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Views for this Topic: 227

9/12/2017 12:12:17 PM
SJW's... lulz

8/22/2017 8:38:21 AM
Raise Act... Yea or Nay

8/18/2017 9:27:52 AM
So the Left now disowns Venezuela?

7/18/2017 8:21:29 AM
Name names...

6/25/2017 9:14:41 AM
One of my Fav YT channels is getting CENSORED!!!

6/24/2017 6:18:13 PM
Something else the liberals like to Champion these days... the pay gap.

5/10/2017 1:31:59 PM
Busted... Fake news

4/29/2017 4:23:01 PM
Coffee Consumers United....

4/26/2017 9:05:38 AM
Hey Bernie Fans... Tell me how the $15.00 an hour minimum wage is suppose to work...

4/19/2017 9:23:47 AM
Canada you Liberal Pansies...


Basic (free) Member



5/10/2017 1:31:59 PM

Busted... Fake news
If you find some post a link.
like this one...
or we can just call it the Lib media vid. extravaganza!
I kid... I kid they're all a bunch Mother-fakers!!


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Holo Lukaloa

5/10/2017 3:16:58 PM

There was a 100 out of 100 chance that you were going to be attacking liberals on this thread.

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Bryon Tosoff

5/10/2017 4:40:12 PM

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5/10/2017 7:05:58 PM

Come on now... wasn't fishing for lib liars... but I do subscribe to Matt...
Did you watch the video?
If you think he misrepresented those "people" please point it out...
If I find something non-Demo-Libish I'll be sure to post it...
You could do the same.

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5/12/2017 10:36:58 AM

I'll take your silence as you found no misrepresentation... he told it like it is.

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Holo Lukaloa

5/12/2017 1:40:37 PM

You can take my silence as meaning I wasn't interested in watching your video.

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Bryon Tosoff

5/12/2017 2:45:07 PM

and therein lies the problem.

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Holo Lukaloa

5/12/2017 3:06:02 PM

Do you watch every single video posted then?

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5/12/2017 3:41:14 PM

I would dodge it as well if I stood where you/FT and anyone else who sides with those "People"
you are like antifa-light with the toy guns...
Damn there I go again saying disparaging things to a Snowflake...
Feelings Matter Too

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Father Time

5/12/2017 6:07:03 PM

I see where Holo is coming from. Belong to a forum where this one guy posts videos day and night. Stupid videos. Nobody is obligated to watch because they belong to a forum.

So your idea that if you post a video and somebody doesn't want to watch is 'dodging" it seems kind of unusual to me.

Snowflake is another cliche wingnut term. So where do you go to get your brainwashing?

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5/12/2017 6:53:11 PM

PT I get it....
This is not what you intended it to be.
You want it to be a bash Trump forum.... you should change the name.
As for brainwashing I guess you would have to watch the videos to get that.
I will leave you-Holo be here.
Maybe your liberal friends will come out to play then.
Nothing quite like everyone thinking and saying the same thing.
Wingnut signing off...

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Father Time

5/12/2017 7:10:25 PM

You don't get anything Jeff. A forum is a compendium of everyone's opinions. I'm allowed one too. Even if i were the site owner, which I'm not, I'd be allowed to have a viewpoint. But don't get me wrong, if you and Bryon are so limited in perspective that you can't coexist in an opinion forum with another artist who has taken on the responsibilities of running the site without feeling you're being dominated by his status and the power you perceive him to have, by all means don't post here.

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5/12/2017 8:02:36 PM

I never said you or anyone wasn't entitled to anything... not sure where you're getting that from but... ok.
I have no feeling of being dominated by you or anyone else here... not even close.
All i tried to do here was give some counter views of the bash Trump SJW types including you.
I never said I agree with much of anything about him... but you think I support him because I don't jump on your train... ok.

You're the one who doesn't get it. Because as you've said "Pretty much everyone I know feels the same way as me on these issues. Everybody I know pretty much wants Trump out of there as soon as possible."
Well there you have it birds of a feather.. anything other than what you and the birds chirp has to be wrong... right?
And honestly i couldn't care less what your position is here. I don't even really know what it is you do...
Sorry no disrespect intended
Carry on errrr... Warrior of Justice that is Social

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Father Time

5/12/2017 8:11:47 PM

You're talking out of 2 sides of your mouth at once. Me pointing out that most people I know want Trump gone is just that. It doesn't mean I'm requiring anything of you or anyone, it was just an observation in response to you saying Holo and I are alone. so why the indignation?

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5/19/2017 8:05:58 AM

"You're talking out of 2 sides of your mouth at once. Me pointing out that most people I know want Trump gone is just that. It doesn't mean I'm requiring anything of you or anyone, it was just an observation in response to you saying Holo and I are alone. so why the indignation?"

Agreed, especially when speaking to two (or more) sides of the same person..

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