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Noah Spaceship
Views for this Topic: 1273

4/20/2016 9:23:31 PM
I died so many times last night

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Indie Music People

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4/5/2016 3:26:30 AM
@ Ken TSC

4/1/2016 4:40:16 PM
I want one of those contributor tags

4/1/2016 6:23:14 AM
As close to Live as Noah Spaceship gets

4/1/2016 4:43:36 AM
can you feel it?

3/24/2016 5:09:20 AM
I love Michael Jackson

3/20/2016 2:19:20 AM
Wanna geek out?

3/19/2016 2:50:25 AM
I don't need your permission to play devil music

1/2/2016 6:14:01 PM
Taking risks

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Top 5 - influences - CHIME IN!!

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bloggity blog


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Noah Spaceship

3/19/2016 2:50:25 AM

I don't need your permission to play devil music
I don't need the devil's permission either.

I forgot to follow the rules again, sorry not sorry.
Paper dues payments due sowing souls.
Grinding agrinned upon clay encased stone.
Rounding rust plough shallowed rows.
Roots bunching bulbs forcing bulging compost.
Sweat burned eyes drip brown shimmering cracks.
Squinted cries gold sunlight burnished white frozen dry.
Grip splintered rolling grain breaking callous skin stretched thin.
Sleep tonight.
Begin again.

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Two Silo Complex

3/19/2016 1:19:58 PM

Good to see you back Noah.

Some interesting lyrics there. Be careful in the darkness thee are things there that have teeth and claws

These days I prefer the light but now and again the darkness rises to be beat back again with clubs and stones. Sometimes I think it comes out just for that reason.

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Noah Spaceship

3/19/2016 1:47:24 PM

Thanks, Ken.

This was just a random thought, not lyrics.

I'm speaking figuratively, but since you mentioned it, the 'darkness' doesn't scare me. I have teeth and claws.

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Two Silo Complex

3/19/2016 2:12:53 PM

Well its good to see you back man you have great talent and I enjoy your thoughts.

Rock on

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3/19/2016 2:19:35 PM

No amount of darkness could ever blunt the shining light that comes through from you. Good to see you back around here!

Much Respect,

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Psyche's Muse

3/20/2016 4:13:20 AM

...and what is "Devil" music?
...what is "Devil" exactly?
..."Devil" is as "Devil" does!
...the word "Devil" is used as a "Derogatory Title" for an "Opinion"
...and yet, we find that the "Devil" is in the Details
...meaning the "TRUTH" is a "DEVIL"
...the Truth "BURNS"
...Truth is "HORRIFYING"
...Truth is "TERRIFYING"
...and it is interesting to note this:

...while Jesus claimed to be the Way, the Truth, and the Light
...most "cheif/important/meaningful" people claimed that he had a "DEVIL"
...I'm just sayin' -M-

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Father Time

3/20/2016 6:57:38 AM

I ran into the devil a few times.

Once was on a backroad, driving to a casino in the 4 corners region of the US. I had a red Toyota truck with a red camper on it, filled with all my life's possessions. The devil beckoned me to pull me off the road so he could kill me and steal my truck and possessions. I bravely moved on, not looking over so I wouldn't see if he was holding a gun to my head.

I also ran into a devil on the internet. It was a woman named Swannie. She was sick and twisted. Years after I lost sight of her she popped up again, just as mean as ever. I think she's still around but I have her blocked.

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Psyche's Muse

3/20/2016 7:35:12 AM

ugh! ...creepy shit there Father Time. Yeah, I agree... the "DEVIL" does indeed exist!

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