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Jeff Allen Myers
Views for this Topic: 1423

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I’m Back! New Song For review

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JAM Update

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1/3/2010 3:16:11 AM
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Very cool, I am on a List with The Beatles, Led Zepplin, Green Day, Nirvana, .... :)

4/7/2009 6:52:41 PM
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5/20/2008 10:54:25 AM
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Daily Plays Log


IAC Prime Member


Jeff Allen Myers

5/20/2008 10:54:25 AM

My Mom and MJ
Hello friends,

As some of you may know, My Mom is battling lung cancer. She is not doing well with chemo as her white, red, blood cell count dropped dangerously low along with her platelets. She was in the hospital for three weeks. At this point it is not certain if she will be able to resume chemo treatment.

I was reading an article about a study in Spain where they found that Marijuana had shrunk tumors. At this point we are willing to try anything! Even if there is an ounce in truth in this it is worth a try,... so My Mom will be smoking marijuana for the first time in her life!!! At the very least, Marijuana has been proven to ease nausea in cancer patints, and it will be good for the pain she is experiencing.

I am thinking of giving her a copy of Floyds Dark side of the moon this weekend :)

I pray it has a positive effect on her.

God bless,


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Richard Scotti

5/20/2008 12:18:52 PM

Stay strong, my brother. My mom recently had a heart valve replaced and it's been a difficult time for her and the whole family but she's doing well now and your mom will do well too. You'll both be in my prayers.

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The Man With No Band

5/20/2008 12:20:12 PM ---- Updated 5/20/2008 12:22:32 PM

Jeff ... My thoughts are with ya ... I'd like to share a small TRUE story with you ...

When I was in high school, word got around that a twenty something year old guy from California had been placed in our little Kansas town's nursing home. His grandparents lived in town and they had sent "Rick" to be near them. (So they could bury him after he died) He had massive tumors throughout his body and the doctors said he would not live three months. They had already exhausted all chemo treatments and such and said there was no hope for him ... What little hair he had left had all turned pure white and even his skin looked as if he was a 90 year old man ...

A few of us got together and started visiting him and taking him out for walks in his wheelchair ... We just wanted to give him some enjoyment in his last days ... We'd go to the park and sit under the Pine trees and he started asking us if we could get some weed to smoke with him ... Well, to make a very long happy story short ... We helped him to get smoke every day ... and gradually he started growing hair and got color back and in a few weeks he could stand and a few more weeks and he was walking and and after a few months they couldn't find a trace of Cancer anywhere in his body.... Rick lived for 30 years, cancer free, and died in an accident just a few years ago

I don't relay this story so as to raise any type of false hope to you or your family ... because we all know how things go ...
but there is no doubt in my mind that Marijuana saved this man's life ...

and I truly applaud your mothers courage for what she is doing ...
may a miracle be sent to her ....

Oh .. and the Floyd surely won't hurt either !

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Jo Ellen

5/20/2008 12:28:18 PM

The best thing you can do, you are already doing. You are WITH her in heart and spirit. As for other remedies, I will pray they will ease her discomfort and aid in healing.

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5/20/2008 12:52:18 PM ---- Updated 5/20/2008 12:53:20 PM

Hi Jeff,

Difficult times for all your family right now but as Jo Ellen has said, you are very much with her and this will have a positive effect. People feel good when they feel loved and this in turn helps healing if that's a realistic option.

By the same token, because Marijuana (usually) relaxes you and makes you feel good (often very very good!) it all contributes to healing and in the UK (I think) Marijuana is legally available for those with certain registered illnesses (ME? MS?) - Though I don't know what form it's in.

Although there are many different kinds and strengths of Marijuana, if your mum is willing to try some, that's a very positive step. Also it's important to remember that many medicines are plant based, so the legality of 'the weed' has nothing important to do with it.

In my own way, I pray for her and your strength through whatever comes to pass.


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5/20/2008 1:11:17 PM

Hi Jeff, I think it would be a good idea to get a juicer and make vegetable juice especially with green vegetables which are very immune stimulating. You can also add spirulina powder. Mushrooms especially certain varieties of Chinese mushrooms are also very potent immune stimulators.

DK's mum

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Jeff Allen Myers

5/20/2008 1:28:13 PM

Thanks for sharing everyone! You have lifted my spirits...much appreciated!

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5/21/2008 4:02:59 PM

I was just reading this topic and I do not know you yet however I am so sorry to hear what you are going through. I know it isn't an easy time for you. My mom has been very very ill for about a year now and loosing massive amounts of weight and they found some things wrong with her however they know they haven't found the actual problem. All of us children (mom had 11 of us!) are really thinking more along the lines of cancer etc.. because of the massive amount of weight loss gosh she must have lost over 100 lbs possibly more at this point..
My thoughts are with you and your family and I hope they find something she can take to possibly get her in remission...

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5/21/2008 4:22:48 PM


Our thoughts go to you and your mother-------marajuana has been a much maligned plant, due largely to a powerful alcohol lobby throughout the world!!

If she finds smoking it difficult--- it can also be taken as a drink ( mixed in a blender)
or cookies with other sweet ingredients--- honey is good!

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Bruce Boyd

5/21/2008 4:43:16 PM

Our thoughts are with your mum and you Jeff.
Further to DK's mum's comments: "Wheatgrass juice is one of the best sources of living chlorophyll available. Chlorophyll gets into the tissues, refines them and makes them over. It is a superior detoxification agent compared to carrot juice and other fruits and vegetables. It is an energizer, it is nutritional and a blood builder."
In other words it may help to get the body's resources in the best shape possible to fight this disease. But it tastes really strange - not bad, just strange!
So have it with hash cakes for breakfast!
.....And get the DVD of Pulse - it's got the complete "Dark Side" - with light show!!

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5/21/2008 10:48:06 PM

yes wheatgrass is very good, you can grow mats of it in boxes and you need a special grinding liquidiser to make the juice, one tiny glass is equivalent to pounds of vegetables. Purple grapes which must have the seeds in side can be liquidised and are anti cancer or you can buy grapeseed extract. Rasperries are also anti cancer and need to be eaten every day.

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