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Jeff Allen Myers
Views for this Topic: 1805

5/25/2024 10:38:19 AM
I’m Back! New Song For review

12/13/2022 8:42:10 PM
New Song...Finally!!! A Little Bit More (Than Christmas Cheer)

6/24/2011 9:26:09 PM
Ride the Wave-Gemini Front Page Material :)

6/22/2011 11:24:16 PM
My Album "Gemini" received a four star review....

6/7/2011 11:30:01 PM
Hit the Hitline....

5/13/2011 5:48:48 PM
JAM Update

11/16/2010 11:51:21 PM
Classic Harrison Acoustic cover to celebrate the release of The Beatles on Itunes....

9/6/2010 10:21:40 AM
A good article for Indie Artists...

6/18/2010 11:12:26 AM
Happy Birthday Paul!

4/3/2010 12:33:39 PM
The Beatles "'I'll Follow The Sun" Acoustic Cover

4/2/2010 1:54:22 AM
Happiness Is A Warm Gun -Acoustic Cover

1/10/2010 3:14:00 AM
Katherine Mcphee is growing up...and I Like It :)

1/3/2010 3:16:11 AM
Jeff Allen Myers Web Cam The Beatles Girl

12/25/2009 9:38:06 PM
The Greatest Gift ever received.

12/17/2009 7:19:58 PM
"Christmas For The Kids" top Holiday album on CD Baby

12/3/2009 7:14:23 PM
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11/7/2009 8:56:33 PM
Nowhere Boy--- Movie about the Young Lennon

11/5/2009 1:09:07 AM
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10/9/2009 1:54:50 AM
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10/2/2009 1:53:06 AM
UPLAYA Platinum!

9/26/2009 11:16:02 PM
Do You Feel?

9/11/2009 6:35:54 PM
I rarely push my songs, but I make an exception once a year- 9/11

8/16/2009 2:34:22 AM
Just finished hooking up my new Studio

6/22/2009 7:20:05 PM
A few special words to a Father... Life is good

6/11/2009 9:59:21 PM
"Gemini" Have you heard it????

6/2/2009 8:08:30 AM
Beatles Rockband... First look

5/23/2009 8:37:45 AM
The Beatles... Individual Tracks!!!!!!!!

5/19/2009 3:50:56 AM
New Tune!!! One of my best......or at least one of my latest :)

5/17/2009 4:58:12 AM
I don't think they had these problems at Abbey Road...

5/15/2009 6:50:41 PM
Recording this weekend..The Wifey and Kid are away....

5/13/2009 7:44:41 AM
We are Lost on an Island...

5/8/2009 7:45:23 AM
Is there anybody running Garageband.com????

5/6/2009 9:12:56 AM
I found Bluto's Band ! I knew he was a musician....

5/4/2009 7:07:50 AM
Great Multi Track Audio/Video Mix... Check this out...

4/27/2009 7:47:29 PM
A Global Pamdemic??

4/13/2009 7:03:16 PM
Very cool, I am on a List with The Beatles, Led Zepplin, Green Day, Nirvana, .... :)

4/7/2009 6:52:41 PM
Beatles new catalog on the way... New Digital Masters!

4/2/2009 1:15:37 AM
What do you do to pay the Bills?

3/29/2009 11:21:01 AM
"Bye Bye Lullaby" New Master

3/24/2009 11:39:26 PM
Recording, Mixing, and Mastering tips

3/22/2009 1:03:27 AM
New Song "Bye Bye Lullaby"...Updated Master

3/18/2009 4:50:25 AM
Drums On Demand

3/5/2009 7:10:55 PM
"Cracked Pot" a lesson on individuality and unique abilities

2/25/2009 9:56:14 PM
Do you want to become a better Guitarist????

2/8/2009 2:23:09 PM
Since the Announcement of a new Song coming dropped to a thunderous Thud... :)

2/8/2009 1:23:45 AM
New Song on the Way ... "Loneliness Goodnight"

1/30/2009 8:10:32 PM
40 Years ago today... The Beatles on The Roof!!!

1/18/2009 11:46:39 AM
Letter From War (Live!)

1/1/2009 12:48:11 AM
2008 "It was the Best of Times, It was the worst of times"

12/10/2008 2:14:19 PM
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12/8/2008 4:21:08 PM
It was 28 Years ago today

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9/24/2008 2:13:26 AM
We Can Change This World ......

9/20/2008 1:04:43 AM
Peace of Mind Hits #1 on Cashbox Magazines Indie Pop Chart

9/11/2008 9:53:06 AM
May we never forget, May we always remember the Sacrifice Cry (9/11)

9/7/2008 11:09:48 PM

9/3/2008 11:52:07 AM
I cried This Morning....

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7/27/2008 8:46:01 PM
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7/8/2008 9:48:56 AM
Eight days a week in Maui,Hawaii

6/25/2008 8:47:55 PM
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6/24/2008 5:31:40 PM
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5/20/2008 10:54:25 AM
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4/15/2008 5:52:25 PM
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4/1/2008 8:40:25 PM
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Firestorm in Southern California

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Across the Universe

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#1 Cashbox Pop Pick

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Paul McCartney.... Happy 65!

6/8/2007 1:31:23 AM
Daily Plays Log


IAC Prime Member


Jeff Allen Myers

4/27/2009 7:47:29 PM ---- Updated 4/27/2009 7:50:19 PM

A Global Pamdemic??
I am not one to overreact, and I all but ignored the "Bird Flu" scare a few years back, but this is different.... it is really giving me an uneasy feeling. They are using the word "Pandemic" rather freely here. Throughout history, Nature has found a way to keep global populations in check. There are confirmed cases now in San Diego where I work, and in Palm Spings.

I don't know if its because I am a Father to a two year old now, but I am keeping an eye on this closely..and I don't feel good about it. It is killing young people in their prime as their own immune system goes into hyper overdrive and fills the lungs with fluid. Wash your hands often and avoid large crowds for the forseeable future.. hopefully this fizzles out, I hope its media "sensationalism" but I think it is more then that...

Swine flu virus may cause global pandemic: UN chief
1 hour ago

UNITED NATIONS (AFP) — A deadly swine flu virus strain could unleash a new global pandemic, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warned Monday, after the probable death toll from the disease rose to 149 in Mexico.

"We are concerned that this virus could cause a new influenza pandemic. It could be mild in its effect or potentially be severe," Ban told reporters.

"We don't know yet which way it will go but we are concerned that in Mexico most of those who died were young and healthy adults."

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Sly Witt

4/27/2009 7:52:49 PM

My boss just got back from Mexico last Monday. On Thursday he went home with a fever of 103F (39.5C) and all the symptoms of the flu . He decided to come back to work today because he's a 'tough guy'. So... I'll let you know how the flu is in a couple of days, I'd guess.

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Jeff Allen Myers

4/27/2009 8:00:10 PM ---- Updated 4/27/2009 8:01:59 PM

If I were you I would go home..Its pretty stupid of your boss to come to work and possibly infect his empolyees. They don't know how long an infected person can spread the disease. It will affect everyone differently, I don't think being "tough" is a great defense.

The fact that he was just in Mexico is not good Sly....

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Kevin White

4/27/2009 11:30:14 PM

It's scary, fer sure.

With 40 reported cases currently in the U.S. and 26 in Mexico, it would seem much safer in Mexico than here.

But let's look at the real numbers:

With a population of 304 million people, 40 cases in the U.S. represents .00000001315% of the population

But Mexico only has a population of about 110 million people, so 26 cases represents .00000002364% of the population.

Thats means there is nearly twice the chance of catching the disease in Mexico than in the U.S.

But happily very little chance of catching it anywhere, regardless of our Chicken Little U.S. press.

I'm not so certain of the government's new ad campaign though: "Don't be a piggy. Keep clean and avoid the flu. Wash your hands dammit!"

Let's just say as of yet, a pandemic I wouldn't call it.

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4/28/2009 12:02:02 AM

Pandemic or not?

too early to say----but the precautionary principle makes sense!!

this is how fast it travels----- On Sunday --10 infected high school kids arrive back in New Zealand from Mexico------they are quarantined but the rest of the passengers disperse---!

One of these is an Art student who turns up at our polytech for class on Monday totally unaware of the furore---and is sent home ---meanwhile the authorities are trying to track down the other 100 passengers????

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Jeff Allen Myers

4/28/2009 12:15:12 AM ---- Updated 4/28/2009 12:21:25 AM

Funny, I was reading from the bottom up and I read three sentences and knew instantly it was Kevin. ...so I scrolled up..... Yep :)

Kevin, I don't need a stat lesson, I deal with numbers all day. Of course its not a Pandemic yet, it has the "potential" Anytime you have Human/Animal strains it is a huge concern, and this thing seems to be very infectious. Its' usually the young and elderly that the flu hits hard, but this thing is killing people in the prime of health.

Do you realize as early as 1968 a million people died in a viral outbreak? You can't cure a virus, you just have to hope your immune system can take care of it...and not turn on you in the process.

Wash your hands, avoid crowds, and although it may seem rude...don't shake hands. Thats just good advise, thousands die regularly of the flu, you don't need a unique strain.

This bears watching...I am well aware of the medias penchant to amplify/sensationalize to increase viewrship/Readership. This just does not feel right to me.... I think this threat is real.

For the record, I have read 100 plus deaths may be attributed to this in Mexico, another 700 are in the hospital. These cases have yet to be confirmed...

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Kevin White

4/28/2009 1:24:06 AM ---- Updated 4/28/2009 2:22:47 AM

All threats are real and to have an eye kept on them, Jeff.

But this one shouldn't be on the radar yet, no matter what your gut tells you. It's media driven ... like the flesh eating bacteria ... the percentage of population NOT affected being 99.99999999999999999999%

It is your two year old driving the fear. I'll have to tell you about how I interrupted my family's summer vacation whilst my kids were about that age to drive everyone inland to avoid a hurricane my gut told me would hit direct, but then veered off. The area didn't even lose power.

Meanwhile ... back at reality, this one came up on my radar 2 weeks ago when it was page 12 and a by note, as there were only 6 active cases in the U.S.

Back then in the good ol days of two weeks ago, folks were stating it was not a threat, only a note. Then suddenly ... OVER TWO WEEKS TIME ... it EXPLODES!!!??? ... from 6 to 40 cases NATIONALLY ... and suddenly we're talking pandemic?

Well, it COULD occur, but ... okay ... go w/ your gut.


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The Man With No Band

4/28/2009 2:17:40 AM

" ..... tests show a 4-year-old boy contracted the virus before April 2 in Veracruz state, where a community has been protesting pollution from a large pig farm.

The farm is run by Granjas Carroll de Mexico, a joint venture half owned by Virginia-based Smithfield Foods, Inc. Spokeswoman Keira Ullrich said the company has found no clinical signs or symptoms of the presence of swine flu in its herd or its employees working anywhere in Mexico. "

Of COURSE they have found NO infected pigs .... Those AMERICAN corporations know how to hide that stuff !!!!!!

... Pandemic no .... one case (out of 48 in the U.S.) of anyone who has contracted the flu have been hospitalized ....

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Kevin White

4/28/2009 2:26:02 AM

Ah, THAT'S IT!!!

It's an American Corporation PIG CONSPIRACY ... I SO should have seen that coming ... damn American corporations experimenting w/ um, pigs.

I mean, I've seen something exactly like it in a bad 80s movie.

(kidding Sam ... I'm just running w/ the Corporation vibe)


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The Man With No Band

4/28/2009 2:44:03 AM

hee hee .... That's the CORPORATE PIG thing I'm always warning people about ... :)

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4/28/2009 3:30:38 AM

We all need to eat more red onions. In the case of this flu, 4000 units of garlic a day wouldn't hurt, either.

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4/28/2009 3:51:45 AM

tuesday here in NZ ----and those infected has jumped from 10 on sunday---

---to 66 today!

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Kevin White

4/28/2009 4:17:15 AM

NZ people need to wash more thoroughly, and more often.


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Chris Hance

4/28/2009 9:14:23 AM

2 cases now confirmed in scotland....:(

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4/28/2009 3:04:06 PM ---- Updated 4/28/2009 3:43:02 PM

Nothing to worry about at all.. Nope, not a darn thing..


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4/28/2009 3:28:54 PM ---- Updated 4/28/2009 3:40:28 PM

Swine flu facts

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4/28/2009 7:28:17 PM

Hey Phlegm, you'd better be careful being so close to Mexico. I have to travel everyday on the tube which comes from the airport and is always packed. It is going to be very difficult to contain if it gets going.
Lots of people are buying antiviral drugs from the internet as they don't believe the government with be able to get drugs to them quickly enough.


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The Man With No Band

4/29/2009 7:58:22 PM

Woo Hoo ! ... we are saved ! ... or at least a little happier .. :)

Cannabis Science Inc. Reports on Prospective Life Saving Treatments for H1N1 Swine Flu and H5N1 Bird Flu in View of the Current Global Threat

GFON , an emerging pharmaceutical cannabis company, reported today on the current state of development of its whole-cannabis lozenge in response to Homeland Security Administration Secretary Janet Napolitano's declaration of a public health emergency to deal with the emerging Swine Flu pandemic. The Company's non-toxic lozenge has properties that could alleviate many of the symptoms and harmful effects of the H5N1 bird flu and H1N1 swine flu viruses, and has offered its assistance to HSA today in a letter to Secretary Napolitano. The Company has offered to produce up to 1 million doses of its whole-cannabis lozenge, and provide them to HSA for distribution at cost.

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Jeff Allen Myers

4/29/2009 8:22:56 PM

Will the losenge dissolve in a Bong??? :)

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Mr. Ed

4/29/2009 9:05:18 PM

I couldn't help but notice, how the Bildeberger controlled propaganda machine has already labeled this latest Human engineered Bio-Weapon-gone-wrong as a "Swine Flu" outbreak.


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