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Francesca Tamellini
4/12/2018 4:25:46 PM
What’s going on?
Hi guys? How are you all? Who’s working on what?
Bryon Tosoff
4/12/2018 4:36:16 PM
hey Francesca , been coming here every so often of late,not lots a bit
as for songs like me lots, haha binge of songs are rolling out often,.queued up till the fall once a month or more often even every few weeks at cdbaby spotify. hows things with you.
ok. will drop a note on things to you when I can in email.
Steve White
4/12/2018 4:51:53 PM
Hi Francesca
I have a few new songs on my page but taking a little break right now. I still do something musical daily but felt like I needed a little charge.
Looking into animation again and may start that up.
How you been?
What are you working on?
4/13/2018 12:27:42 AM
Hey Francesca, I wasn't here while original FT was so ill, didn't seem right somehow, but I want to return now. I have been seriously into Blogging at wordpress (poetry mostly) I thought I was doing well as i was getting lots of follows and likes... but then I checked the stats and realised that I hadn't had many visits, just obsessive people who were playing the numbers game OR trying to sell or promote something - So I'm a bit cynical about it all at the moment, just like I get about music I guess. Been making health and well-being vids this week.
I miss the busier Pipeline days
4/14/2018 12:59:43 AM
Hi Francesca,
I have been busy with various projects. Mostly Rock but have been managing to cram in a few Hip-Hop songs also. Plus, been trying to finish up the funk project in time for the movie. A sci-fi musical about extraterrestrial musicians. I'm about two songs away from what was contracted for. Then, I have been having a hankering for some Blues. Some of that real slow as molasses down home shit. We'll see how that goes. Lately, I keep getting my inspirations high jacked by Pop beats and rhythms. The creative process is flawed and unpredictable. Where ever the musical winds blow, I am there. Keep bringing your qualitative works to the forefront. We need you here!
Much Respect,
WWMM Michael
4/14/2018 5:09:29 AM
---- Updated 4/14/2018 5:14:52 AM
Hey Francesca; long time, no talk to! What I SHOULD be working on is in my reply to Scott's post. I'm glad he is home and doing better.
Feel free to send me a Facebook friend request and you'll see volumes of material of the most/fun incredible weekend I had last weekend with you-know-who. (Hint: The 2017 Golden Kayak Best Band of the Year.) They came to my town and we partied down.)
My only better weekend was in November 1981 when I took a lovely bride home with me. (Somehow I've convinced her to stay for 36+ years now.)
I took a 4 week sabbatical from FB, a "Facation" as it were, and I really need to do that again. I kind of lumped in all online chat stuff, including IMP during that time. I've been back again for 2 weeks. I think what will work for me is 1 week one and 3 weeks off per month.
So what have YOU been up to, Francesca? I reckon I should go to your artist page and have a listen, eh? At some point after my life and health is a tad more organized, I'd like to come back here and build "Music Monsters Volume II" with many new artists and songs, and much shorter blurbs.
BTW, my friends are coming to the U.K. and other European countries for more than a month early this summer. Check their website for dates and locations near you. They are doing at least 9 gigs in the U.K. in 15 days. So cool if they come near your hamlet and you could go meet them. They love meeting other musicians, especially fellow indies. One big concert they have booked is in Liverpool on June 25, the home of the incredible MonaLisa Twins.
All for now. Take care, young lady!
Music Monster Mike
P.S. HUGE EVENT in my country later today! A band from your country will be inducted into the ROCK & ROLL HALL OF FAME!!! Along with 4 other bands, THE MOODY BLUES are FINALLY in!!!
4/16/2018 1:59:12 AM
---- Updated 4/16/2018 2:00:28 AM
Well, since you insist on knowing Francesca, I've been inspired to record another song that I might just move on soon and even try the vocals myself. The subject is a little different though. It's actually about a disciple of free market principles coming to terms with the harsh reality that truth in theory may in reality equate to deception in practice if that makes any sense. The music is there and not bad but the lyrics haven't quite come together yet. I need some backup chorus and it could be pretty interesting, I'm not sure everyone will like it though... hehe
Francesca Tamellini
4/16/2018 3:41:31 PM
So good to hear all this. Stomeman, is there any genre you don’t do? You make me feel one dimensional!
I think we all want to hear from Scott the walrus soon. Are you reading this Scottty? Beam yourself down!
4/16/2018 5:17:16 PM
yeah I'm slowly getting back to myself, had 5 good days with no setbacks out ot 7 last week.
Desperado Revue
4/16/2018 7:47:45 PM
That's good to hear Scott.
Out Of Bodies
5/24/2022 8:26:37 PM
Currently I'm watching a fly climb the drapes... fascinating... meanwhile my guitar sits in a box. The moral of this story is - don't be like me.
Paul groover
5/25/2022 6:44:46 PM
I am currently working with a Polyend tracker 8 tracks and 3 minutes of sample time. So 1987 but with modern features plugs into a power pack. Lasts a couple of days instead of being stuck in front of a monitor go somewhere inspirational. It,s good fun seeing peoples puzzled expression when they see it. And amazed when you make a banging tune in front of them in a few minutes. Bit of a steep learning curve if you haven't used tracker software before
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