Shawn Adam Williams
7/5/2022 8:18:28 PM
Another Statement From Me To You
My dear musical colleagues and fans, I come by to tell you what went down. But since I was feeling discouraged for all I've done in my life, and I have learned from my mistakes. I have learned to pull myself through every situation I faced, I tried to face the truth. Frequently, I am so much more than I am going through something after the confrontation. So, I must say to you that I will face the music. According to John 8:32; "Then you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." Truly it is, that I was suffered from all the negativity and discouragement. So, I just wanna know that God's redeemed love will change me through it all. But all the errors, mistakes, and wrongdoings were totally FALSE. Jealousy, envy, misery, and negativity were no longer for, So, at the end of the day, I want to share with all my heart: I am not afraid to lose everything. I want to let go and be free for myself. I call upon you all, I must learn from my every mistake, error, and every wrongdoing. I won't give up on God, I won't let you all down because you are my fans and musical colleagues. I will get another chance to do right. But God said that they wait upon the Lord shall renew my strength. It shall mount up wings as eagles, I shall run and not weary, and I walk and not faint. As I conclude this, I want each and every one of you fans and musical colleagues all over the world: I promise that I never let you down. Let the music flows you through your mind, body, heart, soul, and spirit. You're in my prayers and I'm in your prayers. I beg you all to forgive me. And I beg God to forgive me. May God's eternal love shine through you. Shawn Adam Williams.