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Chandra Moon
Views for this Topic: 389

7/15/2024 10:01:35 AM
Till I See You Stand

5/12/2016 8:35:03 AM
Strip It Down

9/25/2015 2:35:46 AM
Only You Know Who You Are


IAC Prime Member


Chandra Moon

5/12/2016 8:35:03 AM ---- Updated 5/12/2016 8:35:17 AM

Strip It Down
I wrote this song more than ten years ago and have never done anything with it! I performed it live with my band recently and it went down very well and I thought it's time to record it. This is a VERY rough version - I imagine it with tons of electronic effects and a thumping rhythm with some light and shade of course!

Anyway - would welcome feedback (do bear in mind this is not a finished version!)

thanks - Chandra

Strip It Down

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Shoe City Sound

5/12/2016 6:05:54 PM

Love the words and the chord progressions - I can totally hear this as a fabulous electronica dance tune - nice!

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Two Silo Complex

5/12/2016 6:52:28 PM

Well this is review and I tell it straight here. For me this presentation was clunky. I can hear how it might be. I think I cant evaluate it properly until the version is complete.

Two Silo Complex

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Chandra Moon

5/13/2016 12:15:14 AM

Thanks Dolores. Fair enough Ken! Obviously this is only a rough idea.

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Richard Scotti

5/15/2016 8:09:56 AM ---- Updated 6/26/2016 3:16:00 PM

I agree with Delores. There's a ton of potential with this song. Follow the path where ever it takes you and I'm sure you'll end up with a song in the same league as all of your wonderfully creative songs.

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Chandra Moon

5/26/2016 5:45:40 AM

Thanks Richard! I played it yesterday with my keyboard guy and a load of echo and stuff and it's coming together. Plan to record it properly at some point!

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