Richard Scotti
3/17/2025 12:48:22 PM
---- Updated 3/17/2025 12:49:29 PM
That’s a difficult question, Tom. I think most artists are a combination of both attributes. I guess Elvis was an extrovert and Leonard Cohen was an introvert but these are extreme examples. I’m somewhat introverted when I’m writing and recording and somewhat extroverted when trying to promote the product that comes from that activity. But in general I can’t see an obvious connection that introversion or extroversion has on my art. It all comes from my subconscious and isn’t influenced by my external personality. Btw-Have a great St. Patrick’s Day!

Tom O'Brien
3/23/2025 12:51:16 AM
Yeah, I'm like that, too, Stoneman. I love being on stage because I really feel like I can connect with people - isn't that what it's all about, But, in my off-stage life (which is all of it these days) I tend to not draw attention to myself. So, I guess I'm a mixture, as well. Are you familiar with the Myers-Briggs personality type study? I came out with just a one point margin of extrovert over introvert. There are definitely times where each can be a strength.