you is what really matters. and to those who didnt like that I didnt read it all, wel F U LOL

5/17/2017 9:32:46 PM
Rock is dead. Everyone is a fucking "rock star" now. If you are a salesman with a lot of sales you are a "rock star"! If you are a loan officer and write a lot of loans you are a "rock star"! If you are a preacher with a lot of saved souls you are a "rock star"! If you are a traffic cop with more than your quota of tickets you are a "rock star"! Fuck rock stars. Trying to get back to what was gets you nowhere. Music needs a new genre.

Father Time
5/17/2017 9:47:13 PM
I just notice a big difference, Bryon, between what it was like oh 5 years ago and now. Then it seemed people cared a lot more than they do now.

Bryon Tosoff
5/17/2017 9:58:51 PM
I read your blogs, in full ,but this one it was really like long man, and I had to leave for an appointment,so had to abandon it now I made supper, ate, came back , I aint reading it now, I have more to do in making a living, some shekels, but will revisit your thoughts, I rather enjoyed it, but it went on and on, and thats ok. I will trip out on it late tonight or tomorrow, and generally I go through things more then once, cause sometimes there may be things in someones thoughts that we did not get the first time, your writing is good, you are pro at it, very engaging, so top marks for that.
5/18/2017 7:51:32 AM
Well, Bryon, don't read anything you don't want to. Your time is valuable.
thank you for bring up the term Rock Star,
it is a very relative term by now, subjective in its nature.
As for Rock Being Dead, well, let's see, part of my band is dead,
(that's John and George, who remain as silent partners,
though they're considering staking out a spot under your bed, Larree,
and haunting you in the wee hours, ya never know...)
and, I have been dead, only to return, and imagine my chagrin there...
just imagine, go on fucking imagine it dammit, I'll wait.
This place exists, by the way,
since we're going to flip about a caviler attitude about that,
for the grace and dedication of Father Time,
who has for longer than you all know,
carried this whole place on his mighty shoulders,
and now, he will have help, continual, constant, dependable help,
God Willing which will go on a long long time...
and he's asked me not to talk about it on the Pipeline,
so, I'm stopping there...
he can fill in the blanks if he wants.
Anyway, this is The Last Rock N Roll Playground,
and we aim to keep it open, and alive,
and here, for all,
no matter who you are, what you believe,
or what kind of music you do, or do not, make.
That's about the idea...
God Bless Us All, Every One.

5/18/2017 12:53:41 PM
Just checked. No dead rock stars under the bed.
5/18/2017 1:44:10 PM
you lucked out, maybe George talked John out of it.

5/18/2017 2:12:12 PM
But it is ridiculous to think that an old style would make any kind of a comeback beyond the novelty level of interest. You cannot sound like The Beatles and be fresh and new. You cannot be like Led Zep and be groundbreaking. You can't be Bob Dylan and go electric!
5/18/2017 2:43:11 PM
Well, with that last one you just emulate self-parody.
The boys have long since realized that what they do, they do because they love it, because it's fun, and they aren't expecting more out of it than that.
On the other hand, The Coming Of Age, well that's a new thing,
even though some call rock n roll an oldstyle of music,
well we like that too, and that's the most important thing.
You're pretty good, Larree, it's a shame you don't make records anymore.

5/18/2017 7:45:44 PM
Byron, you know I was LOLing at least as hard as you when I posted that.

Bryon Tosoff
5/19/2017 10:55:56 AM
LOL, you right LD. I may have come across condescending and holier then thou. I been told that here and elsewhere. cheers man. I have to add your tunes and others to my share the love station soon, think I am back on track.
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