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Choosy Susie
Views for this Topic: 66

12/19/2024 4:23:11 AM
Do you still use record shops?


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Choosy Susie

12/19/2024 4:23:11 AM

Do you still use record shops?
In the old days visiting record shops was a thrill even if you never bought anything. What was your experience back then [if you're that old] and today?

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Desperado Revue

12/19/2024 8:17:54 AM

There used to be "The Record Runner" here in Ottawa, Canada. They made a lot of money off me. I'd be there every pay day. I went from LP's to Cassettes to CD's. The only music shops left are used CD's. I miss the good old days.

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Father Time

12/19/2024 11:51:14 AM

I haven't been in one for a long time and that makes me sad. I loved records more than anyone I knew. Now ya get everything for free on your YouTube jukebox, that's something, but it ain't the same.

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Bryon Tosoff

12/19/2024 12:55:48 PM

Fortunately there are a number of record stores around that sell way old vinyl records in Vancouver and Surrey , although many have ceased to exist unfortunately , one just closed down in Langley which is near where I live
We have shopped here at the ones indicated. some good oldies and collectible are still about


Like the many around Canada the USA and around the World, there are fewer vinyl album music stores every year,

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Paul groover

12/19/2024 8:15:32 PM

If i see a record shop i always go in. Real music stores have died a death here. We do have a guitar store though. However crate searching was a great hobby of mine back in the day

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Chris Hance

12/20/2024 6:03:06 AM

This is the last album I actually purchased legitimately from a record store, it was the nineties.

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