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Spank Momma
Views for this Topic: 517

12/7/2019 3:16:23 AM
You cats are fucked in the head. Trump is untouchable.

8/21/2018 4:03:14 PM
Wow, I A C turned communist while I was away


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Spank Momma

8/21/2018 4:03:14 PM

Wow, I A C turned communist while I was away
Used to be fairly neutral here. The devel himself is here now. Baby is pissed.gurgle gurgle spit drool

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8/21/2018 5:01:59 PM

more like democratic socialist.

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Jim Acosta

8/22/2018 10:57:23 AM

we are the Untied states of america some say, but i still love this job even though most people hate me

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8/22/2018 11:33:40 AM

Fuck democratic socialism. Once the socialists gain control they will kick the democratic part out and we will all be fucked. Anyone who buys into that shit is 100% pure fucktard.

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8/22/2018 1:27:10 PM

Your guy's idea of democracy calls the media the enemy of the people.

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the donald

8/22/2018 1:54:18 PM

I am going to kick the socialists asses so hard they will have their butts up where their heads should be, and perhaps then they will have some common sense even though they will look rather odd with their crack of their asses doing the talking instead of their mouths, as you have seen, my administration has been doing great things, we have being doing so much, but dumbbells only focus on what their little brains think is important, soon the socialists will be having their heads rolling and there will more to come,look what I did to Brennan the communist ,and as Q says, there is a great awakening happening and people will embrace the good things . So as well, there was no collusion.

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8/22/2018 2:03:18 PM

Just because I knew he was going to win the day he announced he was running does not make him "my guy". My guy is NOBODY!

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8/22/2018 2:27:03 PM ---- Updated 8/22/2018 2:32:37 PM

And for the record I consider anyone, regardless of party affiliation or lack thereof, to be totally un-American if they support a socialist government in any form. As a citizen of the one-party state of California I have seen firsthand and know all too well what happens when leftists get too much power.

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Psyche's Muse

8/30/2018 3:44:52 PM

Damn... Why is everyone so anti-social ???

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Jim Acosta

8/30/2018 10:04:51 PM

Perhaps I can help, I get along with most everyone.

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8/31/2018 5:32:45 AM

Interesting Larree that you won't take credit for being a Trump supporter when I've easily seen you defend him over 100 times. Too embarrassed?

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8/31/2018 11:10:22 AM

I take credit for being a Hillary hater! And I am still glad she is not our president today. We would be much worse off with her finger on the button. She would have pushed it by now. Be thankful.

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8/31/2018 1:02:05 PM

What a wacko comment.

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9/1/2018 1:01:49 AM ---- Updated 9/1/2018 2:57:10 AM

What's wacko is all the used needles and human shit on the sidewalks in San Francisco. That's what modern day fake-assed wannabe liberals get ya.

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9/3/2018 3:02:26 PM ---- Updated 9/3/2018 3:06:32 PM

Another thing that is totally wacko is the left's acceptance of that racist bastard, Farrakhan. That son-of-a-bitch makes little David Duke sound like a cub scout. No one spews more vile racist and anti-Semitic hatred than that pig fucker. But the left embraces his ass. I will never vote for any Dem who has had their picture taken with him. Hell, if the Dems run a Farrakhan supporter in 2020 I will vote for Trump for sure! The dumb Dems better run a candidate who is 100% pro-Israel who denounces Farrakhan completely if they want to earn my vote in 2020.

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9/3/2018 7:45:09 PM

I mean, seriously, lol. dumbocrats call repukelickcans racists and nazis but are cool with the most racist nazi in America! Farrakhan! LOL, now that is some hypocrite shit if there ever was any. Now STFU, wacko! Nobody more "wacko" than a dumbocrat! HAHAHA!

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9/8/2018 1:42:08 AM

So, you're against Farrakhan but would vote for Trump (a known racist sympathizer) instead. Well, that is quite revealing about you. I don't know any Dem's who support Farrakhan or his brand of Black Islam. Not sure of where you are getting this. Farrakhan is an asshole for sure. But Farrakhan has no power so he is basically harmless. But Trump? Well, not harmless that's for sure. I find it interesting that you are so adamant about your dislike and concern of Farrakhan but are dismissive about the White Nazi's and far Right orgs as if they are no threat at all. Why does the racist Black man who has no power at all upset you more than the racist White men who have all the power? Just wondering...................

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9/10/2018 5:44:06 PM

Did I ever say I voted for Trump?

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9/10/2018 6:16:34 PM

I can't speak for Larree but it's a pretty clear he has little sympathy for extremists on either side of the spectrum regardless of their origin. And Trump being racist again? No one ever called him that until he ran for president. Trump talks too much, uses poor judgement often, and is imperfect as the rest of us. He a klutz, no question about that, but he always had a very big heart and done many kind deeds that no one knows about. He wasn't my first, second or even third choice for president, but he working on behalf of all of us whether we realize it or not.

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9/11/2018 1:18:40 PM

That's horseshit Gregg, truth is he's promised money to charity many times and then he doesn't come thru. He's never even thought of doing a damn thing for anyone except himself and his family.

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9/11/2018 2:34:28 PM

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9/11/2018 5:50:37 PM

More propaganda! Lies and trotting out the few Black people that support this known racist (compared to the many millions who do not) who has blatantly aligned himself with racist White Nationalists. You know? The man who said that Nazis were good people. So don't try to White wash his image with this bullshit. His racist leanings are well known throughout the "real" Black community. He is a bigot and that is a fact. Also, the truth is the truth. Okay?

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9/12/2018 12:20:21 AM

I think that was Trump the clutz speaking trying to be some sort of peacemaker and putting his foot in his mouth in the process. He's not a trained politician so he did wade onto an issue he should have stayed clear of.

What he said was "There are good people on both sides." So if that can be interpreted as sympathizing with Nazis then he must be sympathizing with Anarchists & radical leftists at the same time since he also stated there were good people among them in that very same sentence. So I think it's fair to assume that he sympathizes with neither side but was trying to de-escalate the situation by appealing to cooler heads among both groups. So if you accused him of siding with radical leftists I would also disagree with you.

The video I was actually looking for was this guy who down on his luck, out of money and he walked into the Trump Tower and asked for a job. Trump was leaving at the same time, gave him an on the spot interview, hired him then and there, gave him an immediate advance in pay and the guy was back on his feet the next day. I couldn't locate it though so the other video had to do. There's plenty wrong with Donald and I'd still rather have Ted Cruz as president but the people chose him. And for the long-term economic health of this country, he may well very be the best person for the job.

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9/13/2018 2:27:28 AM

Larree, No, but you said you would vote for Trump if................and I am here to tell you that there is no "if" scenario in which I would vote for Trump or any other avowed racist. Also, I don't know any Dems (even Black ones) that support Farrakhan so I would assume that you would possibly vote for a Dem right? Or, are there other ifs involved in this fantasy? Yes, I knew it was too good to be true Larree. but I ain't mad at ya. We all should vote according to our own belief system. This is where I get so frustrated. I can't help but wonder what kind of belief system turns people into Trump supporters. It is certainly not a Christian belief system because the man has had multiple marriages and is a known cheater with strippers and porn models. Where is the so called evangelical block on this? I mean come on man. It is certainly not a moral belief system because the man lies daily, separated thousands of children from their parents and has used his position to enhance his own wealth cycle through tax cuts and other shady dealings. Where is the so called moral delegation on this? On top of all that, he openly thumbed his nose at all the intelligence agencies in order to score points with his buddy Vladdy. What about #me to? I mean, he is a confessed pussy grabber. Geesh! Yet all you people keep trotting out is how great the economy is doing. The economy was doing great before he became president. Sure, it is doing better but that is only a continuation of what Obama did. Not some magic bullet from Trump. Oh my bad, how dare I mention the O word.

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9/13/2018 10:10:20 AM

I would vote for a Dem who supports Israel 100% and is not a socialist.

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Psyche's Muse

9/14/2018 5:22:54 AM

Why would Christians have any problem with supporting an adulterous, “pussy grabbing” racist?
Was not King David a “pussy grabbing” adulterer who had a husband MURDERED in order to hide his adulterous affair? Did not the Jews(Israel) perform hideous acts of genocide(written about in The Bible) for which they have NEVER “repented”? And did not Jesus HAVE TO BE BOTH a “Jew” AND “The Son Of David” in order for him to be “worthy” of being received as “God/The Christ”? How is it OK to permit “ONLY ONE” particular/peculiar group of people the “right” of being “racist”? Seems rather strange to say the least. That being said I’d still probably vote for King David if he came back to life and ran for president… just so he could slay some of the Goliaths we have today. And I am sure that most Christians today have no problem with waiting for Christ to return either. BTW, wasn’t Mohammed Ali a member of that “racist” Black Muslim religion? He seemed like a pretty “good” guy to me... don't think I'd vote for him for president though. And I would imagine that he “grabbed” quite a few pussies back in the day too, but I don’t know for certain… would not hold it against him either… so long as the women were “willing” participants. Anyway, putting such things as this in perspective usually helps. =M=

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9/14/2018 1:45:57 PM

Muhammad Ali was originally a member of the Nation Of Islam. However, he eventually renounced his membership and joined the same non-violent and non-racist Islamic sect that was founded by Malcolm X. In regards to Christians, well, let me say this, people who follow the true teachings of Christ do not jeopardize their inside tract on eternal life for a pussy grabbing liar. I was merely pointing out the hypocrisy involved when a people (Christians) who claim to be morally in line with Gods laws embraces someone with anti-christian beliefs and policies. These same people claim to be devout followers of Jesus. They even base their entire political leanings on their faith. That they have aligned themselves with evil is a very important fact that cannot be ignored. Much in the same way that many Christians who know better stand idly by and watch these things happen without reacting or trying to change it. Those who know right and wrong but ignore it (wrong) when it occurs are complicit in all that happens because of their inaction. This means that even independents who know that voting that way will ensure another Trump victory are just as complicit as Republicans are. The bottom line is that you are either with the racist ideological push or against them. There is no middle ground (contrary to the what many independents believe)

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