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Father Time
2/5/2025 8:48:36 AM
Do you feel you've peaked yet as a songwriter/artist?
I ask this question because just recently I wrote what I'n pretty sure is the best song i wrote in at least the last 20 years, possibly ever. Band is almost done recording it and It sounds as great as I thought it might. but this might be the pinnacle for me, not that I intend to ever stop trying.
I gotta tell ya that the best indie songwriters i've ever seen, at least most of them, have pretty much fizzled out. I loved when they were fully engaged but they just aren''t anymore and I don't think they're going to reach those heights again. This is sad for me personally because I loved their music,

Bryon Tosoff
2/5/2025 9:15:41 AM
I have to agree with you FT, your lyrics song crafting singing and band have something special, honing out your skill set with high energy and have you driving it,producing such a dynamic product and enjoying the ride, and believing in yourself is key. well done

Richard Scotti
2/5/2025 3:27:36 PM
---- Updated 2/5/2025 6:28:43 PM
Since you asked a question, I’ll try to answer it. I’ll never stop creating music. It’s hard to judge one’s own music but people generally give me a thumbs up for my producing and songwriting. My goal is to always out do myself with every song I write. I’m never totally satisfied. I do take longer to finish songs than I used to because haste makes waste. I like taking my time and getting it right. I’ll let others judge the quality of my work.
What will I say with confidence Is that I have a good work ethic and I love what I do. I’m always looking for a higher mountain than the one I recently climbed.

2/6/2025 2:28:02 PM
---- Updated 2/6/2025 2:29:45 PM
I still write and have a tremendous backlog of songs, and I learn more covers when I go through dry spells. Some days I pick a random band and learn half a dozen songs just for kicks.

Shawn Adam Williams
2/21/2025 11:57:22 PM
Why do I keep falling from rising? Since the decline of "Suga Mama" about a year ago, we have struggled to regain momentum.

Tom O'Brien
2/27/2025 1:51:31 AM
I know my singing voice is not as accurate as it used to be; it's got a little more play to it. But, I just write differently for my changing voice. And the high notes aren't as comfortable to sing anymore.
I like Richard's mountain metaphor as far as songwriting goes - Every song is a step of your journey, and the higher you climb, the farther you can see. So, I don't think I'll ever peak as a songwriter - every song is unique.
And, as an instrumentalist, I learn new things every time I pick up an instrument - I don't play much of the tried and true, I'm usually more interested in making sounds I've never heard before. And there's no end to that, so I don't see ever peaking there, either.

Richard Scotti
2/27/2025 11:54:00 AM
“Gonna keep on tryin’ til I reach my highest ground”
-Stevie Wonder

Duane Flock
2/28/2025 8:03:13 AM
Everybody "slumps" now and then. I'm no different. Sometimes all it takes is something catastrophic to get kickstarted again. Although no one needs a setback, life happens. My wife of 44 years got hospitalized 3 weeks ago. Two trips to ICU. She's finally recovering now though.
I'm working on one of my best ever songs right now, but I can't get to it. Of course, a new drumming program helps a lot too. I may have a couple of tunes in a month or two.

Bryon Tosoff
2/28/2025 4:51:27 PM
Glad to hear Terri is doing better Duane, thanks for letting me know, been praying for her recovery. thanks for all your help on the songs I sent you, great guitar work!!
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