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Bob Elliott
3/28/2021 10:18:47 PM
Never Go Away
Never Go Away
Never go away
oh I need you
pray you'll always stay
where you're supposed to
never, ever go
'cause I love you
there's something you should know
is how I love you
If you ever go
I'd be lonely
and the time would pass so slowly
while I'm lonely
so don't you ever go
leave me lonely
there's something you should know
I love you only
Never go away
oh I need you
pray you'll always stay
where you're supposed to
don't you ever go
leave me lonely
there's something you should know
I love you (w)holy

Mike Lance
3/28/2021 10:44:04 PM
Bob, I think you're my favourite vocalist on IMP, which makes everything you release sound top notch to my ears. This song is no exception. There's a unique character to your voice that can't be imitated. The guitar is also very well played.
Solid tune overall.

Tom O'Brien
3/29/2021 2:55:07 AM
Right on, Bob. That was extremely nice on the ears. A simple lyric that says just what you want it to. A subtle dynamic build from those nice low bass notes to just the sparsest percussion to the band showing up on piano and synth and drums.
I agree that you have a very unique and likable vocal timbre. You're lucky. I've loved your voice and your relaxed delivery since the first time I heard you. This song is in a very agreeable range for your voice.
Bob Elliott
3/29/2021 10:25:48 AM
Thanks for the listening Mike and Tom. Also, thanks for the nice thoughts on the recording.
I didn’t mention that this song has been in my head for more than three decades. So strange. I always knew it was solid like a rock you might find. It came to me like that, all complete and simple, and I guess I always thought there’d be another part coming, but it never wanted any kind of additions or changes, so I recorded what has been stuck in my head thirty years, and now let’s see if it gets stuck in yours.

Bryon Tosoff
3/29/2021 10:27:43 AM
Wow Bob, tripping cool, love how the song unwinds and builds and the rhythmic and melodic qualities are so well addressed ,neat groove and flow.. Vocals as always warm and inviting. The way you started the song with guitar and vocals and dovetailed in the other instrumentation and percussion was clever
Added up to the eYe and Flow, wonderful work. great listen
Bob Elliott
3/29/2021 8:23:37 PM
Thanks a ton for the support, Bry. At least there’s one DJ in the world plays my stuff.
Desperado, too. I appreciate that.
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