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Steve White
Views for this Topic: 1659

1/17/2022 5:33:42 PM

11/25/2021 4:56:16 PM
Happy Thanksgiving

9/3/2021 10:04:07 AM
New Song

7/5/2021 11:13:57 AM

5/8/2021 6:09:12 PM
Golden Grammy Award

3/31/2021 7:01:37 AM
Guess It's Time

4/25/2020 7:57:22 PM
A Sad Update

4/18/2019 7:52:40 AM
I have questions about Number One Music

11/24/2018 1:33:28 PM
Christmas Songs

10/27/2018 3:39:14 PM
Ghost Ship of the Sea

10/6/2018 6:52:32 PM
The Glowing Pumpkin

8/1/2018 6:39:22 PM
Making the Musical Rounds

5/3/2018 6:14:47 PM
For Norm of Desperado

4/15/2018 8:21:34 AM
How many of you?

3/27/2018 5:00:49 PM
New Song Coming

3/19/2018 6:31:52 PM
Who owns song page 114227?

11/30/2017 7:27:18 AM
My Christmas Songs are up!

10/24/2017 6:54:05 PM
New Song on my page

6/1/2017 5:22:07 PM
Some of my songs will be on a live internet radio show tonight!

5/24/2017 11:56:06 AM
New very short song

4/15/2017 5:55:44 PM
New songs called Standing in the Rain and Village by the Sea

3/2/2017 12:04:18 PM
Yes, I am a gamer

2/10/2017 1:01:38 PM
35 Stations

2/3/2017 8:21:01 AM
Do I have this song in the right category?

1/20/2017 3:15:28 PM
Been posting my songs from here on Facebook

1/10/2017 4:52:39 PM
Just changed my song order

12/23/2016 6:42:28 PM
White Christmas

11/28/2016 5:38:40 PM
Just put my Christmas songs at the top of my page.

11/21/2016 4:18:30 PM
For those of you that celebrate it

11/13/2016 7:02:17 PM
Video of One of my many versions of this song.

11/2/2016 8:16:44 AM
Mouse in My House is finished

10/17/2016 2:08:56 PM
Ok, here goes! Dream a Little Dream

9/26/2016 8:53:59 AM
No Place Left to Stand

9/10/2016 1:31:57 PM
Ken from Two Silo Complex's Ehoes Of Yor. New and final mix

9/6/2016 10:39:13 AM
Just added a YouTube Video for Beggar in the Night.

9/1/2016 11:14:58 AM
Live Happy Birthday Song

8/31/2016 10:46:44 AM
Herxing really bad today

8/27/2016 11:28:25 AM
Looking for some airplay on this new song. Comments welcomed

8/19/2016 2:22:49 PM
With A Little Help From My Friends

8/14/2016 1:12:01 PM
Wow! Thank You Indie Wavelength!

8/14/2016 1:10:20 PM
Thank You 5 Songs, A Pear

8/13/2016 4:18:07 PM
I Can't Say

8/4/2016 3:02:13 PM
Who here plays music in their car with a USB stick?

8/2/2016 6:04:44 PM
Still working on Mouse in the House

8/1/2016 11:27:13 AM
Just leased a new car

7/27/2016 3:59:31 PM
Thank you to The Jazz Club and The Blues Bar Stations

7/27/2016 11:00:03 AM
Thank you Tech Support

7/26/2016 6:23:01 AM

7/22/2016 10:57:03 AM
Does anyone here use Medical Marijuana?

7/18/2016 10:45:06 AM
Over 30 family members for a cookout at my house

7/15/2016 8:54:09 AM
Birthday and Anniversary today

7/12/2016 4:52:24 PM
When you record a song?

7/9/2016 4:25:32 PM
My true stories continued

7/9/2016 3:18:35 PM
One of my true stories

7/6/2016 6:08:46 PM
A Cup of Coffee. Now on a radio station near you.

6/29/2016 7:49:44 AM
I have a 77 Fender Jazz Bass

6/23/2016 5:32:26 PM
Here's a song you might like. Now being played on cool stations and number one in it's Genre!

6/1/2016 12:35:16 PM
Finished updating Pictures

5/26/2016 7:45:04 AM
Looking for an Animator

5/24/2016 10:43:56 AM
Just changed the order of my songs

5/12/2016 5:19:08 PM
How do I get off musicxray.com?

5/5/2016 10:00:23 AM
Going to practice for a bit

4/27/2016 4:14:04 PM
I have a song posted on a radio station here but....

4/25/2016 2:00:27 PM
My latest song "I Don't Know Why"

4/17/2016 4:17:26 PM
Looking for someone that is experienced with Apple IPad

3/11/2016 2:10:50 PM
Just added another rough song to my page

3/8/2016 6:59:16 AM
How many of you do collaborations? Song added now.

2/29/2016 9:12:24 AM
I just finished the remake of Better Change Your Ways BEATLESEX version added.

2/23/2016 1:54:21 PM
My first Instrumental

2/14/2016 11:48:19 AM
Happy Valentines Day

12/23/2015 9:53:23 AM
When do you take your Christmas Songs off your page?

12/19/2015 12:07:50 PM
Decided to do one more Christmas Song

12/18/2015 3:05:11 PM
Last Christmas Song just uploaded

11/30/2015 7:25:46 PM
Just put my first Christmas Song up

11/27/2015 7:11:11 AM
How do I find the value on my 77 Fender Jazz Bass?

11/21/2015 7:31:32 AM
Rise of the Tomb Raider

11/18/2015 4:36:32 PM
What do you use for recording gear?

11/17/2015 9:34:00 AM
Will be working on new songs soon now

10/29/2015 10:43:12 AM
Ghost Ship of the Sea. Now on my page

10/19/2015 5:33:54 PM
New song on my page

9/20/2015 4:45:23 PM
If you want to hear my songs?

9/15/2015 7:21:05 AM
Finally selling my 2480 DVD

9/6/2015 8:05:22 AM
Lost 11 songs

9/3/2015 12:15:41 PM
Medical Marijuana for or against?

9/3/2015 7:54:35 AM
Where is my post?

9/3/2015 7:40:05 AM
Any Gamers in here?

6/8/2015 7:56:44 AM
Just got my laptop up and running

4/29/2015 10:57:45 AM
Have a bunch of songs I need to upload


IAC Prime Member


Steve White

5/26/2016 7:45:04 AM

Looking for an Animator
I'm seriously looking for a good animator. I want to animate all of my songs so I can put them up on You Tube. If you know of anyone or you are into animation yourself, please contact me.

I did do one animation myself to my song It's Sunday but it was a lot of work and time and I was also learning on the fly. I think this is something a lot of you should look into. People these days love animation so it's a great time to do this.


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Two Silo Complex

5/26/2016 8:46:53 AM

I don't do animation but I am looking into green screen effects and adding backgrounds into videos.

If you know a good cheap video editing program I would be interested to know what it is.

Two Silo Complex,

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Father Time

5/26/2016 9:58:51 AM

I wrote a serial that I once hoped to do the same with, make a comic out of it, couldn't find anybody who had the time and the talent though, even though I have friends on facebook who are pro comic artists.

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Just Between Friends

5/26/2016 10:46:24 AM

I'm not sure what an animator does on videos. I just search for and use animated gifs that fit the theme or I use images and add effects in the moviemaker package... but mostly I just write the lyrics on each frame, people like to read them as they listen. There are programs to sync them to the vocals.

On YT I just uploaded a new song/video (with lyrics) about my football team having a great season. I posted it on the relevant football forum and it got about 30 plays in the first hour... normally I get 3 plays in a year, so obviously the topic (and where you post it) helps a lot.

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Steve White

5/26/2016 10:51:47 AM ---- Updated 5/26/2016 11:02:19 AM

I have tried before and I'll keep trying.

I'm looking for full animation.

Like this:


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Steve White

5/26/2016 11:03:38 AM

I tried to embed the video but got an error so you'll have to follow the link if you're interested. Sorry bout that.

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Paul groover

5/26/2016 4:26:45 PM ---- Updated 5/26/2016 7:43:57 PM

I have this program called messiah studio it is for 3d animation. Never used it for anything have learned a bit about it would give it a go.



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5/27/2016 12:24:39 AM

Lots of programs do this. There's a pretty steep learning curve, though. And it's time-consuming.

You can do some things yourself, though. Here's something that could work for some character face animations:


Fairly easy to get into.

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5/27/2016 12:37:57 AM

Ken, this:

Davinci Resolve

There's a free version. Check the license, though, depending on what you want to do.

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Two Silo Complex

5/27/2016 10:33:19 AM

Thank you LyinDan,
I don't know anything about video but I have and HD video recorder so I'd like to learn how to make interesting videos.

Two Silo Complex,

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5/27/2016 5:33:36 PM

Well, Davinci Resolve is a very high tier product. You can see that from the prices they charge for the non-free product. It can do whatever you want.

Check what the free product is licensed for, though, if you're intending commercial product.

There are lots of free video editing products out there, other than that.

FT, what are you using? Whatever it is, clearly results in a pro video product.

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Steve White

5/28/2016 6:20:56 AM


I did find a lot of great animators. Problem is they want like 120.00 an hour!

Still looking though. Not gonna give up yet. :)

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5/28/2016 4:06:52 PM


You'd have to find a newbie. That's not necessarily bad, there are lots of peeps determined to be animators now. Find somebody who wants to practice his chops. Otherwise, as you've found, people want the money to do this. It really is time consuming, that's the main thing. I've done some of this. And no, I don't have the time to spare. Sorry, really. I can't even keep up with my own needs.

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Steve White

5/28/2016 4:14:00 PM

I hear ya Dan

I have a post now for any level and it's only been up for a few days. I'll take a newbie as long as it looks better than what I can do. I know the time it takes, I did one awhile ago and it was a bitch man!

I have a link somewhere in this thread with the you tube post of what I did.

Really if I had the total knowledge (and it may just come down to me learning from the ground up) I'd do it all myself.

Anyhow, I'm not ready for that jump yet.

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5/28/2016 4:26:53 PM

Hey, look at the facerig thing. You might could revise and get something going from that.

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Steve White

5/28/2016 7:08:23 PM

I just checked that FaceRig out Dan.

Looks pretty good but I'll have to do the reading on it first. Maybe tomorrow. Our central air fan motor seized up so I won't have cool till Monday or Tuesday. Reading distracts me from the heat.

Thanks for the tip, I may give it a shot.

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Steve White

5/31/2016 4:12:09 PM


I have an animator working for me! I'm pretty happy about it too. He's raring to go!
I took Dan's advice and got a just out of school dude.

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Two Silo Complex

6/1/2016 10:04:22 AM

Cool Steve I will like to see the animation when its done please post a link.

I put out a couple you tube videos with back drops with free VRC editor I got online the audio quality on them not great but I'm in the learning stages experimenting with video.

Two Silo Complex,

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Steve White

6/1/2016 12:34:21 PM

Don't worry Ken, I'll definitely post when the song is done.

I gave up on the video thing because you need a lot of good equipment and software to make a good video. Unless you're playing live in front of the camera.


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Two Silo Complex

6/1/2016 1:08:17 PM

Not really Steve,
I have very basic HD video camera its pretty old and Ipod touch that I did video with.

The way I did "hold on" video was record the song then took video with me playing along to pre-recording. Then synch the audio with the video not hard since I played with it in real time.

"american made" I did live.

Take a peak at them the video quality not bad and I used a free video software and only what I have I did not buy anything to make my videos.

Two Silo Complex,

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Steve White

6/1/2016 3:09:19 PM

I just checked them out Ken.

I hate to even say this but IMO? They don't hold my interest. That's one of the big reasons I'm going for animation. One other thing is your vocal is very hard to hear. I don't know if you did that on purpose or not but vocals again IMO should pretty much stand out in the song.

I hope you don't take this badly and get mad at me and if you just would prefer that this not be up, let me know and I'll delete the post.


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Two Silo Complex

6/1/2016 3:17:09 PM

I know the audio quality not that great I am experimenting with video so I did these as rough productions to see how different video effects turned out.

I appreciate your honest feedback. I don't mind your comments or negative comments in general if they are constructive and I can learn from them.

I appreciate your opinion.
Two Silo Complex,

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