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Shawn Adam Williams
8/25/2020 12:37:38 AM
Please Stand Up For Me!
Someone commented me and called me an "N" word on my cover photo! His name is Garry Sidell, he threatened me with that racial slur. Please stand up for me RIGHT NOW! Let's put prejudice, ignorance, bigotry, and racism to an end! #BLM #StopRacismNow??????????????? #StopBigotryNow
8/25/2020 2:19:04 AM
Yeah, I have had that happen to me on many occasions. Their just cowards that would never say that to your face man. So sad that in this day and age this shit is still going on. Hang in their brother. If he comes this way his ass is kicked. Stay strong and remember that we are not descendants of slaves. We are descendants of survivors. They created that word in order to dehumanize us so that they could justify the treachery they have always displayed towards us. That hatred has spilled over and goes all the way to the top. If the president hates us so much, what would you expect from his people? Same shit just at a different level. Fuck Gary Sidell and everyone who thinks just like him. They can all eat shit and die as far as I am concerned.
8/25/2020 6:53:27 AM
That is not cool at all. Where did this happen? On another website? I looked at your page and saw nothing over here. We cannot tolerate that garbage.
Mike Lance
8/25/2020 10:12:43 PM
I see he's been reported by several people on facebook. The scumbag deserves worse. I'm with you, Shawn. Don't let a lowlife like garry sidell deter you or cause you any grief. He's worthless. You rock Shawn.
8/27/2020 8:17:42 PM
I just put Black Lives Matter on the front page.
8/28/2020 9:09:10 PM
Thanks Scott!
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