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Francesca Tamellini
1/15/2017 11:03:52 AM
Established artists
I might be swimming against the tide here, but is it all good and fair to have established artists on an indie channel? On the one side, we should be open to everyone and it is very nice to see your name in a chart alongside someone who has had success for 200 years. On the other, with no criticism of the artist, do we all have to fall over in shock and awe?
Established artists have advantages that most of us dream of - bands with a long pedigree, access to studios and equipment that we can only drool over like kids in a candy store. We are not on a level playing field.
Again, on the other hand, a top artist has come among us and he certainly had no need to, showing that he has respect for us in the shallower end of the music pool. I am a little torn in my opinion - especially as he took my number 1 spot!!!
Do station managers expect him to say thank you, by the way?
1/15/2017 12:18:13 PM
Well we've always been more about quality music here than strict definitions of what indie is. There was a lot of controversy when Pete Townshend was involved here, but it also raised the site traffic to a whole other eschelon.
The idea that anybody expects thank yous about station adds has always been odd to me. If you get one that's cool but that shouldn't be what it's about.
It really depends more on the artist to me. One time I had a chance to add a batch of artists from one handler (who was rather bossy) to bring David Hasselhoff and Pia Zadora to have pages on the site and I didn't do what was required. heh
Francesca Tamellini
1/15/2017 1:08:48 PM
Do you remeber that I was singled out by a station manager for not thanking. I was quite hurt at the time and didn't know it was expected. It has nothing to do with the singer himself, but I wonder if the manager comcerned would expect the same from an important name.
1/15/2017 1:19:56 PM
Most station owners don't have that expectation. Not that it isn't appreciated.
1/15/2017 1:21:43 PM
yeah I remember, Francesca, one of the admins here as I recall chimed in to say that new members may not know these things are expected. Part of the thing is that back in the early days of the site the tagboards were used a lot more than they are these days.
Chandra Moon
1/15/2017 3:15:02 PM
I always say thanks - makes it more personal but I don't get annoyed if people font on my stations but it's nice when the do.
Father Time
1/16/2017 10:01:58 PM
Back in 2005-2006 one of our associates who has a minor history with Pete Townshend invited him to join our site and put music up. His lady Rachel Fuller was starting a solo career at that time and they put up a page of songs under the name Rachel Fuller and Pete Townshend. Anyway the song Just Breathe did very well on our site, reached #1, and even then we held what the Song of the Year award which involved matches between all the #1 songs.
Anyway there was some resentment on our mainly indie site that a name like Pete was involved there at all (though it was mostly for Rachel) and when the tournament was happening, one of the competing indie artists and their obnoxious manager starting flaming the crap out of Rachel's blog site, with a lot of abusive comments and such.
All those involved with and who knew the site were amazed to one day wake up and see on Pete's blog a big featured message to those who were attacking him and the indie artist world in general. Pete said that they were thrilled to be in this contest and they want to win it. It was an amazing bow to all the talent on the site. (IMO there were more great songs there than in the popular mainstream during that era by a longshot). As it turns out, Just Breathe did beat Back Bone Shiver, the act that was giving Rachel and Pete all the flak, and go on to win Indie Song of the Year, and I got to present it to them on the awards show. They invited the guy who was behind BBS to perform on Rachel's attic show after all that - but this was, well, some rare mingling between the 2 cultures that really was an event for us who were involved in that scene.
Francesca Tamellini
1/17/2017 5:53:17 AM
It would be good if anyone were to take an interest and support us. I feel a bit odd that someone who is not indie should be 'among us' . Is it a level playing field?
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2017 10:13:06 AM
Francesca asks a very good question, is it a level playing field?
The Answer is a resounding NO. Established artists once they have achieved significant success, even minimally, for the most part truly dont give a crap about the seasoned veteran working their chops as weekend warriors, or as a full time commitment getting jobs and performing as a entertainer, you wear many hats as an indie, you are your own booking agent, you plan your itinerary, you are your own manager, you are your own promoter , you are your own technician, you are your own transportation system.
But is it the established responsibility to suss out new talent, NO, that is not their calling, that is not their job. They are entertainers. that is who they are.
They have their management companies who have discovered them or perhaps they have their entertainment lawyers who take care of ensuring their contracts are proper, that they are getting their due credits regarding monies royalties or new engagements. I could go on and on.
Established artists would view you as a competitor infiltrating their territory. It is a shrinking industry of making cash money and a way of a livelihood these days, in cd sales, downloads (maybe) tours ( more established older artists, bands , the old rickety worn out names of the past are getting arena tours then the newer ones. They get more attention , even if their new releases and music sucks. That I say with confidence and have been to shows recently where the back in the day bands, well original music is flashy and compelling but for many of these oldsters their new music blows. I have been to many recent concerts and performances where I was blown away how good the old music they did of the 60s and 70s 80s was incredible, but the new stuff, meh
Why are they able to command the big bucks, its based upon their past accomplishments, their image, what people remember of them. as for the new people, the indies, the so called ones who carry the flag of indie ,what do they bring to the table,and how long do they last the new kids last when they suddenly appear. the in a flash in the pan like a shooting star they are gone. one hit wonders. that is if they do indeed get to the point of bringing their groove to the masses, which is no easy task.. well image got them there , not the music. now for the purist, and there are many here who will say it is all about the music, and I agree, but that will not carry you far if you dont have great stage presence, or if you come across as a wall flower, or dont have the ability to project yourself beyond the music you are making, it is all about entertainment, which is bigger then the music you make intertwined with image, and the energy and cosmic quality you carry yourself with, what do you bring to the table.
One thing musicians, artists, entertainers forget is that image ,yes image is way more important then your music. Image will take you far, music you write wont really take you far, but it has worked for some, how do you come across, how do you portray yourself, carry oneself project oneself, its entertainment. and some musicians forget that, its not about you, or your music it is a combination of things.
But to answer your question Francesca, no, it is not a level playing field, that is something you must do on your own. be in it for the long haul, if you are truly interested in getting your music out there, figure that out, develop an image that corresponds with your music and learn the business of music, not just the music itself. That will take you nowhere, we as indies (supposed word, whatever it means) need to carve out our own way, so visualize what you want, learn the ropes, get contacts, rub shoulders with other musicians, or people in the promotions business, go support other artists, find out what they know. and find books at the library that can help you reach your destination. good luck and good work so far
I will return and build upon this later, got jobs to do. I know I went all over the place and maybe did not even touch the surface of what you want to hear and or want to hear . The music business is like any other business. and a lot harder. many here will tell you so, because they have been there, to some degree. I tried to provide some ideas insight, my own personal experience and suggestions. help it helps
1/17/2017 11:46:31 AM
This sums it all up.
“The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.” ~ Hunter S. Thompson
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2017 11:48:35 AM
yes, but we can even dream good dreams in the sewer and slop and crawl out with our spirit intact and then walk upright to our destination. its over there. beckoning us onward to our bright glorious future. its not far off.
Father Time
1/17/2017 11:57:52 AM
Well, of course it's not "fair". Especially considering I put up a link to Crosby's song on a huge community site where I knew they'd be chomping at the bit to hear a new unreleased song. Then the next thing you know Capitol is at #2 and then #1 on the playcharts, passing our dynamo Francesca who had been lodged at #1 AND #2 for a couple weeks least. :)
A funny side note is that there are some artists here who think it's unfair that Francesca is so loved by the community to dominate the way she does.
Now this point about it being unfair would have more value if IMP was strictly about a competition between artists. And I do understand where you're coming from. Back in the days as some of you know, I was the dominant artist there. One time I had a great song that peaked at #2. The number one song at the time was by a Top 40 label band called Puddle of Mudd, ever hear of them? I went to look at their page and....... they had none. just somehow put their song at #1! Without a way to hear the song other than on the chart page. It was bizarre. I took my complaint public and within a day, I was #1. So it's not like I can't relate to this issue.
That said, this site has a different mission. We want to provide great music. We also have great respect for the artists who influenced our amazing crop of indie songwriters. We also feel like our top acts here are better than many of the acts on the Billboard Hot 100. As somebody who broadcasts the Kayak Big 25 every 2 weeks, I totally believe it's a better show than American Top 40, and that's with far weaker production values to start out with. I believe, Francesca and others, that your music is in the same ballpark with that of David Crosby and Sheryl Crow and Norah Jones and any of the acts you can find on this station I created with all the name acts on IMP, check it out, you might be surprised who is here.
I absolutely LOVE seeing Francesca and David Crosby next to each other on that chart as I loved when my song passed Bruce Springsteen's and Paul Simon's on And you can create a station with your song on top and Arcade Fire, Brian Wilson and Willie Nelson under you. I find "that" fair, because our songs are just as good as theirs.
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2017 12:13:19 PM
I agree with FT that Francesca and many others who call this home where there are tons of talented laden people who have developed their talent into fab skills, and for using IMP as a launching pad to further their careers and hone their skills and build their catalog.
internet radio is now a solid place for artists to use to work their magic, although there is so much music, its an ocean, a veritable solar system full of everybody doing their music thing,we now are drowning in so much music, and not all of it would be considered a cut of above the average, or good, but here for the most part, there is a serious amount of magnificent talent but as FT says, it doesnt matter if you are number one. two or two hundred, we cant be stuck on the results here on where we are positioned or stand. its about moving on to the next project and not being fixated on where we are here on the charts, that does not matter.
Release those children into the world in those songs you have created and let them do their thing. But remember it is way more then the music that will get you places. So do what you love , love what you do, give your self to your calling and share your beautiful songs with the world
Francesca Tamellini
1/17/2017 12:50:36 PM
My comment on the 'level playing field' wasn't really about chart positions. I have to admit to a bit of jealousy in the number of station managers who suddenly jumped at the new release. My feeling was that if we are better than the mainstream, why is everyone leaping at the mainstream artist? The actions don't back up the words. I had a grand total of one station placement for my last song. It is this sort of peer recognition that we go for and for me there is a feeling of failure when it is not picked up, no matter how many plays it gets. Eve Delvecchio told me once that some people just play on a loop, so maybe only one person is listening to my song to make it rise through the charts, but everyone and their granny was picking up the big name.
And he looks nothing like Bing.
Father Time
1/17/2017 1:00:49 PM
Well the theory is that follks are more likely to give indies a chance if they're mixed in with familiar acts. Probably true. So it does give stations a bit of cachet to have a Brian Wilson or Crosby or whoever.
As for the listens, they simply don't count more than once per IP every so many hours so looping wouldn't really help.
I prefer Crosby to Bing by a lot myself. :)
Francesca Tamellini
1/17/2017 1:07:22 PM
Please understand that logical ideas have no place when I want to complain!
1/17/2017 1:14:43 PM
I'm glad you raised the topic. I'm sure many have the same thoughts you did seeing Crosby do so well. Somebody posted a link on facebook today of the success he's having on soundcloud and I added a link to the front page of our all genres chart. If I was anyone with a brain, if I looked at that page I'd be wondering about the music of this Tamellini person who has so many songs there. :)
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2017 1:17:46 PM
Thank you for being so courageous and putting forth your thoughts so well and in a frank and unfettered way, and challenging the way people jump at a name , and a well known entity in this case David Crosby whose very name commands attention. Now for me, as some I have noticed on Facebook, and some from this very place have said who hover at FB, they themselves said they were not impressed with the song he released here and elsewhere at the various music sites. It is a well produced song, stellar musicians. but as some said, it just did not do anything for them and I included myself in that bunch as well. It is about personal choice, do I feel ashamed not to added DC songs to any of the many stations I have, no, not one bit, I only add the ones that move me, that offer something that I identify with.
Why do I add your songs to my stations Francesca , because one, your voice is wonderful , two you sing from the heart, three, you write really good lyrics and four, I love the piano playing you do, as I am a pianist myself, trained in classical, then went to rock , later on to jazz and now experiment with various styles including ambient.
Your style is one of a kind, not chopped bologna like some who are copy cats , who sound like the sliced salami of thousands of musicians-entertainers who mimic others. keep doing your thing, it is working.
keep doing what you are doing. you are good at it, and i love your spirit. you say whats on your mind and there is nothing held back. saying it like it is. keep doing it, you are a firebrand and you are a one of a kind.
I keep a watch for your releases. and try to listen carefully to your music and lyrics and you are getting better all the time. keep working your chops, we love you here and appreciate your music and you as a person
Francesca Tamellini
1/17/2017 1:19:47 PM
Thank you
1/17/2017 1:28:16 PM
The other night when your song came on first on the Golden Kayaks show, when I was listening I was thinking, this is great, having the show start with you and the MonaLisa Twins. Who could doubt indies if they were listening? Having been here when Melody Gardot just got started (she's a bit of a star now, you know), it would not surprise me one little bit if your songs were mainstream a year from now. Not saying that's going to happen but you're absolutely better than anything I've heard on the mainstream in years. Does the cream rise? Not f-ing often enough.
1/17/2017 4:41:33 PM
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1/17/2017 6:59:20 PM
Probably alone on this but... this all sounds kind of whiny to me. Write better songs and maybe you'll get your spot back. With a bullet.... In the end he's just a guy writing songs... If people like it good for him. It's what he's devoted his life to...
Funny thing is if his name wasn't attached to the song would he get the same praise and recognition?
It's a good song wouldn't call it great (blasphemy)... of course that's just one opinion.
It's a well produced and written tune. But you wouldn't expect less from a pro.but didn't get me wanted to hear it more than the 2 times I listened to it.
I get that it's good for IMP to have a guy who was once at the top of the heap.
Feel free to delete my post if it isn't aligned with the thinking here...
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2017 7:06:35 PM
So Jeff, totally with you on the Crosby tune. said the same thing on FB and here at IMP. nice tune. but made no impact on me here listening.1 X that was it, and there are similar sentiments elsewhere on FB and elsewhere. again, it is personal choice,we all have varying and different tastes, and sure he has a great personal catalog, amazing background and incredible hits while with Byrds and CSN
who am I to judge, i have done nothing of any consequence. although this tune did not make me go wow, there are many more here that make me go wow though, and it is a privilege to be here and listen to some pretty fine tracks. I am honored to be able to check out so much terrific entertaining music.
cheers man, guess we should get going on your tune again.
1/17/2017 8:13:20 PM
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Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2017 8:44:07 PM
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concur Zeeza, and being in the promotions biz for the last 16 years i got a pretty good handle how things work . its a tough slog, for artists, I understand that more then most people aspiring musicians / entertainers / performers in this music industry, as you do as well. so all you say is truth and I believe some do also grasp what you are bringing forward here. I am cutting out now, no more replies tonight from me. I got to pull the plug here so good night
1/18/2017 8:54:18 AM
Random thoughts triggered by this post: I was so happy to find out here of all places about the David Crosby tune! His two latest albums (considering his age too) are unbelievably good! Been writing songs myself for more than 30 years now. Relatively new here, therefore proud to be nominated in 4 categories the other day. I listened to Impeccable Radio yesterday for the first time and I discovered so many unknown songs to me. Thanks everyone for that. Is that the only page to "put on" and listen like a real radio, I mean not knowing what song is going to follow (the magic!) ? If not, please let me know 'cause I'd love to start a station too if it's gonna broadcast in the...IMPeccable form. Thanx guys, congrats Ms Tamellini!! PS. Don't even know how/if I'll get notified for any replies/further comments on this thread. Hehe! Too lazy for the FAQs I guess, busy writing and recording's the reason :) Athens GR's warmest January greetings!
Father Time
1/18/2017 12:25:00 PM
Poirot, yes you received a lot of nominations for your first year, pretty great, congrats!
Definitely start a station and get the feel for it. If you enjoy, they're always looking for new folks to start their own show on IMPeccable Radio. Just email the site at the support address in top menu when you're up for that.
1/18/2017 1:10:46 PM
re: the subject of this thread, I invited a few other names this week to join us, we'll see if any of them show up.
Patti Smith
Marianne Faithful
Melanie (of Brand New Key) fame.
Would love to have any of them aboard.
Bob Elliott
1/18/2017 4:30:37 PM
I didn't care for the lyric, but the sound was quite good. I think that recording would have done well here if he was an unknown.
Really liked the beat, and he still sings very well.
Specific political lyrics like that are not moving to me, but his music
Lars Mars
1/18/2017 8:09:27 PM
Francesca, I'm glad you can see both sides of it and hope that you're not disappointed at losing your #1 spot. But the truth is that it would've happened sooner or later anyway. No one stays #1 forever.
Interestingly, you were #1 despite the fact that there are dozens (maybe hundreds.. only Scott would know) of established artists here already.
And yes, I did listen to the new Crosby tune out of name recognition alone. I am a longtime fan. But I also went to your page when you first showed up to hear your music too and that was mainly on the strength of so many terrific (deserved) comments about it here on the Pipeline.
So keep posting and more people will too. In fact, you will likely be on the charts long after the excitement of David Crosby's arrival has waned, simply because of visibility on the Pipeline. And when Zeeza posted, I remembered that I'd enjoyed her music both here and previously on and clicked to hear what she'd been up to.
As to established artists being here, anyone can start an artist page. There is no Indie litmus test to my knowledge. Most of them arrive here the same way many of us did; through an invitation from Scott, for which we are thankful.
In fact, one of David Crosby's former bandmates Roger McGuinn is here and despite his fame, (Was it all a strange game? You're a little insane The money, the fame, and the public acclaim Don't forget who you are You're a rock and roll star) he has a legitimate claim to the honorific "INDIE"...
In 2000, he testified before a Senate committee regarding digital music distribution. The details are here, but in part he testified:
In 1998 an employee of heard the folk recordings and invited me to place them on They offered an unheard of, nonexclusive recording contract, with a royalty rate of 50% of the gross sales. I was delighted by this youthful and uncommonly fair approach to the recording industry. not only allowed me to place these songs on their server, but also offered to make CDs of these songs for sale. They absorbed all the packaging and distribution costs. Not only is an on-line record distributor, it is also becoming the new radio of the 21st Century!
So far I have made thousands of dollars from the sale of these folk recordings on, and feel privileged to be able to use MP3s and the Internet as a vehicle for my artistic expression. has offered me more artistic freedom than any of my previous relationships with mainstream recording companies. I think this avenue of digital music delivery is of great value to young artists, because it's so difficult for bands to acquire a recording contract. When young bands ask me how to get their music heard, I always recommend
I would urge you to read the entire testimony (it's not really that long, but very informative about the realities of fame and "fortune").
My only advice is to remain positive. And the positive is that you've been #1 on the best indie site anywhere!
It's easy to slip into negativity and resentment... and pointless.
Take care and congratulations.
Lars Mars
1/18/2017 8:33:41 PM
Oh, the entire hearing is still available on CSPAN's archives.
Interesting listening some 16 plus years later:
Lars (no relation) Ulrich of Metallica one of the complainants, the head of Napster, the head of the late, great and others... including the great Roger McGuinn whose testimony was the only genuinely Indie statement of the day.
Okay, Sen. Leahy's modest discussion of digital rights of his photography deserved an honorary Indie award too.
C-SPAN July 11, 2000.
Psyche's Muse
1/19/2017 1:49:57 AM
...I've noticed that Crosby's song, "Capitol" will no longer play... -M-
Brody Sheale
1/19/2017 3:12:50 AM
It just worked for me, you probably need to clean your cache. Also please write support on these things, don't post on the pipeline, makes us look bad unnecessarily. :)
Francesca Tamellini
1/19/2017 8:49:32 AM
Glen, I hope I am not slipping into negativity. My initial posts were really discussions of the pros and cons. I had been struck by the seeming contradiction of the constantly repeated mantra that we are better than the mainstream and then the headlong rush to sign up the big name, this got me wondering about the advantages that he has etc.
Balancing this, he doesn't need to come here. It is very democratic as a gesture. I have no issue with his right to come here, nor with people's right to listen, upload, download or whatever. I am making no comment or judgement on the track. i just wonder, do we believe that we are better than mainstream or is it just that we don't get the chance to rub against it very often?
Bryon Tosoff
1/19/2017 9:01:41 AM
I just love Francesca's fiery nature.questioning the why, all I say is, right on and I am with ya
1/19/2017 11:30:28 AM
That's a good follow-up question, Francesca, and a good point, on the surface anyway. But the fact is, most of these name artists we've taken the effort to bring in aren't exactly big in the mainstream. I would contrast David Crosby and Jim Carroll and even Norah Jones for instance as acts who are detached from top 40 radio, Crosby has never had a single big hit as a solo artist, Carroll never got his due in radio. Norah Jones had issues with her label and ended up in her own bubble of sorts. Even Townshend as a solo artist had already faded as a solo act when he came here. DiVinyls had one solo hit years before I talked to Chrissie on the phone and got her to have a page on the site. Even Neil Young gets next to no airplay on mainstream radio, would be a great fit on IMP, as would Bob Dylan who symbolizes the songwriting that is an important arena for indieland. Carole King too, we'd love to have any of them.
If Beyonce or Kanye came here now with the purposes of dominating our scene, I would have a different view on this. Artists fit into our indie culture in my mind if they are both talents worthy of being honored as influences and if indeed we can bring what they do to a new realm which also elevates them.
Steve April
1/19/2017 11:40:57 AM
You might wanna consider giving a songwriting contest a try, have stumbled on a songwriting contest, (added quite a number of your songs to m'stations, Francesca.
The guy runnin' the site is a well known A&R guy in the biz, they have articles about songwriters who've got hits. Each month they run a song-of-the-month contest, at $12 a pop, your songs would compare favorably to last month's winner in my humble view.
Good luck, anyway..
I learned that RayParker Jr. was stuck on "Ghostbusters" for awhile, and one day he was listening to a bug commercial, that said "who you gonna call...", and he realized that the chorus needed a call out like that lol...
Bob Elliott
1/19/2017 11:46:35 AM
I actually don't buy the line that indie is better than mainstream, so I feel no conflict there. Both indie and mainstream have more stuff I don't listen to than I do, and both have some creative people in the ranks.
I don't care who posts their music. If it grabs my soul, I'll listen, and if not, well, that's fairly ordinary.
Bob Elliott
1/19/2017 11:47:03 AM
Wanna point out again, he is singing very well still.
Francesca Tamellini
1/19/2017 11:51:19 AM
Ok Scott, anyone post 1976 that you would welcome? Joking aside, maybe mainstream is the wrong term, but I wasn't talking about him being here. As I said, there is no reason what he shouldn't be. It was just the rush to get the 'name' performer and the contrast with what you say more than anyone, that imp is better.
1/19/2017 11:56:10 AM
Francesca, it's basically with the motivation to make our site more appealing to listeners. It's just a cold hard fact that it impresses people who are more likely to never look at an indie site that Brian Wilson and Merle Haggard are here.
By the way I loved Nirvana, NIN, World Party, Alice in Chains, they came in the 90s. Admittedly there aren't many artists other than indies who started after the turn of the century who have excited me.
Francesca Tamellini
1/19/2017 12:05:02 PM
Perfectly fair Scott - it isn't my point though. Generally station managers listen to new songs, think about it, add some, reject some etc, even get touchy when not thanked (sorry to rub that in again). Bring in the big name, and all the bets are off.
1/19/2017 12:19:09 PM
Not sure what you mean by the last sentence there? oh that the reaction folks have is extreme, indicating that some here seem to glorify the name acts by their rapidity of adding them to stations?
Well like Bob, some don't think that indies are better. Believe me I know tons of people who degrade indies, belonged to a home recording site for many years (I'm banned now) where the most respected people there lay waste to the thought that indie music isn't an utter waste of time.
but I ask those people, how many mainstream acts can you name right now who put out comparable songs in 2016 to you, Denquar, Taiacore, Michele Raffaele, She Rose From The Dead, DeMonicka, Negative Tendencies, etc, etc?
ok I love indies, but I always call it like I see it. There are zero mainstream acts I care about right now. I buy the new Neil Young record, and McCartney. If Jimmy Page does something, I will be there. But ultimately, I'll take what this site brings any day of the week.
Bryon Tosoff
1/19/2017 12:24:34 PM
nothing much matches what is here, Inow spend more time here, listening ,reviewing and adding songs to my stations , so I am ignorant of what is out there, listen a bit. streaming, fm. but no, maybe youtube, spotify thats about it.
although I do work with the artists I promote, and their new releases, some of whom are here at IMP, ones I brought or those who live in the Vancouver area who found me here. as well for those who pitch their own music to me, send cds or links where i evaluate and assess to see if I am able to help them out
yeah it rocks here. I also like me too
1/19/2017 12:25:16 PM
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Bryon Tosoff
1/19/2017 12:29:17 PM
Zeeza knocks it out of the ball park ---again. i have had the same sentiments Zeeza has expressed on some issues. for me, now I cant afford to think much about it , I have two business I have to run and spend an inordinate amount of time here listening to so much music. but yes, Zeeza has made some valid points
look what Francesca has done to our brains MA. just look what she has done
doing an interview soon, see ya
1/19/2017 12:45:06 PM
Well ya know, Bryon, you also have issues with some of the messy things that happen on the pipeline at times.
I think we sometimes forget that this site is for listeners, too, not just artists. Listeners like to read about how artists create their music, topics like that, and not so much about squabbling about site issues.
I think I'm more active and more open than pretty much any CEO you're going to find anywhere. To complain about corporate censorship here strikes me as bizarre, at best.
Francesca Tamellini
1/19/2017 12:45:56 PM
I have lost the thread - what have I done to people's brains?
1/19/2017 12:47:51 PM
Francesca, we've established long ago that you're evil. We'd be better to start with what have you not done. :D
Francesca Tamellini
1/19/2017 12:50:10 PM
When did you find out?
1/19/2017 12:57:02 PM
oh when that godforsaken song I'm Not Baby Anymore stuck in my brain for weeks!
1/19/2017 1:08:53 PM
I agree with Zeeza. I do not dig any kind of censorship. You gotta allow artists to be artists in all ways. If someone does not think we "look good" I don't care if they split. I don't care what they think. Who the fuck needs them? Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way to some shitty corporate bland as fuck grandpa music site.
Bryon Tosoff
1/19/2017 1:10:34 PM
last thought before I go do this interview
yes Scott, I been a pain in the ___sometimes, we still get along.
Francesca. you have done well getting this thread happening. buzznews kinda. you made some people think, use their noggins, get some convo happening, well done rock on
best and success to all
do what you love, love what you do
1/19/2017 1:25:17 PM
Well Larree, we try to be diverse, to serve all. There are artists here who are uncomfortable with the site allowing the outrageousness we do often host on the pipeline. Sure we could say well fuck them if they don't like free speech but we don't want to be a special interest site that only exists for the extreme personalities. You know I love extreme personalities myself but as you also know it would be pretty easy for me to name at least one extreme personality who is too damn extreme.
Anyway if any of you remember me from the days you should realize that I have to hold myself back pretty much 24/7. People have scoffed at me being in the position I am here because I AM so outspoken. It is my informed opinion that if we do limit the outright open craziness a tiny bit, we actually are helping your public persona as an artist because your personality should not get in the way of people being able to enjoy your music. Being rhetorically sensitive, aware of not just your audience who want to see all your warts but also of those who may like your music despite them is a valuable trait. Consider the limits we inflict (not that there are many) to be useful to you.
1/19/2017 1:26:17 PM
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1/19/2017 1:36:48 PM
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1/19/2017 1:37:53 PM
By being here, I am supporting your music.
1/19/2017 1:41:01 PM
I just find it unusual that anyone would have a complaint about transparency here. It's like telling Walmart their prices are too high.
Most sites have no community at all and it's a bloody blue moon when the CEO makes an appearance ever. I've tried to suggest they start a community on some of those sites and I can't even get a response.
To paint this site as a corporate dictatorship is silly, Zee. And anybody who cares at all about the site SHOULD want it to make some effort to make it easier on the eye for those who may stop by.
Francesca Tamellini
1/19/2017 2:05:24 PM
Well, we have got well away from my topic but to add to what's going on now.
Corporate censorship? Where is the corporation? I don't know the intimate details of the site, but it looks to me that it is mainly Scott's work and not for profit. If that is wrong, I will rethink, but it is like he has opened his house and if we come in he can ask us to leave and do something in our own houses. Being an old hippy he may not like the property idea and wants to be as liberal as possible, but pragmatism gets in the way sometimes.
For me, the last few postings seem like an internal family argument. This in itself is exclusive.
1/19/2017 2:16:32 PM
Well we have a number of shareholders. I was asked to be CEO, I was one of the 2 co-founders, I did bring most of the artists here. but various others have helped keep the site rolling, especially financially. And of course folks like Bryon and Eve inject an amazing amount of vitality. It is a fact that I've never made one penny from my indie work. I do believe we're the best out there, so I always hope we will become viral someday, we sort of deserve that - but we don't have the money to buy ads like the kind that made the orange site so busy.
1/19/2017 2:26:01 PM
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Francesca Tamellini
1/19/2017 2:26:58 PM
A healthy exchange of views.
1/19/2017 2:32:49 PM
Zee if you had been around during the New Year's, you would've seen more action than maybe even you could handle. haha
I must say though, from a consumer's standpoint, I preferred your topics about breast feeding and artist sheep and such from the days to the ones that hammer us. :D
1/19/2017 3:12:18 PM
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1/19/2017 3:20:04 PM
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1/22/2017 8:39:56 PM
Traffic is traffic and I don't care where it comes from. Just as an artist is and artist to me, if they are mainstream and they come here, cool! Maybe it will grow the site and we will all reap the benefit of that. A word on charts though: I have never really trusted charts because the criteria for charting is made up by people. I was on another well known indie site once and I asked the site operator how my song could dip from #1 to 150 overnight. His reply was well, what number do you think it should be at, I can make that happen for you if you donate to our donation fund. I realized right away that the integrity of the chart was missing and I left that site never to come back. All that i am saying is that the whole idea of charts is about popularity and there is no truly accurate gauge for that. I mean a lot of sites cruchnch data but I don;t trust data either becaue data can be manipulated by (you giessed it) people. One of my mottoes is that "people everywhere suck". What I mean is that in every part of the world (I have been around the world 3 times) there are factions of people that do really sucky shit. Or in every crowd of people there is at least one ignorant asshole waiting to do some ignorant asshole shit. You know? shit like robbery, racism, mass murders and even bombings. I call it the ominous numbers. Now, we know IMP to be one of the best indie sites around. It may not be the biggest but it is certainly one of the best places for true indie artists to hang out at. What do we care if some established artists show up also. Shouldn't we give them the same respect that we give each other? After all we don't want to be one of those sites where people do really sucky things like dicscriminate against others because they are successful. Now, if they start doing some sucky shit, then they need to be booted out but as long they are following the rules, they should be welcomed like everyone else is. Just because they have advantages over us in regards to resources, clout, money and fan hordes, doesn't mean they should be excluded. Supposing one of us should happen to gain that kind of fame? Does that mean that we have to leave? No, I think not. I can't imagine a site manager saying you have to leave because you are too successful which means you are no longer indie.
You gained a #1 spot. That is something that many artists here at IMP or anywhere else will never be able to say. You earned that spot with your fantastic music. If you did it once you can do it again. Just keep writing and making great music. You can have many more #1's that way. Right? But lets not close ourselves off from the rest of the industry. Let's be open to anyone and everyone coming here.
Much Respect,
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