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Father Time
9/19/2024 2:20:01 PM
There's a lot of hatred in our world today
for good spirits like Taylor Swift and especially for the other, folks who don't look like you or believe in the same things as you.
This generation needs a new MLK. This kind of hate dialogue makes for a shitty world.

9/19/2024 6:24:37 PM
Que ???

Father Time
9/19/2024 9:02:06 PM
just a general statement, not political.
Do you disagree?
9/20/2024 10:10:58 AM
Maybe people as a whole are perfectly capable of managing their own affairs without any outside help, have you ever considered that possibility for a moment Scott? Before the era of the Civil Rights movement over 90% of AA families remained intact, all children received a proper education in the public schools and the earning differences were less than 10% among all groups in this country.
There's no doubt that MLK was a great communicator and a decent man but could it be possible that he made the mistake of putting too much trust in the govt, when all people again are perfectly capable of managing their own affairs as demonstrated best by the AA community themselves???

9/20/2024 2:31:02 PM
Scott, I was going to comment on
this thread, but seeing below reply
can fully understand why it has been
removed from the pipeline!
I agree with your assesment as to the
state of the world, cruelty now seems
to have no bounds anymore, and what
a waste of time and energy it all is!
ATB Codester

Father Time
9/20/2024 3:52:32 PM
The guy who made the above post is Gregg (Sterling30), a person who has been stalking me, no lie, since the year 2000. We've banned 30 of his names in the past few months, he just won't quit. He also has tried to post hundreds of anti-vaccine posts. I was told that if we block IP #s the site will run much slower so we're trying to avoid that.

9/20/2024 4:28:32 PM
Ya, know the score!
Stay well, and keep on Rocking!

9/21/2024 11:27:21 AM

Psyche's Muse
9/21/2024 1:05:26 PM
Smiling "Feces"? YES!!! "Thee"(undisputed?) / TRUTH!!! My Wife/My Life/"This"/WORLD("Whirled") AND... GOD HAS DAMNED "IT"!("thank" God???) btw I LOVE Martin Luther King and everything He stands FOR! -M-

9/21/2024 3:34:21 PM
It is unfortunate but hatred has been around since the beginning of man. It appears that man has an inert need to look down on someone other than himself. Sad, but it is true that that's the way of the world. Were all hell bent on destoying eachother. Not sure another MLK would help, Look how that turned out the last time. I'm just saying. "People Everywhere Suck". In most cases the hatred runs so deep that they cannot even remember how it all started. Consider the Middle East. Shit those people been fighting and hating for centuries and still cannot live together in peace. A lot of people suck and have no empathy for anyone but themselves or their own people.
Alas, we have been down this road many times. The righteous people of this world will again rise up and beat back the throngs of hatred. It is all a part of the circle. Everything (including the world itself) keeps going around and coming back. The solution to hatred is and always has been "love", The more love we bring to the world (both indivudually and collectively) the more we will see hatred shrinking into the minute problem it should always be, But the less love there is in the world the more pain and suffering the victims of hatred will feel. I know that may sound too suimple for some but the truth is that love is all powerful and the results of love have been witnessed by many generations of human beings on this earth we call home. The answer is within each one of us. Learn to give warmth and encouragement to others. Your expression of love will translate to happiness which is another enemy to hatred.
Now, old Stoneman could be giving you a load of shit or could be telling you something that would be life changing and inspirational towards the solution to the hatred you speak of. As a fiorner soldier I confess that my hands are bloody. My history of violent combat was the precurser to my discoveries about love, respect, toleration and consideration. I have fought hatred on many levels including within myself. Through this I learned the importance of empathetic response to those who hve been infected by the spirit of hatred. Currently, it is the biggest and most crucial pandemic we face. Hatred is spreading faster than covid. But the cure is within each one of us. Our capacity to stomp it (hatred) out is well documented. the answer starts with you. MLK often spoke about turning the other cheek. What he meant was that we must learn to love even when hatred smacks us in the face. So, there you have it Love or hate> Tho choice has always been yours.

Paul groover
9/21/2024 5:43:49 PM
It is up to us the human race to get it right. I think there is changes on the horizon. The people who run the financial system are panicking. People don't believe in there fake money anymore or there fake media. They can't walk the streets anymore our so called leaders
They can shout all they like but this is grand strategy. The human race has a habit to tell tyrants to gfts no matter how much computers and databases they have.

Psyche's Muse
9/21/2024 6:24:59 PM
MLK=My Loving Kindness!!!
WWJD?="turn the other cheek" and... "welcome my enemy as a friend"...
To "righteously" perform a "rite" NO THING can be "LEFT" OUT!
To become HOLY one MUST become "Wholey" acceptable.
There ARE "ALL WAYS" TWO sides unto EVERY "Story".
Were THIS "not" the case there would be "no need for" ANY "Story".
"Rolling Right" along...
"Top side" moving "forward"...
"Bottom side" moving "backwards"...
You start to panic! Seems like your face is gonna HIT!
Once you think you should have been dead you will realize...
Your "Enemy" IS... your "FRIEND"!
Low and Behold! Now you ARE "RISING!
And then "Here" YOU ARE! AGAIN! ON TOP!!
AMEN!!! -M-

Bryon Tosoff
9/21/2024 6:38:57 PM
Stoneman nails it, powerful and insightful
Steve April
9/21/2024 7:07:37 PM
A philosopher said, " Be careful when you fight a monster, you don't become a monster."
Also, "when you look into an abyss, don't become the abyss."
Stoneman's post, you're giving pearls there, much of the world is in the 12th century unfortunately...w 21st century great gear...

Paul groover
9/22/2024 5:59:16 AM
To fight the monster or look on to the abyss if it,s for a reason a matter of the soul then you will not be consumed by the thing you fear the most.
I thought Stoneman was MLK or could be.

Jeff Allen Myers
9/22/2024 10:26:01 AM
---- Updated 9/22/2024 10:28:54 AM
I love MLK’s quote of not being judged by the color of your skin but by the content of your character. Sadly today everything is put under an intense racial lense further sowing hate and distrust. There are those that profit from stoking the fires of division. whether it be Black/White, Gay/Straight, Male/Female etc. We need to begin looking within ourselves instead of others for inspiration. The great ones like MKK have left a legacy to learn from. We must strive to be the best we can be, take responsibility for our lives, decisions, and try to make the world a better place where we all share the same opportunity and respect. That quest begins within ourselves first. Respectfully, Jeff

Richard Scotti
9/22/2024 12:08:15 PM
---- Updated 9/22/2024 4:40:25 PM
I agree with Stoneman and Jeff Allan Myers. I especially agree with Jeff when he said we need to look within ourselves to find inspiration. I think the days of waiting for another hero or savior are long gone. The Calvary ain’t riding in to save the day this time around. We are the only ones who can make things right.
Imagine. Then make it happen.

9/22/2024 4:30:30 PM
Normal people just trying to get by
by trying to be normal!
The physcos do not like it!

9/22/2024 6:39:02 PM
---- Updated 9/22/2024 9:48:41 PM
It's just me Gregg again registering another name and trying to post again on a site where I've been banned.

Lefty Jones
9/23/2024 9:14:07 AM
---- Updated 9/23/2024 2:25:52 PM
Gregg, you really need to get a life. I'm sure most people are tired of your posts interfering in good topics.
love Bluto

9/23/2024 10:36:12 AM

Bryon Tosoff
9/23/2024 3:44:11 PM
one of my favs. a band I was part of in the 70's ,this was one of our tunes we play at gigs , awesome tune. very meaningful

9/23/2024 5:47:13 PM
---- Updated 9/23/2024 10:14:58 PM
It's just me, Gregg, again. I registered another name and I'm here to post at a place where I've been banned over 30 times. I like forcing myself around places where I'm not welcome.
love, Bluto
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