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Tom O'Brien
2/18/2025 1:43:10 AM
---- Updated 2/18/2025 1:43:36 AM
The impact of Brian Jones
It seems to me that when the Stones fired Brian Jones, who subsequently died, that the group lost a lot of its musicality. I like all of their 60's output and none of it after he died ('69?). I know he was a multi-instrumentalist - he played recorder on Ruby Tuesday and Sitar on Paint it Black making the signature sound on each song. I'm not sure what all he played on, but there has to be a correlation between his departure and the musical downfall of the band. Does anyone else feel this way, or am I crazy?

Father Time
2/18/2025 2:43:27 AM
I personally don't think there was a musical downfall. There might be a case for the Brian Jones years bringing a certain magic to the festivities but overall, the Stones made more great records without him than with him imo.

Richard Scotti
2/18/2025 10:42:45 AM
---- Updated 2/18/2025 2:52:01 PM
I’ve always loved the Stones and I don’t think they suffered a downfall with the passing of Brian Jones. Brian definitely had a creative impact on the band which I greatly enjoyed but Mick and Keith took the band in a different direction to edgier blues and RnB. It wasn’t a downfall, just a change in direction, although I do admit I miss some of the more creative melodic stuff they tried always was very pleasing in the early years.
Steve April
2/18/2025 4:52:34 PM
---- Updated 2/22/2025 12:28:50 AM
Bob Elliott
2/20/2025 11:04:50 PM
He was a sadistic abuser of women, and they were tired of that. Also, he was completely lost in drugs and barely functioning.
But, he did provide multi-instrumentalism when he functioned.
A lot of that melodicism you hear is The Stones trying to follow The Beatles lead, but they gave that up when Satanic Majesty didn't turn out all that great. Not really dropped due to losing Brian, it just wasn't working so well at that point for them.
Brian tried to write songs for The Stones, but he did not come up with much. Keith and Mick took over because they had the ideas (even though Jones started the band and thought he was the leader).

Paul groover
2/23/2025 6:18:09 PM
I think if he got his shit together having that amount of fame in such a period would be enough to mess anyone up. I personally think he could not handle it. And retreated into drug addiction to escape.
But if he survived who knows. There is no doubt he was a gifted musician. And would have succeeded in his own right. Then there would be the battle for who owned the name The Rolling Stones. It was his band he called it the The Rolling Stones.
It,s all a bit convenient that he died in Winnie the poos swimming pool
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