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Views for this Topic: 328

2/15/2025 1:19:08 AM
for all the folks who haven't made any donations lately to the server costs

2/7/2025 1:01:17 PM
Spreading the gospel of indie

10/25/2024 7:19:41 PM
one of our early indie stars really made a name for herself

8/17/2024 8:23:06 AM
We need new stations and new station managers

8/14/2024 7:56:47 AM
ok the trophies are on your pages and you've been enshrined on the GK Wall of Fame!

8/2/2024 5:08:23 PM
ok! 2024 IAIA Golden Kayak Awards Show and Show Thread

8/1/2024 1:35:22 AM
Awards Show almost done

7/20/2024 6:35:24 AM
Voting is done, awards show coming fairly soon

7/12/2024 7:27:44 PM
OK, here's the 2024 Golden Kayaks Ballot!

7/10/2024 9:02:14 PM
update on 2024 Golden Kayaks

6/19/2024 8:59:13 PM
extending the GK nominations one more week..

5/24/2024 11:08:11 AM
The site's 20th anniversary is on May 28th, anybody got any cool ideas what we can do to celebrate?

5/10/2024 8:17:12 AM
Deadline for entries to this year's Golden Kayaks is May 30th.

2/23/2024 7:34:43 AM
How to embed youtube videos for the pipeline.

2/15/2024 6:26:31 AM
Important Announcement - Please Read!

1/20/2024 2:42:12 AM
Maintenance Announcement - Everybody please read!

11/19/2023 3:49:59 PM
I have an idea I'd like to run by you all..

8/29/2023 4:54:14 PM
new artists are coming on the site

7/29/2023 3:38:18 PM
ok the Golden Kayaks are on your pages and the GK Wall of Fame has been updated

7/14/2023 2:16:06 AM
Official 2023 IAIA Golden Kayak Awards Thread (includes the show)

6/30/2023 3:48:40 AM
well I just had an unfortunate thing


Basic (free) Member



8/17/2024 8:23:06 AM

We need new stations and new station managers
Folks if you want to start a new stations and your page won't allow it, write me at indiemusicpeople2 at gmail.

If you never started one, give it a shot, it's about the most fun you can have online.

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Bryon Tosoff

8/17/2024 11:54:02 AM

Yes Scott, we need to have listeners and people who love indies get onboard, we both have been pontificating this for so long. Perhaps I should jump back in the station adds again and fire up my listening skills and do more myself and add in comments on the great music that is showing up.

cheers and hope people get happening support the best place on the net


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8/17/2024 3:56:54 PM

Yes, yes, yes! We do. It really is fun. It's one of the best ways to explore all the music on this site. You can build a genre-related station. You can build a theme station. I have heard great indie music; songs I would have never experienced thanks to the station-creating feature.

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Desperado Revue

8/18/2024 2:26:23 PM

The most fun you can have here after creating your new station is watching them grow.


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Steve April

8/18/2024 5:10:04 PM

Dylan's radio show on Sirius ranged over decades of "obscure" music, a music-lover will enjoy exploring music past & present, and a great way to do this creating your very own stations, and also reviewing songs.

This site got tons of fabulous songs, much undiscovered...

Rock on...

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Chandra Moon

9/10/2024 1:17:32 PM

Even though I've not had much time on here recently I absolutely love my stations here - each one with a different theme - my main one is Over The Moon which features mainly alternative but not really whacky stuff - whacky unusual things I add to Off The Moon, I've got a world music one and a Christmas one as well as Over The Moon Two where I transfer songs when Over The Moon gets too full! Also a really chilled one called Airspace - leave messages on any of them for me to listen and add your tracks! Love Chandra

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