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Francesca Tamellini
Views for this Topic: 1225

12/27/2024 12:15:41 PM
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3/4/2024 9:11:03 AM
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5/23/2022 5:34:10 AM
is there a problem?

10/14/2020 9:52:33 AM
old songs

1/19/2020 5:30:34 AM
Thanks guys

10/8/2019 10:48:45 AM
new song

6/1/2019 7:26:19 AM
new song

12/19/2018 5:05:43 PM
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5/16/2018 4:50:19 PM
Disappointed, let down, pissed off

4/12/2018 4:25:46 PM
What’s going on?

1/2/2018 10:30:56 AM
Payment for podcasts

11/16/2017 3:30:28 PM
Charts again

11/8/2017 8:09:59 PM
Imp charts

11/1/2017 6:43:30 PM
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10/4/2017 11:31:00 AM
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9/18/2017 4:37:10 PM
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Money raising

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7/9/2016 5:32:48 AM
IMP charts

6/23/2016 1:39:14 PM
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6/23/2016 10:52:42 AM
new song

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6/16/2016 12:46:18 PM
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6/9/2016 1:21:21 PM
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5/30/2016 9:31:10 AM
curiosity - how are songs picked?

5/24/2016 11:17:24 PM
Thanks but....

5/24/2016 10:07:33 AM
changing from listenings to downloads

5/22/2016 8:43:05 AM
glad to be here!


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Francesca Tamellini

1/2/2018 10:30:56 AM

Payment for podcasts
I have had songs on different podcasts over the last couple of years and I was wondering about payment. At first I was happy to get some publicity, but now I see that people are making money indirectly through advertising on their sites etc.and I waould like a few coins for my contribution.
I am not going to try to get money retrospectively, but for the future, does anyone have any advice?

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Richard Scotti

1/2/2018 11:11:20 AM ---- Updated 1/2/2018 11:26:51 AM

Going forward and assuming the songs are copyrighted - you should be paid for the use of your songs played in podcasts. Contact ASCAP, BMI, SESAC or HARRY FOX AGENCY for the exact rules of the game and how much you are entitled to. Good luck!

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1/2/2018 6:59:18 PM

If you are self published you can negotiate a rate. If not then your publisher should be monitoring the situation and ensuring their is adequate compensation. Typically, podcasts don't really generate much revenue as most podcasters are operating out of their bedroom somewhere. Then there is the verification of plays etc. that must be done in order to figure out your take. Many don't want to disclose that data so having someone like ASCAP or BMI (as previously mentioned above) would help in retrieving the necessary data in order to calculate earnings. The main job of the performance right company you belong to is to collect and calculate any reveniue due to you by exploiting and promoting the copyright. In order to help them with this it is important that you keep your release records accurate with them. Make sure you assign all of your songs ISRC code numbers. That will become your personal and official identification number for the song. You see, there are so many songs with the same title. So you need to assign an ISRC (international standard recording code) . This will be especially helpful should you start getting some mainstream radio play. It is one crucial detail needed to ensure payment for your work.

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