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Francesca Tamellini
Views for this Topic: 1310

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7/13/2017 3:04:47 PM
Money raising

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Thanks but....

5/24/2016 10:07:33 AM
changing from listenings to downloads

5/22/2016 8:43:05 AM
glad to be here!


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Francesca Tamellini

7/13/2017 3:04:47 PM

Money raising
It was good to see the response to Scott's appeal, but should we (interesting to use 'we' here, isn't it) think of other sources?
I have thought for some time that if the kayak list is run by radio stations that they should be paying for it, particularly fm channels. Money is not my main motivation, but I wonder if someone shouldn't be paying if my songs help them get advertising revenue. If IMP keep most, or all of it it wouldn't bother me, but are we not a little naive to let people use our stuff just for a bit of publicity that doesn't really materialise?

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7/13/2017 3:15:24 PM

well real radio airplay is pretty priceless to those in our place in the world. I tend to believe that if we tried to charge we'd probably be laughed at. Yes there are revenue sources we can explore, it's something I as an individual am not very good at. I keep hoping somebody who is good at business comes our way.

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Francesca Tamellini

7/13/2017 3:53:33 PM

Laughed at? So are we just good enough to give our stuff away? I would be happy to risk being laughed at. It wouldn't be the first time. Any serious contributions to this?

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Bryon Tosoff

7/13/2017 5:28:30 PM

College and regional radio are non commercial and non profit organization ( a few are not, some college stations have been taken over by corporate radio and dovetailed into their programming, "College radio, though, is almost exactly the same as it's always been—run on a shoestring and fueled by earnest devotion—because there's no money in it: Most college stations have noncommercial licenses. What has changed in the last 15 years is the cultural impact of college radio. Back then, having your song broadcast after a scratched-up Sex Pistols LP played backward by a 20-year-old DJ cramming for her midterms was a step on the way to the big time: If you got played enough on college stations, it was a pretty sure thing that you'd eventually graduate to commercial radio and much wider exposure. That's not true any more."

So most Kayak bands tunes, from what I understand is spinning playing on college, therefore no moula, now perhaps there is a way to get onto commercial, good luck, the new radio is streaming right now and it pays decent shekels. I have gotten more in the last few months from streams then I have had in the last few years from commercial radio through my PRO Socan.

I would concentrate ones efforts to get on streaming, find a person that knows the biz and can get ones music rolling there, decent coin. if thats what you are in it for, if its for the art, that is cool too, we all should be getting something for our efforts, and creations.

I spent a good many years in the promotions business and understand what it was, it is not what it was and now the landscape has changed. Time to learn the new landscape now, perhaps of getting your music out in movies, TV , jingles, getting covered by other groups, at this stage of my life, I aint going to think about caring too much about that, as long as someone likes what I do, cause some will and most wont. that is the facts of life in the music world, invest in yourself, self, self, cause no one else really cares

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Bryon Tosoff

7/13/2017 6:08:28 PM

I commend Scott for his request, although I thank those who gave, FWIW, if I get a receipt for my donation I would give what I can. Not sure how this is tracked or such, although good that those now are stepping up as many in the past have done in a huge way.

Without IMP, the music world would be a sad place, and we would suffer as artists and bloggers and not having stations to look after and listen to great music, the emptiness would be a huge chasm and a massive noise of nothingness would be deafening. Its a family thing, I surmise. Imp is a beacon shining ,its not a mirage, its an oasis. Problem is people are lost in a music desert, dying of lack of good music, see them bones over there, those are people who gave up on finding good music, died of dehymusation cheers

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Paul groover

7/13/2017 6:16:39 PM

We have a radio thing in the uk called community radio there all limited transmission by locality ie 10 miles or so. I helped set one up techincally with radio gear and computer systems. You could send them copies of radio station shows from IMP. I know a local station in Aberdeen i could ask as i have been there and know a couple of them. All the local community stations know who each other is. So metaphorically if we got our foot in the door in one station. And make it clear what we are trying to achieve. I am sure they would help.

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7/13/2017 6:45:35 PM

well I just lost a long post to the internet goblins. I sure wish probably more than anybody that the best music of this era wouldn't provoke laughter when the idea of monetizing it arises. but these are not the times which inspired our indie dreams. The idea of making a career out of recording music, sadly, is a bit of a dated one now. I'm as much lost in my dream which I had when I was writing all those songs in the 80s and 90s as anybody. I suffer greatly because of that dream and I also suffer when I see others suffering from the same dream, artists like Francesca who are good enough to be huge like some of my musical heroes but who are trapped in a time where the kind of outcomes we have in our dreams just don't happen very often at all.

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Bryon Tosoff

7/13/2017 8:25:34 PM

All I say, is little luck and timing does happen, not planned, not that I wanted it, but am grateful someone found me ,listened like what I do, and signed me to their label and knows the streaming business ,sure its a 50 50 deal, but works for him and me. I never thought anyone would like what I do and add my vibe to their thing, but grateful, its a dream, still a nobody, although at least I have a few people following and listening. to me, that is a win, getting interest one ones music, its not easy to get noticed in this day and age. but there is a place for all of us. sure it is about the art, but if one can make some coin, why not

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