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Richard Scotti
2/7/2020 3:52:00 PM

Shoe City Sound
3/9/2020 6:44:10 PM
For some reason I listened to this track from here - even though I've commented on it before but it literally lifted me out of a place I got stuck in this afternoon - thanks Richard - beautiful work as always.

Shoe City Sound
3/9/2020 6:44:11 PM
For some reason I listened to this track from here - even though I've commented on it before but it literally lifted me out of a place I got stuck in this afternoon - thanks Richard - beautiful work as always.

Richard Scotti
3/11/2020 4:12:30 PM
Thank you so much for the great comments (the previous one and this present one)
It really means a lot to me that a song of mine could lift someone up. That's what keeps me going when I get stuck.
11/10/2021 10:17:09 PM
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