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Father Time
11/17/2017 1:11:48 PM
Thanks a lot, Verity!
So I listened to your infernal Hop on Pop song this morning and went to prepare breakfast with that silly tune running thru my head the whole time. I was thinking oh my god I hope this goes away while I'm actually eating my breakfast but unfortunately, it caused me (at least I'm blaming it) to drop the cooked macaroni-and-cheese I was carrying along with coffee and a cookie to my spot where I eat, ruined the macaroni, got coffee all over the floor, took me awhile to clean that mess up, so thanks a lot!

WWMM Michael
11/17/2017 1:31:06 PM
Mac and cheese for breakfast? Well, upon further review, why not? LOL!
11/17/2017 1:37:59 PM
Just in case I can spoil someone else's day :)

WWMM Michael
11/17/2017 7:48:49 PM
Ha ha; you made me laugh and that never spoils my day. I see why Father Time spilled his breakfast; he was hopping, and probably on one foot. His bad; lol!
But now that we are all assembled here, can someone tell me the similarities and differences between a Verity Keen and a Verity?

11/18/2017 1:21:11 AM
---- Updated 11/18/2017 6:06:28 AM
Michael, don't worry about it,
Nothing is what it seems in Indieland, it's all a virtual mystery and so tightly wound that we're all likely to disappear up our own alter egos :)

WWMM Michael
11/19/2017 9:28:06 AM
Ha ha; you sound like my wife Verity, Keen Verity! I'll ask her a question and she will also say "don't worry about it." My standard response is, "just because I ask a question it does not mean I am worried about it."
So in turn, I ask you to not worry about me losing sleep over your identity; lol! Yes, I agree; many (if not most) things and people are not what they seem in social media and online.
"It's getting hard to be someone but it all works out
It doesn't matter much to me
Let me take you down, cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields
Nothing is real and nothing to get hung about
Strawberry Fields forever"

Hop On Pop
11/20/2017 1:55:12 PM
You see, the song MADE MY day!!!
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