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Views for this Topic: 468

9/12/2017 12:12:17 PM
SJW's... lulz

8/22/2017 8:38:21 AM
Raise Act... Yea or Nay

8/18/2017 9:27:52 AM
So the Left now disowns Venezuela?

7/18/2017 8:21:29 AM
Name names...

6/25/2017 9:14:41 AM
One of my Fav YT channels is getting CENSORED!!!

6/24/2017 6:18:13 PM
Something else the liberals like to Champion these days... the pay gap.

5/10/2017 1:31:59 PM
Busted... Fake news

4/29/2017 4:23:01 PM
Coffee Consumers United....

4/26/2017 9:05:38 AM
Hey Bernie Fans... Tell me how the $15.00 an hour minimum wage is suppose to work...

4/19/2017 9:23:47 AM
Canada you Liberal Pansies...


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6/25/2017 9:14:41 AM

One of my Fav YT channels is getting CENSORED!!!
And Twitter is banning him...
I'm guessing most of you aren't familiar with Oginos.. he's created a series of Videos titled People who use Logic... I would recommend checking them out if you are into logic and fact based discussions.
If you are Antifa... progressive or strong Left leaning he will hurt your feelings with facts so stay away.
This is all just another step in silencing people who aren't buying into this new Narrative coming from the SJW Leftist Marxist ideology.

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6/25/2017 11:17:41 AM ---- Updated 7/9/2017 7:50:19 PM

Post removed - fuck politics

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8/2/2017 9:47:59 AM ---- Updated 8/3/2017 1:28:03 PM

For Gawds sakes... watch this one...
it continues to grow...
They even shut down Jordan Peterson but news quickly spread and they brought his content back...
Yup... a nice big fat slice of Marism for everyone...fuck the ADL and anyone who supports it!

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wizard of oz

8/2/2017 3:06:30 PM

I helped do that, I called in from OZ. glad to have raised the proverbial shite over at boobtube

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8/3/2017 1:28:47 PM

Google is the freaking Devil....

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Social Spit

8/4/2017 1:25:41 PM

In other words YouTube is shutting down people who are confusing hate speech for three speech and they are getting all butt hurt about it.

This is how free speech works:

You go and set up your soapbox in the middle of a Jewish neighborhood and start spouting about Hitler.

Then the entire population of the neighborhood comes and kicks your ass. That's called free-speech. Hate speech is an invitation to get your ass kicked, so please, feel "free" to use it.

Or, you can confine your hate speech to your secret BUND meetings, we're all the rest of you fascists sit around candlelight and jerk off, creating problems by complaining about things that don't exist.

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8/4/2017 1:42:25 PM

Cunfusion say "three speech" or "we're"

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8/9/2017 11:13:55 AM ---- Updated 8/9/2017 11:16:52 AM

More proof that Google is the devil.... lulz
Well maybe just another part of the the left that wants to control the conversation...

Faqing Hypocrites are easy to find.

If any one is interested the fired Google employee James Damore did an interview with Jordan Peterson you can find it here...


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Father Time

8/9/2017 11:30:44 AM

We're on the verge of nuclear war and you want to talk about this??

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Father Time

8/9/2017 11:30:44 AM

We're on the verge of nuclear war and you want to talk about this??

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8/9/2017 11:51:36 AM

So we get threatened by NK... shocking news there.

Trump responds... like he responds. twits for twits from twits

And we are on the verge of Nuclear war?

Trump's Twitter messages about the nuclear arsenal came after North Korea said it was considering plans for a missile strike on the U.S. Pacific territory of Guam. That in turn followed Trump's comments on Tuesday that any North Korean threat Trump tweeted. "Hopefully we will never have to use this power, but there will never be a time that we are not the most powerful nation in the world!"to the United States would be met with "fire and fury."

Yes I want to talk about something that is actually happening... sorry.

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8/9/2017 2:49:10 PM

We're not on the verge of nuclear war. The media owns your ass 100%.

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8/9/2017 2:58:07 PM ---- Updated 8/9/2017 2:59:46 PM

But really, I just saw a video of President Trump on Meet the Press back in 1999 talking about how the government needed to deal with the North Korea problem before it got out of control. So if you are all afraid of a nuclear war with North Korea you can thank Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama for getting us into the mess we are in today. Get off President Trump's nuts already and stop sniffing media ass. Fire and fury, mutha...

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8/11/2017 11:36:25 AM

Another example of Y-Tube (Google property) going after any independent news sources any way they can to hurt them... yet they leave the MSM alone...
Ve must kontroll de content!!!

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8/14/2017 7:54:00 AM ---- Updated 8/14/2017 7:55:51 AM

More proof Google is the devil...

Hello! Is this Gordon's Pizza?

No sir, it's Google's Pizza.

Did I dial the wrong number?

No sir, Google bought the pizza store.

Oh, alright - then I’d like to place an order please.

Okay sir, do you want the usual?

The usual? You know what my usual is?

According to the caller ID, the last 15 times you’ve ordered a 12-slice with double-cheese, sausage, and thick crust.

Okay - that’s what I want this time too.

May I suggest that this time you order an 8-slice with ricotta, arugula, and tomato instead?

No, I hate vegetables.

But your cholesterol is not good.

How do you know?

Through the subscribers guide. We have the results of your blood tests for the last 7 years.

Maybe so, but I don’t want the pizza you suggest – I already take medicine for high cholesterol.

But you haven’t taken the medicine regularly. 4 months ago you purchased from Drugsale Network a box of only 30 tablets.

I bought more from another drugstore.

It's not showing on your credit card sir.

I paid in cash.

But according to your bank statement you did not withdraw that much cash.

I have another source of cash.

This is not showing on your last tax form, unless you got it from an undeclared income source.

WHAT THE HELL? ENOUGH! I'm sick of Google, Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp. I'm going to an island without internet, where there’s no cellphone line, and no one to spy on me ...

I understand sir, but you’ll need to renew your passport ... it expired 5 weeks ago.

The Devil I say...

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8/14/2017 10:35:19 AM

These ladies are conservative... not real big but still have 95k followers.
They're being censored and demonetized by YT as well...

This is one of their controversial Videos YT feels needs to be censored....


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8/16/2017 10:31:08 AM ---- Updated 8/17/2017 9:40:18 AM

Best summary of the Google memo and it's consequences...

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8/17/2017 9:47:57 AM ---- Updated 8/17/2017 11:16:24 AM

Here's a PHD in the field of Neuroscience... and the brain! lulz.
She studies patterns and differences in male and female noggins... Her take on the memo... funny how she even found the path to it being politically driven. Not an academia so no one is stifling her words. Although when she along with 3 other scientist wrote an article about the memo... the magazine got hacked and they couldn't publish the article for days after it happened. Coincidence?

Get on the Google ideology train or you're fired!

Here's an article from Debra Soh... basically telling the Libs to leave science alone quit trying to manipulate it to meet your crazy faqing narratives... it's not working.


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