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negative tendencies
2/17/2025 1:40:53 PM
an anthem for the times

Richard Scotti
2/17/2025 4:23:27 PM
---- Updated 2/17/2025 7:04:46 PM
Brilliant parody! Weird Al would be jealous. Btw- let’s hear that vocal style on other songs. It’s truly “boss!” ; -)

2/17/2025 7:09:20 PM
Love it! This just ROCKS!

negative tendencies
2/18/2025 9:28:30 PM
Thanks you 2, glad you liked it.

Chris Hance
2/19/2025 9:49:45 AM
That was great, and I especially liked the way you wove in "Heroes" to the track.
Well done NT

negative tendencies
2/25/2025 2:18:27 PM
Thanks Chris~!
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