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2/20/2016 1:45:27 AM
A Nation Ruled By Fear (Work in progress)

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2/20/2016 1:45:27 AM ---- Updated 2/20/2016 1:47:16 AM

A Nation Ruled By Fear (Work in progress)
Been working on this one (esp arrangment/mix) ages, think I could use some unbiased input..

>>A Nation Ruled By Fear<<

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Two Silo Complex

2/20/2016 9:32:36 AM

Great feeling and the drums are really good. The lyrical content is fantastic. Like the way you handled the vocal phrasing in general. The weepy guitar solo very nice.
Like you said a work in progress it seemed the first chorus had some timing issues that I'm sure will be worked out.

Over all for a work in progress a good effort. It had heart and guts and has good bones to build on.

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2/20/2016 9:52:07 AM

Very nice lyrics with a spirited message. Hard gritty vocals help to accentuate the core mood of the song. Great guitar and synth work. However, some slight timing issues with the synth work during the chorus. Nothing major and easily fixed. Just make sure the synth compliments the rousing guitar work rather than clashing with it (which it does a bit in the chorus). The drums are mixed way to far in the background. I can barely hear them. Another very easy fix. Overall, I really like the song form and arrangements. The stand out parts for me are all the really cool guitar work and tempo manipulations and dynamics. Awesome solos! Shaping up to be a first class song

Much Respect,

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