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Psyche's Muse
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9/8/2024 6:22:01 PM
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IAC Prime Member


Psyche's Muse

4/17/2018 2:16:54 AM ---- Updated 4/17/2018 2:58:40 AM

John F. Kennedy!
Does ANYONE remember Marilyn Monroe?

The "PLAYBOY BUNNY" of all time supposedly!

Does ANYONE hate J.F.K. for " doin' " her?

Should "JOHN" that Fuckin' Kennedy BE ASHAMED OF HIMSELF???


...just sayin!

JOHN... or a "John"... and then there's... THE "johnson"?

Donald "The JOHN" Trump!

Oh SHHHHHHH.....it !!!!!!!!!!!!


In th' fuckin' "JOHN" ??? !!!!!!!!!!!

The " TRUMPET " is havin' a BLOWOUT !!!!

Right THERE on that toilet!

Sittin' on THAT seat!

That "THRONE" !!!!!!!!!!


Always a " Don " (and in "all ways")

Will Donald "don" that "cap" ???

And wear that toilet seat as his " CROWN " ???


Let it "STINK" !!!!!!!!!!!

Unto Highest Heavens !!!!!!!!!!!

LET IT GO !!!!!!!!!!!

You Are The Last TRUMP !!!!!!!!!!!!

Make It BLOW !!!!!!!!!!!


As your "HALO" !!!!!!!!!!!

rumour has it that the smell of feces is always present whenever one is IN THE PRESENCE OF SATAN too !!!!

rumour has it that The CHRIST is The TRUTH... and that The TRUTH shall return... and that The TRUTH has been missing for so long because IT IS DESPISED AND REJECTED BY MAN !!!!


And The TRUTH COMES TO LIFE !!!!!!!!!

Therefore "Anti-Christ" is like unto our "MADONNA"

And "Mary???"


"WHO"s your... "DADDY"?!?!?!!!!!!!


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4/18/2018 12:07:56 AM

Not sure I'm reading this right but if you're expressing your disappointment with President Trump your not alone. Seems his crazy behavior wasn't an act after all, it's gonna be a long 3 years till he's gone.

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4/18/2018 4:14:17 PM

A very bizarre and fascinating post for sure! Some good weed would probably help you a lot. Smoke up and get woke. Keep writing. You have got something there.

Much Respect,

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Psyche's Muse

4/20/2018 2:18:41 AM


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4/24/2018 12:24:28 PM

I doubt that, Freddie. I think Trump will be a two-term president. The Dems are way too stupid to run a candidate who can actually win.

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4/24/2018 12:26:33 PM

I don't care about JFK and RFK doing tag-team on Marilyn. And I don't care about Billy boy getting blow jobs in the oval office. And I don't care about Trump's sex practices, either. It is ALL bullshit!

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Psyche's Muse

4/25/2018 3:01:45 AM

"I don't care about JFK and RFK doing tag-team on Marilyn. And I don't care about Billy boy getting blow jobs in the oval office. And I don't care about Trump's sex practices, either. It is ALL bullshit!"



...The "TRUTH"?!!!

...I am "All IN" on THAT one!!!

...Let Her RIP!!!

... (and that is NOT meaning R.I.P.)

; )


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5/9/2018 4:36:00 PM

I really don't care either unless the slime ball starts talking about morality and shit. That's when I say "Go Flush Yourself Beeeoch" It is not the immorality of the office that offends me. It is the finger pointing at others when your shit is stinking badly that offends me. Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up. Sounds familiar right? His own immorality invalidates his criticism of others. Lock His ass Up!

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Bryon Tosoff

5/21/2018 4:22:41 PM

Throw Trudeau Jr PM of Canada in there as well. bout useless as a tit on a boars ass

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5/22/2018 11:39:15 AM

At least JFK kept his mouth shut about it and didn't just spout a bunch of obvious lies degrading the presidency and our country.

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Bryon Tosoff

5/22/2018 11:40:53 AM

that is a good observation, I like the way you think!

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6/9/2018 4:30:01 PM

I am a very perverse person myself so I don't mind most of it. As long as it is consensual I really don't care. Shit, Ms Monroe was fine as hell. I would have done her to. As a matter of fact, I would be concerned about anyone that wouldn't do her. They must have really bad eye sight or sexual preference issues.

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Psyche's Muse

6/11/2018 3:45:44 AM

AND NOW "THEY" WILL NEVER WEAR BATHING SUITS IN OUR "BEAUTY" PAGEANT??? It's almost as if the Muslim Brotherhood has taken over "our" way of thinking about women... no high heels! no mini skirts! no makeup! Women aren't supposed to think of themselves in this way. DO NOT "Attract" any attention unto yourself like this! And do you know "WHY"???? "Because THEY THEMSELVES(Muslim Radicals) WILL RAPE WOMEN WHO ACT IN THIS WAY! Anyone remember "Groupies"??? What if all of Elvis Presley's "groupies" had chosen to embarrass him in his later years? Would "anyone" have even cared about that back then? Well... in a way... HELL YEAH!!! But those "bitches" would have been "ASHAMED" to confide such things! Now it is "different". We are in a "different" world. Strange world in which we live...

"Hard" Cold Fact: "EVERYONE" comes FROM flucking(pardon my English here), THROUGH flucking, and BY WAY OF "flucking"! And why should we be SO ASHAMED OF IT!!! Is it NOT OK for me to think of my wife in this way just because it "clouds/obscures" my "sensible" feelings about my mother and daughters??? And could "this" be the tender underbelly of "THAT" powerful objection for a woman to "display her stuff"??? And what about "our father" Abraham? Wasn't god's promise unto him offspring "more plentiful than the sands of the sea"... and wouldn't this mean TONS AND TONS OF "PLUCKING"??? I'm just sayin'... IT IS A PLUCKIN' "BEAUTY" PAGEANT FOR GOD'S SAKE!!! -M-

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6/17/2018 4:15:36 PM

Well, if the women are uncomfortable in the bathing suits. So be it! It's not like they were showing any real skin. It should be up to them and their comfort levels. I remember one time I was with some Marines and we went up into the mountains in the Philippines. We went into some obscure restaurant that the Marines loved and while we were there a line of women came out and posed in front of us. They all had big numbers on them. I was like, wtf? and the Marines started choosing numbers. Then the woman they chose got under the table and started giving them oral sex. they explained that the rule of the restaurant was that the first man to moan or crack a smile had to buy drinks for the house. I thought that was the most degrading and disgusting thing I had ever seen done to women. I got up and left before my food came and was the brunt of hazing jokes for months because of it. Unfortunately, when I see beauty pageants I am reminded of that hungry experience and it repulses the hell out of me. I don't think that human beings should be on display like that. Very degrading shit. IMO. Very similar to the slave blocks where they use to sell people like cattle. Gross!

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Psyche's Muse

6/21/2018 4:47:27 AM

I can relate, Stoneman. I woulda left as well!(probably quickerin you in fact!) But that doesn't change the fact that "some women" are "like that"... not their whole lives I am sure, but "I AM CERTAIN THAT THERE ARE WOMEN WHO LIKE THAT SHIT". And THAT being the case I see no harm in a "Beauty Pageant" so long as "NO ONE" is "FORCED" into it. I don't think there were that many slaves who "wanted to become slaves" either(although THERE WERE actually "some"!) And remember in the Bible... where during Joshua's stint in Egypt, after those Seven Years Of Plenty... "All The People Of The World BEGGED Pharaoh To Allow Them To Become His Slaves So That They Would Not Starve"? Anyway, if we did not wear any clothes at all there'd probably be no motivation for having any "Beauty" Pageants. And THAT is, ultimately, what a Beauty Pageant is about... intimately speaking...

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6/22/2018 6:02:08 PM

Shit, around here, everyday in life is a beauty pageant. These women are walking around with such revealing shit on that I want to stand up and clap sometimes. One girl was walking and her titty fell out of the skimpy outfit she had on. My wife and I laughed our butts off. I think the pageants should reflect the current morals of society. Which basically means that they should all be naked because most of society is practically naked all the time. There seems to be a pervasive need for folks to get naked these days. Maybe we are reverting to our previous uncivilized ways. Anyway, they always seem to have a bunch of real skinny blondes. I mean, their okay (if thats what you like) but I would prefer to see more Blacks, Asians and Latinas. Also, some curvy BBW's would certainly liven the show and give us much more to look at.

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Psyche's Muse

6/25/2018 4:50:36 PM

The simple FACT that we AGREE to wear clothes PROVES we AGREE WITH HIDING THINGS!!! And Jesus says we are either FOR HIM(Truth) or AGAINST HIM(Revealing).
It should not be against the law to go naked. Hell! More often than not "clothes" can be many times more "sexually revealing" than simple nakedness could EVER become! HAHAHA! SEEN IT MANY TIMES TOO! -M-

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