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Richard Scotti
1/22/2019 1:26:27 PM
Every Dog (Has His Day)

Alpha Omega
1/24/2019 1:25:30 PM
Good production. A groovy little tune that will make you tap your toes.
A nice message as well.
This song brings the light.
Alpha Omega.

3/21/2019 2:14:03 AM
Oh this is so delightful and fun. Great song from a great artist. Love that dog in the picture to. Man, you are the best! Much Respect Brother! Stoneman

Marc Ceccotti
1/24/2020 4:46:03 PM
Another great Richard song, the orchestration, the singing and the production are of a great level. What can I say more than... this guy is a block of raw talent !
1/25/2020 8:14:34 PM
Brilliant song. I never thought of using that phrase as a song but it works really good.
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