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Shawn Adam Williams
8/2/2020 4:00:00 PM
WTF Is They Saying About My Song?
I am frustrated about my song; Sorrow. They told me that they don't like my song! I'm pissed off. Still divisive. I don't understand what they say about my song! WTF! I'm angry now. They don't know me. They don't know my music. They don't know by now.

Father Time
8/2/2020 8:20:49 PM
Man if you can't handle folks trolling you for whatever reason you might want to rethink bringing your music online at all. You're going to need to develop a thicker skin.

8/3/2020 10:37:06 AM
What he^ said.

8/7/2020 2:13:49 AM
Just blow it off your shoulder and move on. Its just more harmless mean speak man. You have got to believe in yourself and don't listen to that crap. You can't let this shit get your blood pressure up. It ain't worth it man!
Bob Elliott
8/7/2020 3:12:10 AM
I listened to a bunch of your tunes. I like the Revolution one best, but you have a good sound on a bunch.
I think Sorrow would get over on more people if you did it a few keys lower. You have nice qualities in your low voice that it almost seems you are not fully aware of.
Your stuff is sincere.
I mean no offense. I’m no one.
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