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Jeff Allen Myers
Views for this Topic: 1526

5/25/2024 10:38:19 AM
I’m Back! New Song For review

12/13/2022 8:42:10 PM
New Song...Finally!!! A Little Bit More (Than Christmas Cheer)

6/24/2011 9:26:09 PM
Ride the Wave-Gemini Front Page Material :)

6/22/2011 11:24:16 PM
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Hit the Hitline....

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JAM Update

11/16/2010 11:51:21 PM
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9/6/2010 10:21:40 AM
A good article for Indie Artists...

6/18/2010 11:12:26 AM
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The Beatles "'I'll Follow The Sun" Acoustic Cover

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Happiness Is A Warm Gun -Acoustic Cover

1/10/2010 3:14:00 AM
Katherine Mcphee is growing up...and I Like It :)

1/3/2010 3:16:11 AM
Jeff Allen Myers Web Cam The Beatles Girl

12/25/2009 9:38:06 PM
The Greatest Gift ever received.

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UPLAYA Platinum!

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Do You Feel?

9/11/2009 6:35:54 PM
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Just finished hooking up my new Studio

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6/11/2009 9:59:21 PM
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6/2/2009 8:08:30 AM
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5/23/2009 8:37:45 AM
The Beatles... Individual Tracks!!!!!!!!

5/19/2009 3:50:56 AM
New Tune!!! One of my best......or at least one of my latest :)

5/17/2009 4:58:12 AM
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5/15/2009 6:50:41 PM
Recording this weekend..The Wifey and Kid are away....

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Is there anybody running Garageband.com????

5/6/2009 9:12:56 AM
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5/4/2009 7:07:50 AM
Great Multi Track Audio/Video Mix... Check this out...

4/27/2009 7:47:29 PM
A Global Pamdemic??

4/13/2009 7:03:16 PM
Very cool, I am on a List with The Beatles, Led Zepplin, Green Day, Nirvana, .... :)

4/7/2009 6:52:41 PM
Beatles new catalog on the way... New Digital Masters!

4/2/2009 1:15:37 AM
What do you do to pay the Bills?

3/29/2009 11:21:01 AM
"Bye Bye Lullaby" New Master

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Recording, Mixing, and Mastering tips

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2/8/2009 2:23:09 PM
Since the Announcement of a new Song coming dropped to a thunderous Thud... :)

2/8/2009 1:23:45 AM
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1/30/2009 8:10:32 PM
40 Years ago today... The Beatles on The Roof!!!

1/18/2009 11:46:39 AM
Letter From War (Live!)

1/1/2009 12:48:11 AM
2008 "It was the Best of Times, It was the worst of times"

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It was 28 Years ago today

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We Can Change This World ......

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Peace of Mind Hits #1 on Cashbox Magazines Indie Pop Chart

9/11/2008 9:53:06 AM
May we never forget, May we always remember the Sacrifice Cry (9/11)

9/7/2008 11:09:48 PM

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Eight days a week in Maui,Hawaii

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#1 Cashbox Pop Pick

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Paul McCartney.... Happy 65!

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Daily Plays Log


IAC Prime Member


Jeff Allen Myers

9/11/2008 9:53:06 AM

May we never forget, May we always remember the Sacrifice Cry (9/11)

Seven years later, it seems just like yesterday..... To all the people who perished, and the Police and Firefighters who were lost doing their jobs, to their family and friends.....

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9/11/2008 1:36:01 PM

I was thinking of the families today... and how difficult it must be for them to live that tragedy over every year... and not just families of this tragedy... but of all senseless crimes against humanity. My hope is... the memories of the moments they shared with their loved one while here... somehow will help ease the grief of their loss.

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9/11/2008 1:36:02 PM ---- Updated 9/11/2008 5:19:22 PM

That is a Beautiful Picture AnigmaS...

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9/11/2008 2:28:29 PM

What can I say, to ease the pain?


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9/11/2008 3:42:45 PM

May we always remember, and for those who lost their lives may they rest in peace. For those who never had a chance to say goodbye may they find peace.

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Holo Lukaloa

9/11/2008 3:51:22 PM

Too bad we never caught the guy who did it and spent 1 and a half trillion dollars on a fraudulent war that was supposed to address the issue.

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Lars Mars

9/11/2008 3:57:08 PM

Classy as always Holo.

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Holo Lukaloa

9/11/2008 3:59:37 PM

You don't like my answer? I don't care if you don't like my answer. The point is that we never avenged this horrific page from history. America has been a weak country that didn't have the fortitude or even the interest in finding Bin Laden.

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9/11/2008 4:09:32 PM ---- Updated 9/11/2008 4:16:02 PM



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Jeff Allen Myers

9/11/2008 4:35:27 PM ---- Updated 9/11/2008 4:38:35 PM

Holo, Lets not make a political issue out of remembering those that lost their lives.....do it on your own Blog please. This was meant as a tribute, as well as to bring attention to a song I wrote in their honor.Its total Bullshit to say we do not have an interest in finding Bin Laden, the asshole is in a cave somewhere...let him continue living like a rat. He is probably Dead anyway.... If your Man found him he would want to sit down with Tea to see why he hates us so much, and to ask if there is anything we can do to make him understand us better....

"Do you understand the Sacrifice is unending? a hero in yellow a hero in blue...we thank you."

That's a beautiful Picture, I would like to use it next to my song.


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9/11/2008 5:00:19 PM

I remember the day it happened like it was yesterday as well Jeff. I was with a friend who said to me that the world would never be the same again. As you say this a day to remember all those innocent lives lost and to recognise that this was not a nation nor a religion that commited this attrocity but a criminal and terrorist orginisation.

Rest in peace.

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9/11/2008 8:06:11 PM

[[[[[ "This was meant as a tribute, as well as to bring attention to a song I wrote in their honor." ]]]]]

Hi Jeff, I'm sorry but when I posted the pic earlier, I didn't realize that it was you that had written the song.

I don't have the words to tell you how much your song has meant, especially on this of all days.

Thank you.

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Pulse Eternal

9/11/2008 8:44:04 PM

No matter what anyone believes or their political persuasion, one fact about 9/11 cannot be argued and that is that many innocent people lost their lives in a despicable act instigated by a band of narrow minded, selfish and dangerous individuals.

May all the innocent victims rest in peace and those who are responsible for this get what they deserve one way or another.

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Art Factory

9/11/2008 9:02:02 PM

As you know, I appreciate this song as well as many others of yours in a world that continually reminds what we lack in human decency I still believe together we can make a difference. All the best to you and your family.

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9/11/2008 10:23:52 PM

Hi Jeff I forgot to refer to the song due to the political interuption.

"Cry" is a most beautiful song and so well recorded and it is such a lovely tribute.
The composition and performance is very moving.

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Texas Willie

9/12/2008 8:12:35 AM ---- Updated 9/12/2008 8:14:11 AM

Holo I have held my tongue long enough....I am so fucking sick of your dumbass I could just blow my fucking brains out in your stupid ass face....just to make you wipe the sneer off your face!

You are a disgrace!

But I mean that in the nicest way.........

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Holo Lukaloa

9/12/2008 8:55:24 AM

Sure, take it out on me, and spare Bin Laden!

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9/12/2008 2:50:36 PM

let me tell you that Europeans (and all humans in fact, unless blinded by some fanatics) were moved to tears as well... firefighters, rescuers and other altruistic helpers are the very future of the human race. Not terrorists or fundamentalists!

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