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Francesca Tamellini
7/9/2016 5:32:48 AM
IMP charts
Is it my imagination, or has the overall top 25 not changed for weeks?
7/9/2016 6:39:58 AM
Well the top ones have been the same. We noticed a couple days ago that the rolling 45 day period was having some issues so they're working on a fix for that. Sorry but you will see an update soon. Once the work is done the updates will be even more immediate than they ever were.
Also this is a support question, email me in the future when you have one of those.
The Dyall-Tones
7/9/2016 8:31:49 AM
Hi, how does the charts really work?
Are Artists recognized only in Main Genres?
Or do Sub-genres also count?
And does this help in making a song be part of the Kayak 25
and Featured Songs box? Or is that subject to Admins discretion to add?
7/9/2016 12:55:14 PM
ok no more questions on this thread after this.
There is an all genres chart and one for each main genre.
Kayak Big 25 is based on musicology dept plus station adds.
Featured Songs is strictly musicology dept.
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