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Chandra Moon
Views for this Topic: 321

7/15/2024 10:01:35 AM
Till I See You Stand

5/12/2016 8:35:03 AM
Strip It Down

9/25/2015 2:35:46 AM
Only You Know Who You Are


IAC Prime Member


Chandra Moon

7/15/2024 10:01:35 AM

Till I See You Stand
I'm thinking of building this song as it goes along with strings and positive sounds to reflect the optimistic feel - sort of anthemic - what do you think? - obviously this is just a VERY rough recording so don't need comments on that - but just the general idea of the song - which came to me from some old scribbled thoughts from many years ago when I was following the twelve step programme as a member of AlAnon for friends and family of alcaholics. It's for anyone struggling with their mental health but also for myself if that makes sense.

I'll take it to the studio later this year to add to my upcoming third album - I hope you like it. I've got lots of ideas of how to record it.

Until I See You Stand

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