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Alpha Omega
Views for this Topic: 3105

12/30/2018 6:18:33 PM
Alpha Omega "How Hard They Fall"

12/3/2018 10:51:52 AM
Alpha Omega - Out for Blood


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Alpha Omega

12/30/2018 6:18:33 PM

Alpha Omega "How Hard They Fall"
We invite you to bring forth your blessings of light or smite us if you so choose. Either way let your voice be heard.

We are woefully aware of the sudden ending. That will be corrected in the studio version this is a demo.


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Richard Scotti

1/24/2019 9:02:11 PM

What always shines through Alpha Omega is authenticity and a sense of musical and spiritual purpose. There's a 60's vibe that is strongly supported by the intensity of the vocals and a mantra style musical flow that repeats like a hymn. This is a song with a priority message sent with a very special delivery.

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Alpha Omega

2/23/2019 9:05:59 PM

Thank you Richard !
You are the only one so far that understood the song as it was intended. We are delighted to know the message at least reached one person. Thank you for your kind thoughts.

Alpha Omega

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3/21/2019 2:25:07 AM

Very cool. Reminds me of Pink Floyd and artists from the past. Great guitar work and accompaniment. Stellar vocals and lyrics. Strong song structure. Much Respect! Stoneman

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Alpha Omega

3/21/2019 1:09:59 PM

Dear Stoneman we are enlightened and blessed by your comments.

We intentionally created this with a Pink Flyod feel and our other song "Out for Blood" has received similar commentary.

You have such great feeling in your work and are an inspiration to all. We are thankful for your time.

Blessings to you Stoneman.
Alpha Omega

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