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Francesca Tamellini
11/1/2017 6:43:30 PM
Haunted as a title
I see an excellent song on the front page called 'Haunted'. I was about to put out a song with the same title. Should I:
a) go ahead
b)change the title
c) wait a while
d) none of the above
Father Time
11/1/2017 6:59:27 PM
I say don't give it a thought, name it anything you want except for Raindrops Keep Fallin On My Head. :)
Choosy Susie
11/2/2017 3:48:26 AM
I say
b) change the title. Be more intriguing, write it in Upper case, add a few !!!s and parenthesis with a sub title like (The curse of the possessed)
Francesca Tamellini
11/2/2017 10:43:16 AM
I prefer understatement. The decorations are for hack reviewers!!&£@??
Choosy Susie
11/2/2017 11:55:48 AM
Understated! Hmm!
well how about "slightly bothered" ? I'd press play on that all day long
11/2/2017 7:53:55 PM
Taylor Swift, Evanescence, and Beyonce have songs called HAUNTED.
So I guess you are in good company! :)
WWMM Michael
11/3/2017 9:08:20 AM
"Haunted by Me" is a Whitherward title, so you have more good company! Send me the lyrics and I'll help you choose the title, Francesca. If I like the song, as I do most of yours, it will be added to my station without delay!
11/3/2017 7:08:33 PM
Hi Francesca,
Just go with it Don't let mine change anything.Had a listen to your songs great work btw )))))
WWMM Michael
11/4/2017 11:52:54 AM
Hi Mr. McDaid! I've never "talked" to you before. I have 3 of your songs on my station and love your work as well. I will definitely listen to the rest of your music for future stations.
By the way, you might have Scott go into your artist page and resize some of your videos. A few of them block the printing on the right side of the page. Scott recently did that for Whitherward.
Looking forward to hearing all your songs and your new album as well!!!
Mike aka Music Monster
11/4/2017 12:07:26 PM
it's actually pretty easy to do. Just change the dimensions on your embed code to 425 by 344.
11/4/2017 2:21:41 PM
Hi guys thanks for that i'll have a go now wondered why it was so big !! cheers
WWMM Michael
11/11/2017 11:41:43 PM
Hi mcdaid! Your artist's page looks great now! We can now read the names of all 103 stations playing your songs. This winter I will build a new station called "Groovy Music Monsters Volume II" and there is a much better chance than not that you will be one of my new featured artists on that station!
WWMM Michael
11/11/2017 11:43:45 PM
Francesca, did you ever settle on a title for your haunted song?
11/12/2017 6:14:17 AM
Thanks for your support Michael ))
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