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7/12/2024 7:27:44 PM
OK, here's the 2024 Golden Kayaks Ballot!
As I always say, pick the entry you feel is truly the best, don't just vote for your friends.

Psyche's Muse
7/13/2024 8:25:00 PM
In Jazz:
I am voting for the "4th" song in jazz... which "SHOULD BE"
Just The Way It Goes - lastchancelance
The 4th AND 5th songs are listed as being one and the same song:
Let's Just Play (Fair Deal) - lastchancelance
Let's Just Play should be "only" the 5th song here.
So, I am voting for The 4th song in Jazz. That's "Just The Way it Goes"
(and NO I AM NOT "Joking").

7/13/2024 9:45:26 PM
Fixed. If any of the few people who voted so far had issues here, you can reset your whole ballot.
Mortimor, next time something like this happens, I'd prefer you email me. :)

Psyche's Muse
7/14/2024 8:52:25 PM
ok! )
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