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Bob Elliott
3/25/2013 4:08:25 PM
A Prob with IAC...
...is that it doesn't seem to play on iPhones and iPads. That is a problem when asking people to check out your latest.
Chandra Moon
3/26/2013 9:28:00 AM
It is a problem and nowadays more and more people are using phones not computers so I hope it can be sorted somehow would be marvellous.
3/26/2013 10:38:05 AM
Good point! It would be cool if IAC fixed that issue!
Richard Scotti
3/26/2013 3:47:44 PM
---- Updated 3/26/2013 4:03:15 PM
Salon magazine says:
The iPhone does not come installed with a flash player. Jailbreaking the iPhone to install a flash player is illegal. Get a flash player legally by utilizing cloud computing on the iPhone. With the "Cloud Browse" app, access flash players for use on your iPhone.
Step 1
Navigate to the iPhone app store. Search for the "Cloud Browse" application. Download the application once you have found it.
Step 2
Launch the "Cloud Browse" application on the iPhone. Press the "Web" icon button.
Step 3
Enter the URL of the website where you wish to get the flash player working.
Step 4
Play the flash file or files within that specific website on the iPhone.
I'm no expert on these matters. Check the internet for additional info. I don't think IAC has control over this issue. It's a controversy between Apple and Adobe Flash Player which apparently can be circumvented legally with "Cloud Browse". This advice is coming from Salon (tech magazine) not I.
I'm not responsible for any problems arising from this advice!
My wife has a new MAC Book Pro that will not play You Tube, or IAC music or many other sites. When trying to watch videos or hear sound on those sites the computer says "MISSING PLUG IN". We're assuming that Adobe Flash Player is the missing plug in but no one including Apple will confirm this. The really strange thing is that my iMAC which is 7 years old plays every site perfectly without Adobe Flash Player! I've asked the Apple Support Community and no one has the answer. My guess is that the older Apple computers don't need Adobe Flash but the new ones do. Who knows? The Geek Squad?
Bob Elliott
3/26/2013 5:12:48 PM
Fair enough, but somehow soundcloud does,it, and whereas I'd rather send listeners over here, I'm more likely to post stuff to,soundcloud because people give up when they can't play it here.
Chandra Moon
3/27/2013 1:14:21 AM
I'm on a Macbook Pro and it's easy to download Flash free from Adobe and everything plays fine. However, you can't listen to IAC music on my phone (just a nokia) even though music from other sites does play - not sure as I'm not techical but you are right about the iPhone.
IAC Admin
3/27/2013 8:30:55 AM
Great discussion here! We have been considering and researching these issues for some time now, and will be upgrading the player in several weeks, following a public test starting in about a week from now - see the Pipeline topic "Playing IAC music on iOS and Android devices, and on modern browsers" for more info.
Bob Elliott
3/27/2013 11:49:51 AM
Steve White
3/31/2013 7:44:04 AM
For now
You can download the Puffin Browser that plays flash. I see IAC is getting ready to fix this but if you want you could use this browser. It costs like three bucks.
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