3/25/2025 8:20:37 PM
the Beatles & Bob Dylan, do they hold up as time goes by?
3/9/2025 8:52:58 PM
2/11/2025 11:53:24 PM
Paul McCartney plays in the Bowery
11/19/2024 10:17:28 PM
"My Boyfriend's back...". and junior-high, high school music...
10/1/2024 3:48:21 PM
Along Comes Mary, by the Association, flagship 60s...
9/14/2024 10:57:01 PM
An Instrumental w Heart...& a tympani drum solo...
9/1/2024 7:20:12 PM
A song about Horses, with a funny origin...
8/24/2024 6:45:17 PM
Welcome The Infinity Chamber...a new member in the Community...
7/2/2024 7:13:48 PM
The Music Biz, from the Horse's Mouth
5/27/2024 6:03:24 PM
Memorial Day, Remembrance Day
5/12/2024 12:26:19 AM
In time; about time; the arrow of time
3/25/2024 1:10:33 AM
The Last Dinner Party, girl band from England, (w greek statues)
3/17/2024 11:27:50 PM
OMG...Hearing Beatles for the 1st time...
2/29/2024 5:31:33 PM
Welcome Past Hours & "Street Lights"
2/10/2024 1:23:06 AM
Blind Boys of Alabama, viewed 'em last night on the TV...
12/28/2023 10:08:15 PM
After The Beatles split, who did the best music, or most enjoyable, or significant?
12/24/2023 9:35:38 PM
Ode To The Beatles...
11/22/2023 11:27:52 PM
Happy Thanksgiving all....
6/18/2023 5:46:14 PM
umm, David Gilmour, vocalist and lead guitar for Pink Floyd...
3/4/2023 7:12:46 PM
King of Rock'n Roll (pre-cursors and prophets)
2/13/2023 3:50:45 AM
Tom Thumb's Blues--w a video
11/27/2022 4:57:50 PM
Happy Thanksgiving all! A couple videos...
10/30/2022 3:19:52 PM
EdgarAllanPoets rocks...
3/19/2022 8:07:03 PM
Hall and Oates, trip down memorylane...
11/6/2021 8:57:13 PM
Mexican Nights, NEW SONG
10/30/2021 4:22:04 PM
A couple of my fav love songs, w videos
8/31/2021 4:22:06 PM
heard on the radio...
7/22/2021 9:29:13 PM
heard on the radio...
5/23/2021 7:24:34 PM
Feel Good, Inc., done on Letterman show
4/1/2021 6:23:34 PM
Ryan and Larree, Larree and Ryan, NEW SONGS
3/6/2021 8:22:19 PM
Splendor In The Grass (movie excerpt);
2/22/2021 1:41:38 AM
Welcome Ryan Mallany...
1/9/2021 9:43:04 PM
winds of changes
10/15/2020 8:34:04 PM
Younger Songs station...
9/17/2020 9:22:18 PM
Bruce Lee, w the "arts" in martial arts"
9/2/2020 5:36:12 PM
Foundling Fathers, Warts and All
8/12/2020 3:01:42 AM
It's Hard When Your Mother Passes Away...
5/31/2020 7:31:29 PM
A Famous Crime, Kinda notorious, and active
4/14/2020 7:37:17 PM
What Condition My Condition Is In
1/1/2020 7:51:27 PM
9/7/2019 11:00:24 PM
SONGS on the Radio
6/24/2019 9:29:18 PM
Joy Harjo, new U.S. Poet Laureate
5/22/2019 8:59:49 PM
SONGS On The Radio
4/29/2019 9:39:40 PM
Great New Songs by Neil W. Young, Tom O'Brien and Dana Clancy
1/26/2019 9:39:02 PM
A few thoughts from Mahler, a great grand daddy of indie music
12/2/2018 7:47:01 PM
11/19/2018 1:09:56 AM
The Wonder Years
11/16/2018 10:26:52 PM
Songs on the radio
9/27/2018 9:48:41 PM
Top 10 most Colorful, Or Bold, or Poetic opening lyrics in rock or pop
8/26/2018 4:05:26 PM
Social Concerns, Rock, Poetic Storytelling', Broad Range,
7/11/2018 3:25:53 PM
Top 10 Lead Guitar Breaks (Solos) ;
6/30/2018 9:06:42 PM
"My Back Pages", Bob Dylan song, w backing from Tom petty, Neil young, George
6/23/2018 7:50:42 PM
How/Why They Named a Street, In Recognition of my music
5/11/2018 5:09:38 PM
Video of young prodigy...
3/5/2018 10:55:39 PM
New song on the radio, great chorus
12/2/2017 3:08:48 PM
Laura Nyro rock'n roll hall of fame induction, indie goes mainstream
9/3/2017 1:30:07 PM
Great new music, Far From the Human Race by Ricky Day, Love and A Smile by the Karmics, Jesus Is Born by countrycousinsmusic
8/26/2017 10:03:53 PM
Rooting for the Underdog
7/27/2017 4:01:25 PM
Mona Lisa Twins ROCK Johnny B. Goode
7/18/2017 3:47:53 PM
A Police Shooting That Seems Stranger Than Strange...
6/3/2017 1:16:32 PM
The Karmics Rock!!! vibalicious new band on IAC/IMP
5/28/2017 3:18:47 PM
Break Out Hit for the Red Hot Chili Peppers, not funk at all
5/8/2017 3:17:53 PM
Live Performance, RHCP, Shane Castle, Ireland
4/27/2017 1:50:17 PM
Anyone wanna wrestle? (entertainin' karaoke from guys who live, breathe their music)
3/29/2017 9:57:41 PM
SONGWRITING, what makes a hit?
2/8/2017 12:27:45 PM
Franklin's Friends (ramblings about Ben Franklin, and a new nation)
1/24/2017 2:27:02 PM
"Russian Money", blues band, with a New Orleans sound
12/30/2016 7:32:35 PM
Fur Trader, happenin', rockin' new band (dig the name too)
12/17/2016 2:19:16 PM
Who is the Lady of the Dawn? song, from a series of dreams
10/26/2016 7:14:34 PM
MonaLisa Twins Rock*******
10/12/2016 12:13:20 PM
Free As A Bird, Birdology station
7/18/2016 10:53:00 AM
Brent Brown, new artist on I M P
7/12/2016 11:01:59 AM
Brandon LaSpada, Rosella Pearl, new artists w songs on I M P
7/4/2016 3:35:32 PM
George Washington, a hero bedevilled w bad teeth
6/26/2016 10:44:08 AM
Sailors On The River, mastered by John Seymour
6/18/2016 5:41:47 PM
Laura Nyro, remember? Hall of Fame induction
3/2/2016 11:20:03 AM
Hero worship, Celebrity worship
1/18/2016 10:59:12 AM
Larger social issues, MLK day in the US
1/3/2016 8:40:09 PM
Enlargin' Pop and Rock'n roll
12/27/2015 12:54:08 PM
Scrambled Eggs, Lyric Development
10/19/2015 10:32:55 PM
Top 10 Sax Solos in Rock'n Pop
9/5/2015 1:23:31 PM
10th Avenue Freeezeout, heard this on the radio yesterday
6/27/2015 12:08:09 PM
The Youth music/what youth doin', forum for happenin' youtube vids
6/16/2015 7:26:53 PM
Alexander Graham Bell, telephone inventor
5/30/2015 10:14:33 AM
Welcome new artist, Joel Beaupre
5/26/2015 9:24:47 AM
You Broke Your Hand Once In the Clock/So You could feel Your Heart", BRIAN WILSON here
1/14/2015 12:27:13 PM
Stevie Nicks
10/13/2014 10:49:00 PM
Leonard Cohen and U2; The Tower of Song
7/6/2014 9:27:38 PM
Flight of the Conchords, funny stuff
7/3/2014 12:17:00 PM
Ten Best Blues Songs of All Time
6/10/2014 7:47:19 AM
Marina V., a stellar performer-musician-songwriter
6/5/2014 7:52:58 PM
Funky blues soul song by Mr. Aven
5/25/2014 2:00:35 PM
Kudos Pocke Ohrstrom, Swedish artist/musician
3/11/2014 8:28:44 PM
The Bop Shoo Bop Song; Lana Del Rey
9/15/2013 12:02:39 PM
A Very Groovy Sunday
8/23/2013 10:50:05 AM
Bruce Lee, "under the sky, under the heavens, there is but one family..."
8/10/2013 9:32:48 AM
"For You" 40 years or so later
8/4/2013 8:35:14 PM
"Take Back The Night" new song by Justine Timberlake
6/23/2013 3:44:31 PM
the funniest dream...
4/7/2013 1:31:17 PM
Steve Ison's GOT A BUNCH OF GREAT VIDS on Youtube; here's a couple
4/6/2013 12:22:16 PM
12/20/2012 11:35:13 PM
Holiday CD; from IAC;
12/20/2012 2:05:08 PM
Happy Holidays; new music
12/1/2012 8:14:49 PM
WHY I LOVE THIS SONG...a one hit wonder...
9/15/2012 5:54:55 PM
Statue Of Liberty, the backstory; the song; the beatles
7/20/2012 1:27:32 PM
The Brtish warship HMS Romney, enforcin' the Townshend Act...
3/7/2012 3:15:58 PM
george W song
2/2/2012 10:18:31 PM
Charlie Chaplin, Ben Franklin, statue of liberty
10/23/2011 10:17:46 PM
Abe Lincoln, JFK, coincidences, new song "houdini"
9/28/2011 8:33:46 PM
Paul Revere's Ride...
7/22/2011 10:04:13 PM
15 BEST SONGS OF ALL TIME...(rock, pop, blues)
6/4/2011 9:51:26 PM
PAUL McCartney says....
5/12/2011 2:22:31 PM
Incredible Steve Ison...
5/6/2011 3:20:57 PM
Rd To Recovery
4/15/2011 1:21:01 PM
Way To Your House, slow version
3/7/2011 1:11:27 PM
A Sense Of Humor...
3/3/2011 10:25:04 PM
Auspicious Day, perhaps...
2/9/2011 10:18:02 PM
A story within a story...
1/28/2011 10:12:18 AM
11/19/2010 11:31:44 PM
"beautiful night," "here today," paul, ringo, john...
11/9/2010 11:20:57 AM
Emily Dickinson birthday coming up
10/20/2010 10:17:34 PM
8/23/2010 10:11:17 PM
Welcome LEVI, to IAC...
8/16/2010 8:45:20 PM
6/4/2010 3:41:07 PM
Dolphins And IPADS
6/2/2010 9:08:14 PM
Joran Van Der Sloot captured in Chile
4/10/2010 10:40:16 PM
ESP, Psychic Connections, Synchronicities
4/10/2010 4:38:51 PM
5th Anniversary of Natalee Holloway disappearance approaches...
3/6/2010 11:45:05 PM
who first recorded 'hound dog'??? and other stuff...
2/15/2010 10:05:46 PM
SPOTLIGHT ON...Keltrix, Mulligan Project
1/27/2010 2:06:28 PM
12/3/2009 12:41:53 AM
Edgar Allan Poe, the eggman
11/11/2009 2:22:18 AM
Victory City, lunch, dinner & breakfast
11/6/2009 4:20:25 PM
9/28/2009 10:14:01 PM
7/23/2009 8:00:09 AM
Quantum Evolution, music, life
7/13/2009 1:57:27 AM
Now for somethin' completely different...
5/22/2009 4:17:03 AM
Rockin' Vocals
5/11/2009 5:52:53 PM
Poems With Links To Rock'n Roll
5/7/2009 6:50:24 AM
5/3/2009 11:54:28 PM
Credit where credit is due...
3/25/2009 7:24:29 AM
3/20/2009 5:40:49 AM
Pictures of matchstick men (on youtube)
3/16/2009 3:15:43 AM
DR. SAX, a new station dedicated to saxophone
3/7/2009 8:47:25 AM
TLC Lisa, a new song
2/11/2009 8:09:46 PM
"Underdiscovered" songs on IAC perhaps
2/4/2009 12:15:26 PM
Quality Songs, perhaps "Underdiscovered"
1/30/2009 10:29:32 PM
Emily Dickinson on my mind
12/20/2008 1:35:15 AM
Anyone remember tim buckley???
12/15/2008 3:17:32 PM
WBY in the House
10/31/2008 2:36:05 PM
Man In The Movies (new song)
10/26/2008 7:23:23 PM
For Your Trust
10/22/2008 9:57:12 PM
MUSIC & S-t-r-i-n-g t-h-e-o-r-y
10/8/2008 3:09:22 PM
two very different songs
8/10/2008 10:44:41 PM
WHITE ROOM by cream
8/7/2008 9:47:09 PM
Search for Extraterrestial Intelligence (SETI)
7/21/2008 3:55:03 PM
fed ex or ups?
6/20/2008 3:28:39 PM
Reached A Milestone Today
6/8/2008 11:13:20 PM
Learning to Paste a link; obama song on youtube
4/24/2008 2:48:44 PM
4/20/2008 7:08:56 PM
the Hilton Sisters--check em out
3/23/2008 6:05:01 PM
Living With The Contradictions, the Obama chronicle
2/10/2008 9:54:54 PM
1/26/2008 9:36:33 PM
Where have we heard The Beatles before??
1/6/2008 4:07:14 PM
IAC Prime Member
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Steve April
3/7/2009 8:47:25 AM
---- Updated 3/8/2009 10:08:58 PM
TLC Lisa, a new song
a work in progress, endeavoring to commemorate a creative soul, and because the lyrics are under construction too, a short, instrumental version here for now...may be as close as i get to my affection for lisa...humbly...s.a.

3/8/2009 10:25:58 PM
thanks for the poetry on the '9th thread
I'm gonna blend that with your new tune
on Poetry and Prose Station---if anyone should be there --it is you!!!
Steve April
3/8/2009 11:03:52 PM
thanks robbie...
i'm really stuck on her. here's a song about a park, her lyrics...
What is life?
to live is to believe
to love is to recieve
uhh check it out
check it out now
Young woman confused
young woman abused
you must understand
it's never to late to lose who you are
and choose who you are supposed to be
supposed to become
you've been in and out
up and down, back and forth
backwards around
not a friend
not a mother
not a father
just God and you should make a choice
what you ought to do
what matters to you
who you are to you
opinions of old and young
shouldn't matter to you
take advice think it over twice
make a choice that helps you sleep at night
night is decent, but recently
things have shown us
we have done the wrong things often
never suicide that's the easy route
there's always another way out
think about it (think about it)
Life is like
life is like a park
seesaw, merry-go-rounds
and though you may swing high
sometimes you may even fall down
and though you may get stuck
you must get back up
you are bloomin love
Now see if you went through life with your eyes closed
you never would've known there was a high road
let the people get the best of you and then get mad at them
instead of bein mad at yourself
you're only number 1 in your life
and you will decide if it goes right
every time you digress
defeat your progress
feed you lunch but you must digest
the controversy yo can get personal
they don't understand it's the role reversal
seekin fames play their games
gave a whole lot for a whole little game
when push comes to shove
do you push or shove?
when the choice is yours
do you leave with love?
all the tears you cried you're dyin inside
when will you decide to survive
think about it
[Chorus 2x]
Clap your hands this evenin everybody
clap your hands
why don't you clap your hands everybody?
everybody clap your hands
why don't you clap your hands oh Left Eye?
everybody clap your hands
why don't you clap your hands everybody?
everybody clap your hands ya'll
clap your hands ya'll ohh clap your hands
if you believe it clap yuor hands
bloomin love
Sometimes you may fall down
but you gotta get back up and try it again
try it again and try it again
and try it again
and try it again
and try it again

3/9/2009 1:20:55 AM
I rate tjhis second from at the top of your long list, still have to say Calypso Lady is still my favourite SApril, but its a beauty
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