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Father Time
7/14/2022 1:44:42 AM
Write a great first line of lyrics for a new song.
3 rules
1. You never have to finish it.
2. If someone else wants to use it they are allowed, but they must keep that to themselves. Do not post any additions to their lyrics here.
3. No crediting is required if 2.

Father Time
7/14/2022 1:46:41 AM
ok I'll start:
His pretense was as naked as himself in the dead of night

7/14/2022 3:27:03 AM
oke, I am next
you're like phantasm, just feel but can't see clearly.

7/14/2022 6:52:47 AM
Even if you clip my wings I may never touch the ground

negative tendencies
7/14/2022 12:00:10 PM
We're the biggest in the land, unless you count Paul Bunyan

7/14/2022 3:18:08 PM
the distance between them the work of a lifetime
a wall without windows too tired to climb

Paul groover
7/14/2022 4:55:21 PM
Surreal sunset as you pretend you know about life

Father Time
7/14/2022 5:15:48 PM
I don't know what you guys think but I thought all of those were great.
Jingo that was some potent phrasing there.

Paul groover
7/14/2022 5:54:08 PM
His pretense was as naked as himself in the dead of night
you're like phantasm, just feel but can't see clearly
Even if you clip my wings I may never touch the ground
We're the biggest in the land, unless you count Paul Bunyan
the distance between them the work of a lifetime
a wall without windows too tired to climb
Surreal sunset as you pretend you know about life

Paul groover
7/14/2022 6:03:58 PM
I was emotional and felt homeward bound

Choosy Susie
7/14/2022 9:56:17 PM
---- Updated 7/14/2022 11:41:04 PM
Most of the above lyrics have a psychedelic feel even though the original request just said "a great first line for a new song"
Can't imagine these words in a good ol' Country song for example so how about
"Mama keeps a rusty bucket by the kitchen door"

Avery Dumpling Jr.
7/15/2022 6:28:33 AM
I made it round the mountain just in time to see your ass

Francesca Tamellini
7/15/2022 2:41:00 PM
That one tells a story. Sneaking up on someone’s donkey……

7/15/2022 5:13:48 PM

7/15/2022 8:47:37 PM
Papa keeps a sawed off shotgun underneath the bathroom floor
Jesus never came to visit us for sure
because the evil in our hearts was there forever more.

5/30/2024 3:44:08 AM
---- Updated 5/30/2024 6:17:59 AM
just your neighborhood spammer spamming again.

Lars Mars
5/30/2024 8:09:21 AM
One I came up with years ago. Never could find more of it, so it's as complete as I will get it. Maybe someone else sees more. With my blessings:
"I sleep with a vengeance unknown to the modern mind..."

Psyche's Muse
5/31/2024 1:10:31 AM
it's 20/20 "too?"
...or 20/20 "for?"
pretty sure they're opened...
but I can't find that door.

Lars Mars
5/31/2024 11:09:29 AM
Yes, I noticed the date and even if I hadn't, the contributors certainly was a clue.
But a worthy exercise and a chance for me to unload that line.

Spank Momma
6/23/2024 1:51:54 AM
Well its amazing that your still here, your from californy so your likely a liberal queer. I care for you and your lost soul, I live in reality and my head aint in no hole

Spank Momma
6/23/2024 1:52:30 AM
Well its amazing that your still here, your from californy so your likely a liberal queer. I care for you and your lost soul, I live in reality and my head aint in no hole

Spank Momma
6/23/2024 1:52:41 AM
Well its amazing that your still here, your from californy so your likely a liberal queer. I care for you and your lost soul, I live in reality and my head aint in no hole

Chandra Moon
6/27/2024 6:19:59 AM
If I could find the words, I'd write a song myself, so take them so they don't end up on the shelf.............
7/1/2024 2:39:56 PM
"For now we give them drugs and video games but what will we do with all these worthless people in the future???"
Yeah, yeah, yeah!!!
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