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Views for this Topic: 138

2/10/2025 12:58:16 AM
a difficult lyrics quiz from singles, not album cuts

7/4/2024 8:58:45 PM
a mighty quiz about IMP/IAC name artists

6/30/2024 8:45:18 AM
a deluxe quiz about lady artists in the rock era

4/6/2023 2:36:18 PM
Golden Kayak Trivia Test

12/18/2022 9:55:47 AM
Intermediate Level Lyrics Quiz (w/ answers)

8/15/2022 12:01:29 PM
relatively easy lyrics quiz

5/13/2022 9:36:32 AM
lyrics quiz - relatively easy

2/21/2022 3:06:32 AM
New - who did the definitive version of these songs?

2/15/2022 1:33:27 PM
new lyrics quiz - borderline difficult

11/24/2021 12:41:25 PM
open ended quiz for Thanksgiving

10/27/2021 11:09:49 AM
new lyrics quiz - intermediate level

9/23/2020 2:03:53 AM
musical quiz - love version

9/13/2020 8:40:32 AM
kinda hard lyrics quiz

5/9/2019 5:38:09 PM
lyrics quiz deluxe

12/8/2018 4:01:51 PM
another song lyric quiz

8/29/2018 8:14:04 AM
Name the song from the song lyric

1/27/2018 2:09:16 PM
New Game - #1 Songs!

1/26/2018 8:04:35 AM
Lyric quiz with MORE clues added

11/30/2017 10:51:11 PM
a super easy quiz for you slackers

11/29/2017 5:58:51 AM
Lyrics Quiz for those who dare, name the song..

8/6/2017 5:54:17 PM
Name your favorite songs by the various bands and artists..

3/1/2017 10:33:16 PM
Take a stab at these questions, I dare ya.

2/23/2017 11:03:31 PM
easy quiz for slackers and derelicts

2/6/2017 1:32:54 PM
really big quiz

10/29/2016 12:59:41 PM
song lyric game

7/16/2016 9:33:18 PM
2 part lyrics quiz, pretty easy and fun

6/22/2016 4:17:10 AM
Quiz on original names for bands

6/15/2016 1:37:29 AM
You all did well on the last one so here's some more nifty questions

6/12/2016 11:22:17 PM
a mixed bag of questions, try your luck!

4/8/2016 10:50:27 AM
a quiz about songwriters

2/24/2016 7:37:06 PM
more song trivia (clues added)

2/23/2016 9:46:24 AM
name the song

2/1/2016 5:48:03 PM
A new game - Guess the artist from their childhood pic..

12/21/2015 10:37:33 PM
Is there or has there ever been a song you'd identify as your absolute favorite song?

12/6/2015 12:58:30 PM
new quiz

11/29/2015 6:17:06 AM
quiz on various music topics

11/25/2015 5:53:43 AM
soul song lyrics challenge - name the song

11/20/2015 11:55:44 AM
Is the devil here on earth?

11/18/2015 7:22:24 AM
What's the secret ingredient in Wolfgang Puck's Thanksgiving gravy?

10/29/2015 11:36:41 AM
What's the grandest, most epic pop song?

10/16/2015 1:13:26 PM
What's your musical preference?

10/13/2015 5:02:26 AM
a personal survey for brave artists

10/8/2015 1:21:15 PM
Which is real, which is a myth?

9/9/2015 11:59:57 AM
Rate these eras of music in the order you like them.

8/15/2015 10:08:23 AM
How about some tough personal questions?

8/3/2015 10:48:39 PM
What is the sexiest song you can think of?

7/30/2015 11:36:48 AM
What famous song best personifies your life?

7/20/2015 2:38:48 PM
more fun questions for music folks (with added clues at bottom)

7/9/2015 1:08:31 PM
5 fun questions for you

6/27/2015 8:04:10 AM
Rank these musical moments in order of importance

6/15/2015 8:04:35 PM
Name the song this line of lyric came from

6/9/2015 12:02:43 PM
Nostalgia Quiz

5/26/2015 9:00:18 AM
If you (pipeline folks) collectively answer all questions on this quiz, you get a reward..


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2/10/2025 12:58:16 AM

a difficult lyrics quiz from singles, not album cuts
no googling please

1) You can take all the tea in China
Put it in a big brown bag for me

2) a misbegotten guess alas, and bits of broken glass

3) But I blew it without even tryin'

4) If l had my way, I'd just walk through those doors
and wander down the Champs-Élysées
going café to cabaret

5) I'll buy you candies made of stardust
And little dolls dressed up in moonbeams

6) I don't feel much like dancing

7) Standin' there in your wallpaper shoes
and your socks that match your eyes

8) The papa said, "Oy, if I get that boy
I'm gonna stick him in the house of detention"

9) She stands before my eyes
Driving me to the airport
And to the friendly skies

10) There he stood in the night
knowing what's wrong from what's right

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Chris Hance

2/10/2025 5:14:13 AM

10, Brother Louie by Hot Chocolate.
The rest are too difficult....

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Lars Mars

2/10/2025 6:59:23 AM

1. Tupelo Honey - Van Morrison
4. Free Man in Paris - Joni Mitchell
8. Me and Julio - Paul Simon


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Richard Scotti

2/10/2025 7:50:03 AM ---- Updated 2/10/2025 7:56:49 AM

8) Me and Julio Down by the School Yard by Paul Simon

9) Just A Song Before I Go by Crosby Stills & Nash

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2/10/2025 8:54:14 AM

Good work you guys, they were all correct. Brother Louie the hit in America was done by Stories.

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2/21/2025 9:22:07 PM

2. Long Ago and Far Away - James Taylor
3. You Wear It Well - Rod Stewart
5. One Fine Morning - Lighthouse
6. Sunshine - Jonathan Edwards
7. Back Off Boogaloo - Ringo

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