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Noah Spaceship
Views for this Topic: 1496

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Noah Spaceship

7/1/2015 9:23:31 PM

The guitar survived,..
And so did I, barely. Yesterday in the studio with the fans shut down for noise reasons, temperature reached over 105 degrees. I deleted over 40 takes. I could not perform the song at 100 bpm to save my guitar's life (sheer unadulterated will power accomplished the sparing of the fender). After 6 hours of grueling heat, take after take, cuss words, anger, frustration, self loathing and an unfettered desire to smash that fucking guitar into the tiniest of fucking pieces, I finally laid down a good track, it was a click track through the vocal mic on my trusty old wind up metronome. 3:33, not 4:00 - (sounds great, btw)

Today was a much more productive day (only 95 in the studio).

Glad I still have the san marino in one piece, she's a good guitar even though her neck is fractured.

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Noah Spaceship

7/2/2015 12:01:04 AM

It was weird. That heat seemed to cause me to play slower. It still strikes me as odd. It's the first time I was unable to adjust my tempo. The song is too simple for it to be longer than 4 minutes, it would drag too hard and get boring and I was not going to settle for a take longer than 3 1/2 minutes. The stubborn kicked in hard and things I would normally not giv a shit about if it sounded good and tight, completely drove me batshit.

I'm still laughing at what a dilemma i created for myself. I swear that kind of heat fucks with your head.

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tumbeelin tumbleweed

7/12/2015 12:30:00 AM

the heat is dry in the desert. you may not even feel it on your skin, it starts on the inside, takes a long time to get to the surface. but when it gets there, it's already too late. I once found a grand piano set up in a remote desert location and this was no mirage. sat down and played the 3 songs I know. then I played them again. at a certain point I looked down and the keys were starting to crack. then I noticed my hands were starting to age like I was 1000 years old. I tried to leap up off the stool but I was too old, I couldn't move. before I died I thought to myself well I could do worse than dying sitting at a grand piano.

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Noah Spaceship

7/12/2015 8:09:37 PM


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