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5/24/2024 11:08:11 AM
---- Updated 5/24/2024 11:08:11 AM
The site's 20th anniversary is on May 28th, anybody got any cool ideas what we can do to celebrate?
that don't cost money I mean. Reminds me of the days I thought about putting up actual billboards. ha ha One time I designed a whole IAC product line but the funding fell through. I was going to sell a range of items including IAC glow-in-the-dark toilet seats. =D
Not many music sites last 20 years. Remember garageband.com, listensmart, javamusic among others. We should all be proud I think.

Bryon Tosoff
5/24/2024 7:37:30 PM
---- Updated 5/24/2024 10:51:52 PM
Hey Scott, maybe feature some of the artists of the first year in 2004 I remember uploading 3 bluevoodoo songs in October of 2004 when it first got going at iac, I was promoting them , the bluevoodoo at the time and 3 songs I uploaded were Pretty things, Roberts Blues and the Delta, anyways, I remember getting a phone call how things were working out by a nice lady way back in the early days asking how things were going and if I needed any help , that was kinda a cool
cheers. okay. rock on

5/25/2024 3:42:50 AM
I believe I will do that, Bryon, hopefully I won't forget in 3 days. heh
That was either Lana or Shauna that called you.

Duane Flock
5/30/2024 8:09:35 AM
---- Updated 5/30/2024 8:12:08 AM
I remember Scott recruited me personally from Garageband around 2004.
Damn,.... seems like just a couple years ago.
Maybe have everyone put their first download on a station?

Jeff Allen Myers
5/30/2024 11:38:17 AM
---- Updated 5/30/2024 11:39:13 AM
Awsome… Congrats Scott and to all who have kept this place going!!!’ I posted my first song here in 2006-2007 , and just posted a new one almost 18 years later…I purchased a non expiring platinum membership way back then.. Hope the site keeps going well after My ashes are spread in front of Abbey Road Studios!!!

Psyche's Muse
5/31/2024 1:33:55 AM
---- Updated 5/31/2024 1:39:09 AM
HAPPY(Be "Lated") BIRTHDAY! I A C ! ! !
Sorry! I meant I M P ! ! !
And the "same thing Jeff Allen Myers said too!
(except the part about ashes and Abbey Road Studios. haha! ) -M-

Paul groover
5/31/2024 5:28:21 AM
It,s been a rocky road you just never knew. But people got together and made Indie music people.com. That,s what i most proud of still here after 20 forever i hope. You are allowed one thing to be part of.
When everyone else is listening to the mainstream. You know deep down the mainstream is shite and Indie is the new mainstream

Lars Mars
5/31/2024 10:40:37 AM
Great idea Bryon.
Some time back I was listening to Shauna's "Brite" and saw that the song ID was 28. That made me want to start a retro station, kind of a time capsule.
But I couldn't identify the earliest artists by artist ID, (hers was 4000 something). So I thought that Scott and Dave might be the only ones who would know.
So that's as far as I got.
It would be a great station to be sure, but probably something of a project.
Please let me know if I can help. Either way if it happens, let me know.
Thanks for all all of you folks do.

Bryon Tosoff
5/31/2024 12:55:06 PM
Hey Glenn, yeah, many long years being here in the Impnation music sensation and all its incarnations over the years :)
many artists signed up and left their mark music and thoughts
some still hanging around and walking upright still lol
cheers and hope you well and keeping busy. I got my garden going, a bit, been so rainy everything is so far behind. couple sunshiny days coming so some digging raking and planting seeds and things like peas kale onions swiss chard and lettuce. too early here for beans though maybe end of june when the soil is warmer
take care

5/31/2024 1:34:20 PM
Lars, one way to find some of those would be to go to this station with the Kayak Number One songs, hit on some of the first ones on the list and doing that you'll be able to find some of the early stations.

Psyche's Muse
5/31/2024 5:50:08 PM
You Know Deep Down "the mainstream" IS "shit"! And Indie is the (k)NEW "Main Stream!" Yep! You "definitely" ARE "Right!" about THAT, Paul. -M-

6/3/2024 5:12:34 AM
---- Updated 6/3/2024 6:29:51 AM
Your optimism is contagious.
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