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5/10/2024 8:17:12 AM
Deadline for entries to this year's Golden Kayaks is May 30th.
I'm also going to be doing a push for new artists in the next few weeks. More details coming here on this thread as I will be asking for all of your help.

5/10/2024 1:46:36 PM
Excellent, Scott!
Here is something I just posted in one of the groups I frequent on facebook:
I know there must be a lot of musicians in this group. If you are looking for a great place to host your music online for free, check out Indie Music People. You can upload 320 kbps mp3s, and not only do you get an artist page, but you also get a station page. The place is run by indie musicians - not corporate assholes. And for transparency, I am not an owner or officer on the site - just an artist. Here is a link to my latest release on the site.

5/11/2024 6:13:09 AM
That's fantastic Larree and much aooreciated, hope others follow on this path.
and ya'll might want to mention that any songs you uoload thru the 30th get entered iin a free song contest. and that we're non-profit and you can sell your music on paypal and we take no commission.

5/11/2024 11:25:38 AM
I did the same thing on a popular YouTube site called "Top Music Attorney". The site points out the rip off of places like Spotify and the distributers required to upload to such sites.Plenty of free advise there and the site focuses on the BS that these giant Corp. interests and streaming services use to get rich themselves for simply providing the web site and ripping the content providers that make their servers actually worth something.

Chandra Moon
5/17/2024 10:01:54 AM
I've sent a contribution to the usual PayPal address - hope it helps with the running costs xx

5/18/2024 7:11:50 AM
We appreciate that a lot Chandra. Every cent goes to server costs,

5/24/2024 10:58:20 AM
I posted this in over 50 artist and songwriter groups on facebook yesterday. If you got a few minutes, copy it and pass it around.
Hi, you know all these scammy song contests ya see around? Well I’m here to tell you about a Song Contest that is totally free, not rigged (your peer artists nominate and vote) and winning will give your song more prestige than any of the others, a permanent spot on the Golden Kayak Wall of Fame.
What do you need to do? Sign up here (takes about 2 minutes) https://indiemusicpeople.com/SubmitArtist.aspx Then you have 1 week, til May 30th to upload/enter as many songs as you want, all uploads are automatically entered.
I will add that joining also entitles you to a page with unlimited music, a way to sell your songs and albums with no commission taken, and membership to a great community where you can promote your music and folks actually listen to your songs! We hope to hear your great songs there!
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