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Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2025 9:27:11 PM
---- Updated 2/5/2025 9:29:06 PM
Breaking the Mold-update
Been wanting to break the mold I have established in my musical journey and start a fresh approach to my music and ideas. Yet,it seems to no avail. I find myself struggling to develop something more fascinating and outside of my usual works.
So for some time its been frustrating in coming up with unique and interesting new music that is captivating
I think its like time to push the music thing away and focus on taking a course or start a different creative path to get out of this funk I am in. Sometimes I think my music is boring and frankly of late it seems I just dont have the feel or groove to continue plowing this field anymore
Been evaluating this situation and thinking about it for quite some time of breaking away and not doing anything music wise and take some months away from here and close shop so to speak in my musical aspirations
anyways. perhaps stepping back and take a whole year off is the way to go.
Breaking the Mold perhaps and re-invent myself somehow

Psyche's Muse
1/18/2025 4:59:31 AM
All THE BEST Bryon! I can feel ya' and know what you mean. I'm "living in the past" myself(in a way). THAT "is why" I listen to our music... re-membering THAT "past". Felt kinda guilty at first, but then thought about "everything" meaning "no-thing" withOUT "that" which has "passed". BTW- these are the two songs that played while I was typing this...fishin on a river TO BE REAL ...they "seemed" to "fit".

1/18/2025 7:06:20 AM
We'll always have a place for you here, Bryon, whatever you decide.

Richard Scotti
1/18/2025 5:04:57 PM
---- Updated 1/19/2025 9:52:24 PM
I know how you feel, Bryon. I also get frustrated by my inability to reinvent myself and create something totally different from anything I’ve done before. Sometimes the best thing to do is to try something creative but outside the musical realm.
Besides being a musical genius, you are also quite a writer. Evidence of that is displayed in the many song reviews you’ve written. I’m fortunate enough to have had some of my songs reviewed by you. Each one is masterfully insightful and beautifully done with poetic metaphors and colorful praise. They always made my day! You could easily write a book or a screenplay on any subject that would be very compelling.
Ironically, trying something non-musical could actually reinvigorate your musicality and inspire something completely new. In any case, you have my gratitude for how much you’ve encouraged me in my musical quest for the holy grail. I wish you success in your search for the lost horizon but always remember that
the search is the ultimate reward.

1/18/2025 5:16:59 PM
Yo Bryon, I broke the mold about 12 years
ago, and have never looked back!
I am happy with what we achieved, and
chasing rainbows is not my style!
Stay well my friend, and do not be afraid
to let it go!
Rock On >>>

1/18/2025 5:31:59 PM
Sometimes you have to take a break. I've taken a few. Gotta recharge. I know you have many musical influences but get into a genre you never listen to. You'll get through this and create something amazing, I am sure.
Steve April
1/19/2025 9:43:42 PM
---- Updated 1/19/2025 9:45:58 PM
Well, I'll echo the chorus of stellar musos above...
"One cannot step into the same river twice..."
"God is resolving the strain of his internal contradictions..."

Bryon Tosoff
2/5/2025 9:15:39 PM
so after I posted this and read the wonderful thoughts you all shared I wrote this song
recorded it the same day, I am still taking a break for my own needs. thanks for your support
here is the song, its called a way of escape, Duane did the guitar work bass rhythm and lead
It is about my current struggles.
btw Francesca has a beautiful new song on spotify Fall from Grace. killer full production, insanely awesome
cheers all

2/8/2025 6:00:30 PM
Like it Bryon!
Rock On >>>

Psyche's Muse
2/9/2025 2:21:28 AM
Nice song Bryon... and "that message" is being delivered most appropriately.
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