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Views for this Topic: 3398

3/15/2025 7:38:58 PM
Extracting the Michael ...

12/3/2024 5:50:02 PM

6/1/2024 4:35:32 PM

3/26/2024 7:45:01 PM

10/27/2022 5:54:44 PM
Just been 'downstairs' ....

8/16/2022 7:30:28 PM

11/10/2015 3:34:44 PM
Nils Lofgren

5/31/2011 1:23:05 PM
HATS OFF! to these Guy's

1/25/2011 2:37:52 PM

4/16/2010 1:08:46 PM
We get to do it all again!

3/17/2010 5:54:42 PM

3/4/2010 11:22:26 AM
Playing GiG's and Raising Funds for Charity!

12/24/2009 2:51:39 PM
Change KICKS In..

12/21/2009 7:04:57 AM
Rage against the Machine WIN UK Chart Race!

12/5/2009 1:02:18 PM
BoB does ClimateGate...?

11/18/2009 12:25:29 PM
KIAC Cash Stream?

9/24/2009 8:13:20 AM
Thank You...

8/15/2009 11:10:42 PM

7/25/2009 12:51:05 AM
Buffalo Springfield to LWW

7/11/2009 3:12:07 PM
It's Festival Time! (For Us)

5/2/2009 5:58:45 PM

3/25/2009 10:53:13 PM
??? Larree on TV ???

3/23/2009 10:58:07 PM
'Live' is where it is At!

3/20/2009 6:07:31 PM
Roquinox Gig - 21/3/09

3/1/2009 12:40:46 AM
Great Gig!

2/2/2009 3:16:19 AM
We must be doing something right?

1/21/2009 2:03:57 PM
In Celebration (And a bit of FUN!)

1/19/2009 1:41:15 PM
What's so funny about Peace, Love & Understanding?

1/1/2009 7:54:08 AM
Who would you like to have a beer with in 2009?

12/10/2008 5:16:25 AM
Wanna HEAR our latest Live Show?

12/6/2008 6:27:43 AM
Xmas Gig Last Night!

10/24/2008 12:46:29 PM
Whole lotta Bitching Going On?

10/23/2008 8:10:54 AM
This one Cracked me up!

9/26/2008 4:59:04 AM
(26/9/08) is our IAC 1st Birthday!

8/22/2008 12:36:39 PM
Reading Festival Kicks Off!

5/8/2008 11:07:19 AM


IAC Prime Member



4/16/2010 1:08:46 PM

We get to do it all again!
On Saturday 8th May 2010, we share the stage at
The Sound Awesome Spring Festival with Fyrefly
and a host of other bands for a 3 day Celebration
of Original Live Indie Music in West London, UK!

www.the-code.co.uk">SA Spring Festival 2010

DK's Mum - take note? See you there?

Tickets £5.00 per day - Friday Night FREE!
Camping, Food, Licensed and Quality Toilets!!!

We have the 9 - 10 pm Slot, which is COOL!

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Hop On Pop

4/16/2010 1:15:11 PM

I hate these posts because I really want to be there. I've seen those live videos that you've posted of the band, and you guys kick many kinds of ass.

Have a great show.

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4/16/2010 1:20:43 PM

Sweet. net feeds of any kind ?

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4/16/2010 2:27:58 PM

That sounds great, hope to be there, can you pay at the door ? What days are you there ?

DK's mum

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4/18/2010 12:43:04 PM

Todd - apologies for the 'wind up' (There is a major international airport
close by!!! Bring your tent!) ;-{}

Cul - I think there may be some sort of online hookup - will suss it out!

DK's Mum - should be OK to pay on the door, but if you want to book
online, follow this link:

SA 2010 Tickets

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Conversation Suicide

4/19/2010 12:34:38 AM

awesome lineup, like b4, with you and the folks from Fyrefly

sorry I won't be out your way until JUNE-ish....

But we'll DEFINITELY catch a live show THEN !!!!

ROCK that guitar, and vocal Colin. Enjoy.

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4/20/2010 1:10:46 PM

Hi Colin, We will be coming on Saturday, tickets seem to be on sale for £10 only for three days. Do you think it will be ok to pay £5 for the day with no chance of it selling out ?


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4/20/2010 3:55:47 PM

Great news DK's Mum - It is OK to pay on the door for 1 day only!
How many tickets do you need? 2 (Two)? Will put in a reservation
for you if you like - let me know numbers?

pHLeGm - shame your not around in the UK then, but we are ready
for some jams when you get settled!


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The Man With No Band

4/21/2010 6:00:32 AM

Can you pick me up at 7:00 ?

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4/21/2010 7:34:56 PM

Hi Colin

Rock on matey!

One can dream-----say hi to the firefly guys for us

Rob and Crew

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4/27/2010 1:57:48 AM

They are now selling tickets for separate days so we are getting ours sent to us. Hope to meet you all

DK's mum and Dad

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4/27/2010 6:39:21 PM

Sam - make sure you make it to the Airport! (and bring a tent!)

Rob - wishing you could join us on stage and for a bevi afterwards!!!

DK's Mum - Great News - see you all on the 8th May for some ROCK!!!

to All??? - Live online link to be posted soon - so come back and check it out!

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5/1/2010 6:11:48 PM

Lets pray for good weather next weekend, its been really pissing down all evening today as it usually does on Bank Holidays !

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5/4/2010 5:29:26 AM

Hi J - UK Weather is so predicable! The Gig I believe is
indoors, so should not be a problem!

For anyone interested, the show kicks off at 1.00 pm UK
time, on Saturday 8/5/10 (5/8/10) we have the 9 - 10pm
UK time slot, followed by Fyrefly at 10 - 11pm and you
can listen online using the following link:

SA Spring Festival 2010

Cheers for your Ears!

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Conversation Suicide

5/4/2010 7:45:09 AM

Online??? FUck YEAH !!!

hmmm... so 9pm would be 7hours earlier for Mountain Time in the States, right ?
Same as California time....
Let me know if I'm RIGHT.
'Cause I could AT LEAST attend your show "Virtually" !

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5/6/2010 6:50:00 AM

pHLeGM - according to my 'world clock' link Pheonix AZ
is 8 hours behind UK time, so you would need to tune in
at 1pm (your time) to catch The CODE set, followed by
Fyrefly and Headline act Flutatious!

There is also a chatroom and other things happening
as well!


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Conversation Suicide

5/7/2010 5:10:08 AM ---- Updated 5/7/2010 5:48:20 AM

ummmm ... do you have a link for Saturday, so we can watch it internationally ? I wanna see if they'll be playin' some DirgeK....

Anyhoo... "see" ya there on Sunday, me bucko

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5/8/2010 10:58:03 AM

The countdown begins - only 4 hours to our set!

9 - 10pm UK time followed by Fyrefly and Flutatious

Listen here:

SA Spring Festival 2010


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5/8/2010 11:38:36 AM

Thanks for the head's up, have a great gig!

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5/8/2010 11:55:13 AM ---- Updated 5/8/2010 11:56:50 AM

Thanks for the head's up, have a great gig!"

...heads up indeed.. showing up in your tailor made tux, kurt?

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Conversation Suicide

5/8/2010 7:59:58 PM ---- Updated 5/8/2010 8:23:30 PM

Colin :
I'm a dumbass.... I thought you said SUNDAY....

I'm listening on www.soundawesome.com right now,
and it's playin' DJ Mike Llama.... s'got a COOL middle-eastern
meets Electronica feel, but LIVE....
Reminds me of some of the work by Dead cAn DaNcE

Did I miss you? Will they replay The CODE ???

I'll keep it rollin', so I can be with ya there in SPIRIT,
as an afterthought, at least. yup.

DJ Mike was actually quite badass, with a METAL / INDUSTRIAL middle-eastern mix -thingee for the finale...
I missed you.
I AM a dumbass.

LOOKS like I'll have to wait 'til we get to ENGLAND,
(when - I don't fuckin' know. THIS YEAR? yes.
how- again...I.D.F.K ...... WHY ? oh so many REASONS...) see ya then.
stay in touch.

=yer crazy u.s. phan,


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5/9/2010 4:29:31 AM ---- Updated 5/9/2010 4:38:53 AM

It was great to meet you all and thanks for introducing us to such a lot of great music and wonderful community of SoundAwesome.

For anybody who missed it here is a video of the 'Code' followed by a psychedelic video with the music of 'Flutatious'

Enjoy DK's mum

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Conversation Suicide

5/9/2010 4:52:30 AM ---- Updated 5/9/2010 4:53:58 AM

THANK YOU, oh THANK you, Jill.


Tha's my boy......Colin, of the CODE

HELLS YEAH !!! Didja know he wants me to sing BACK UP??

Pretty amazing, eh?

I'm not kiddin' here.

So if you know any Art/Music Investors, who'd be interested in a 10,000 QUID Loan, with a 25% return on their investment.....
I.E., they loan me 10,000 English pounds, and I give them 12,500 pound,
within' a year.

I've got the CHANCE of a LIFETIME right now, with a hope to be singin' backup, and maybe some LEADS, with The CODE,
and BASS for Product Recall, and get SIGNED, and become the Vice fuckin' President of
ROMULUS X Records UK.....

C'mon, Jill....you've gotta know SOMEBODY who'd take that high yield investment, to get my fool ass to ENGLAND, eh?

Looked like a GREAT SHOW Colin, by the way....
Terrible sorry for the digression mate,
but I've REALLY gotta get to Leicester, ENGLAND - ASAP .


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5/9/2010 7:48:55 AM

And here's some Fyrefly for you to enjoy


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5/9/2010 9:29:04 AM

WOW J - you have been busy!!!

Great to meet up with you and Tony, and Bob???
Fun night was had by all! I'll catch up with you on
SA soon!

pHLeGm - DOH! It was a live feed so no repeats!


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5/9/2010 6:12:52 PM

It wasa blast

--I'll get those vids up on IAC vids on U-Tube station

Thanks DKs Mum!!!!!!

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