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Yours Truly
Views for this Topic: 44

12/16/2024 3:19:13 AM
Station adds are an opportunity to tell listeners more


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Yours Truly

12/16/2024 3:19:13 AM ---- Updated 12/16/2024 4:21:08 AM

Station adds are an opportunity to tell listeners more
Some of us create Stations as personal playlists.
Some Stations are genre based to aid a listener search. .
Some artists use Stations to store their own productions for interested fans.
I make Stations for selfish reasons, I like writing about what I hear.

Sadly, I can only have 1 Station, so I've decided to call it "All in the mind" It should appeal to thinkers and analysts of lyrics. I do listen out for solid productions too of course. But remember, you don't have to keep a Station forever, be prepared to follow your heart and current life choices - remember that IMP must use it's storage space wisely :)

I've forgotten how to do direct links, in fact I've forgotten many things I used to do and know in life!

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Bryon Tosoff

12/16/2024 12:51:18 PM

I think it is this


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Bryon Tosoff

12/16/2024 12:52:03 PM

Great choice of songs!! excellent station and name too

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Yours Truly

12/16/2024 1:25:17 PM

Thanks so much Bryon, for the link and the kind words. You are quite an inspiration for your work on Stations so you will understand my thoughts. It is very rewarding adding even the smallest comment, I think artists like that.

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