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11/18/2009 12:25:29 PM
KIAC Cash Stream?
In the absence of trying to resolve this issue with
'the management' do you think we should get IAC
to donate our 'earnings' to charity?
(I'm still waiting for our 'earnings' to be POSTED after
joining this option in April 2009)
What say you all???

11/18/2009 2:19:28 PM
Hi Colin
the elephant in the room?
--I have had many emails from artists about this---got another one this morning
---what do i know ???

Steve Iannetti
11/18/2009 2:56:03 PM
Fuck no.

Jeff Allen Myers
11/18/2009 3:07:09 PM
How about some upfront communication from IAC? I would like to know what is going on...

11/18/2009 4:00:36 PM
Some MEANINGFUL communication would be
a good thing on this issue I think Jeff...
Thanks to all for your input!

Conversation Suicide
11/23/2009 5:57:35 AM
yeah.... I'm with y'all....it's only about $80 bucks (40 pounds or so)....but we could SURE use it, right about now. Or at least the IPOD shuffle!
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